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AH/RE order... what else must I try?


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It was around when I was a kid (40+ yrs ago), along with Beemans and Blackjack...very unique flavors that I still remember!

Teaberry gum, Is that the one that tastes sorta like wintergreen? or is it more like a licorice-like flavor? I might have to try this FO.

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Blackjack was the licorice flavored one, teaberry was very unique but good-don't remember it tasting like wintergreen...

I remembering it was vaguely wintergreen. After all, eastern teaberry is another name for wintergreen. I also remember it being slightly fruity, with maybe a hint of cinnamon or clove. Can you detect any of these qualities? I'll have to try it out. Sounds interesting.

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yes, vaguely remember the clove...its been so long lol. They still carry these at specialty candy shops but my mom told me this morning that they definetly dont taste how they used too...not sure if thats so or if her tastebuds have changed over the decades :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks, Leah. Have you tried Peak's Birthday Cake? If so, how does it compare? I think it's perfect, so it's hard to imagine another Birthday Cake as good or better. Just curious.

I tried both and Peaks won over for me! I tried a few Birthday Cakes and Peaks was the one for me!

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