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Hi all, I remember from time ago that there was a thread about which scent can put buyers in a good mood and make them prone to buy.

Do any of you remember this? Or am I losing my last pieces of burned brain?

I can't find anything about it.

Thansk in advance, any help very appreciated, as well as suggestions on which scent I should burn in my shop to make my customer relax!

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I don't remember the thread, but I've seen articles on it from time to time. Here's part of one-

Top Scents

Though everyone has different experiences they associate with various aromas, the Scent Marketing Institute has found some common themes.

Feel safe, secure and nostalgic: Talcum powder

Be more alert: Peppermint, citrus

Relax: Lavender, vanilla, chamomile

Perceive a room as smaller: Barbecue smoke

Perceive a room as bigger: Apple, cucumber

Buy expensive furniture: Leather, cedar

Buy a home: Fresh baked goods

Browse longer and spend more: Tailored floral/citrus scents

Compiled by the Scent Marketing Institute

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Geranium... When I am uptight and unsettled I take a big whiff of Geranium EO and it really helps calm me and re-balance my mood. And we have many horses at horse shows that will stick their nostrils in the bottle and breath too before they go into the class! It is so funny to watch

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I notice that when I put my floral scented soaps in the center of my display table I have more customers linger, smell, touch, etc, then buy.... lots of bars of soap at a time. I put the earthy scents surrounding them and the fruit on the next layer up unless its summer.

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Geranium... When I am uptight and unsettled I take a big whiff of Geranium EO and it really helps calm me and re-balance my mood. And we have many horses at horse shows that will stick their nostrils in the bottle and breath too before they go into the class! It is so funny to watch

Good to know... if it works with horses.. i have many customers i call donkey when they can't hear lol!!!

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I notice that when I put my floral scented soaps in the center of my display table I have more customers linger, smell, touch, etc, then buy.... lots of bars of soap at a time. I put the earthy scents surrounding them and the fruit on the next layer up unless its summer.

Thanks Candybee. Now I run a motorcycle clothing and accessories shop. I wonder if I can use my "candle skill" to put them in a good mood and maybe forget to ask me to price down things lol!

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Ok girls, now I'm focusing on this part: "Browse longer and spend more: Tailored floral/citrus scents"

I have some floral scent, sweet pea, gardenia, rose bouquet, country garden, tall grass.. and not much of citrus, I have sage and lemongrass... cool basil citrus.. and maybe sone cranberry citrus, I don't remember exactly.

I also have a redwood and cedar which could be for the "Buy expensive furniture: Leather, cedar" part.

What would you suggest to try?


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I would try the lighter floral scents first, unless the shop is really big. The sweet pea, lemongrass, lavender if you have it, or a blend with any of the stronger floral scents.

From my experience, I get customers to stay in our antique malls longer if I burn something that smells like home baked goods. I use melts at the stores and Chocolate mint works best, Oatmeal raisin cookie next, lol. I personally get tired of scents so I switch them up, but seriously get the most positive comments and they seem to want to stay longer with the baked goods. Every area is different and some people just absolutely hate anything where the vanilla is too powerful (have had people leave the store burning Hansel & Gretel's House). Only floral type that creates a buzz is Twigs & Berries, but it's strong, it carries throughout the 9000 sq ft store with 2 electric warmers and 2 cubes in each. Twigs and Bert's Choc Mint also last the longest

for me, I can usually go 3-4 days of burning all day before I need to put new cubes in.

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I would try the lighter floral scents first, unless the shop is really big. The sweet pea, lemongrass, lavender if you have it, or a blend with any of the stronger floral scents.

From my experience, I get customers to stay in our antique malls longer if I burn something that smells like home baked goods. I use melts at the stores and Chocolate mint works best, Oatmeal raisin cookie next, lol. I personally get tired of scents so I switch them up, but seriously get the most positive comments and they seem to want to stay longer with the baked goods. Every area is different and some people just absolutely hate anything where the vanilla is too powerful (have had people leave the store burning Hansel & Gretel's House). Only floral type that creates a buzz is Twigs & Berries, but it's strong, it carries throughout the 9000 sq ft store with 2 electric warmers and 2 cubes in each. Twigs and Bert's Choc Mint also last the longest

for me, I can usually go 3-4 days of burning all day before I need to put new cubes in.

Thank you very much, I'm afraid bakery scents are not the right type since I sell clothes and helmets.. But who really knows! The shop is small, about 915 sq ft, I was thinking about some pillars but maybe some tart would work better. It happens I'm out of tart warmers LOL!!

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Sabrina, it's so funny you said that. I thought the same thing...Oatmeal raisin cookies and musty antiques? But the majority ruled and I burn those bakery scents. I do sell my candles & melts in the antique stores so maybe it's more appropriate? You'll only know for sure by trying different ones out and see what the response is. I'm all about calm customers so now this thread has me looking for a good Geranium from one of my current suppliers!

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Kandelkrazy, I should have not started a thread in the fragrance section, now I want a lot of new scents I don't have!!! I love bakery scent. I will try different things and see what works better. I searched for a coule of burner at the chinese shop but could'n find any. So my experiment is procrastinated!!!!

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