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Uuughh It started downpouring today/tonight before I could get the soaps I made today wrapped in prof saran.... now they are all wet as all get out.

What can I do to get rid of some or all of it before wrapping? Its going to rain all night ( I should have checked the weather ) so it's not going to get any better.

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Thats what I ended up doing Kitn.... but while I was finishing up, I noticed something ...

In those pictures I put up yesterday I think it was,, of the pink and blue Sex on the Beach... I had a normal size bar sitting out, unwrapped... on the same table in the same place I did everything today.

I had the doors open( yeah wont do that again and especially not knowing its going to rain )... I just picked that soap up... and the Chickory coffee one I did a few weeks ago that sits on my kitchen sink.. and NEITHER of those are damp in the least. I got all the soap at the same time ( yesterday ) from the same store.. same type.. Goats Milk from Aztec and regular clear ( I usually get diamond clear but anyway )...

I thought .. ok.. the coffee soap behind me 2 ft away on the kitchen sink.. has cured out in the air for a week ( long story ) so maybe that's why it hadn't sweated today or any other day its rained....

But that doesn't explain why the one from yesterday sat out all day within a foot of the soap I was making today, and never sweated.. I used the exact same recipe .

Now Im REALLY confused LOL

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Thats what I ended up doing Kitn.... but while I was finishing up, I noticed something ...

In those pictures I put up yesterday I think it was,, of the pink and blue Sex on the Beach... I had a normal size bar sitting out, unwrapped... on the same table in the same place I did everything today.

I had the doors open( yeah wont do that again and especially not knowing its going to rain )... I just picked that soap up... and the Chickory coffee one I did a few weeks ago that sits on my kitchen sink.. and NEITHER of those are damp in the least. I got all the soap at the same time ( yesterday ) from the same store.. same type.. Goats Milk from Aztec and regular clear ( I usually get diamond clear but anyway )...

I thought .. ok.. the coffee soap behind me 2 ft away on the kitchen sink.. has cured out in the air for a week ( long story ) so maybe that's why it hadn't sweated today or any other day its rained....

But that doesn't explain why the one from yesterday sat out all day within a foot of the soap I was making today, and never sweated.. I used the exact same recipe .

Now Im REALLY confused LOL

BT....When I made mine I did find that the bars continued to dry out for about a week. Then wrapped them in saran wrap and they kept dry. Now, I don't know if that is what is happening by you due to the weather but thought I'd let ya know just in case. Also, I did add extra oils to my M&P which could of been why mine needed to dry out a bit...

They are beautiful. You have a knack for artistry from the TP to such pretty soaps on your early tries. Very nice!

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Hey Jeanie and thank you so much for the wonderful compliment. I used the exact same recipe as far as oils went. I wondered if it might have been the gly that I was having to use to mix up the oxides/pigments but I noticed it doing it on all of those as well as the ones that I used the liquid dyes. So, Im just thinking it must have been all those storms yesterday and that I shouldn't be attempting to make it when its going to rain. Like I said, weird thing was.. the others I made the day before, were dry as a bone (in a good way lol ). It just still baffles me why those two slices were sitting out , unwrapped, and didnt get wet like the new ones did. Oh well. LOL

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Next time wrap them up and put them in your fridge until it stops raining.

Or-- if you have a seal tight plastic tub put them wrapped up in that. I use wax paper to store my soaps in and place in a large plastic tub. I throw a large towel over the top of the soaps (inside the tub) just in case there is any moisture in the air in the tub. Works perfect. I can store them indefinitely in the plastic tub.

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LOL Jeanie... you're funny !!! LOL

Aztec just came out with a new CP mix kinda thingy.. half of it is done for you already ...

I was looking at the SIMPLE instructions....... and it pure gave me a headache and I ran away from the computer...

trace, discounts, oils do this, they wont do that, use this instead, add this at this percentage......... omg I can't even imagine.

See, I totally freaking bite at math. It gives me hives !!!! I can't even imagine trying to tackle CP !

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LOL Jeanie... you're funny !!! LOL

Aztec just came out with a new CP mix kinda thingy.. half of it is done for you already ...

I was looking at the SIMPLE instructions....... and it pure gave me a headache and I ran away from the computer...

trace, discounts, oils do this, they wont do that, use this instead, add this at this percentage......... omg I can't even imagine.

See, I totally freaking bite at math. It gives me hives !!!! I can't even imagine trying to tackle CP !

lol.......Well, I'm in too deep to back out now. Have molds, most oils and the rest were ordered today. I did seriously check out soap noodles, rebatched...you name it to find an easy way out....There isn't one! Think what you might have found at Aztec is the rebatched or something along that line. If you don't want to swirl then it might work out fine....but then I don't know.....haha.

Some day we will look back and laugh...No?

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Someone said put in the fridge?

I've made melt and pour for over 13 years and the fridge is the worst place!!! It is humid and cool. The second the come out, they will warm up and ooze. I recommend never placing them in the fridge or freezer without absolutely not being able to get them out of the mold. Normally if you let the soap "dry" about 3-4 days it doesn't tend to sweat either. I still say you have to come to the dark side and make CP :)

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Hmmm... I should elaborate about the fridge thing. I wasn't suggesting you leave your soap in the fridge indefinitely. Rather, to quickly get them out of a humid environment until you can get your wrapping materials ready. Its best to wrap and store your soaps in a dry, cool, place. Heat and especially humidity will draw out the glycerin in M&P and thats what causes sweat. The cold from the refridgerater won't. Hope that clears that up.

Also, don't sweat the sweat! If it happens and you can't clean off your soapies to your satisfaction, you can always remelt. I never waste any of my M&P that way.

Edited by Candybee
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Candybee Hi,

I have found that once my mp sweats it will always sweat even if I remelt it. Have you found that??

Also I have discovered that if I only heat for 30secs on 30% in the microwave I never have sweating issues. If I forget to do the 30% power on the microwave, I can guarantee that the item will sweat.

Currently I use SFIC low sweat cp like clear and white as where I live in Melbourne, its actually possible to have 4 seasons in one day! LOL

I have also found that a spray of matte sealant will seal the outside of a presentation mp piece for example and you wont have sweating issues and you dont have to wrap either.

This is all my own experience of course, others mileage may vary in their own environments.


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I've had soap sweat on me whether it was microwaved or put in a meltor. You might be having a different experience due to the low sweat CP base you use. They don't tend to sweat like the regular bases.

Never tried a sealent on my soap so I have no response to that. Does it wash off when you use the soap? Can you tell the difference in one thats been sealed as opposed to one that hasn't when you first wash with it?

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HI Candy,

Yes the sealant washes off when you first use the soap. You can tell a difference but not for long as the sealant disappears straight away. I only use it for items that most likely wont be used. The sealant is only lightly sprayed on.

You are right it must be the low sweat that gives me the different results.


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