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My very first batch of soap is in it's mold!


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:cheesy2: I'm so happy! I don't know how it's going to turn out but I DID IT! :yay: I also learned that even though you wear protective gear you can still get burned! I guess there was lye residue on my outter shirt when my face began to itch I rubbed my arm over my face! :shocked2::shocked2: about 10 minutes later my face was on fire! I just took some vinigar and rubbed it on my face and flushed it with water!!! It still tingles a little but lesson learned!
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I made my first cold process soap today too! Oh my, hope you're alright now. I had on a eyeshield/facemask because I didn't have goggles, but my daughter had a hazmat kit with the mask in it. I felt like a mad scientist.

I'm anxious to see how it turns out, aren't you?

Boy the stick blender sure made the soap trace quickly. I thought it looked like cake batter as I was pouring it into the molds.

Guess we can celebrate our one year anniversary together next year.

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Stella, you made me laugh out loud.

I was going to PM you. My supplies came from Bramble Berry this morning, and I made the soap this afternoon. I was a little anxious to get started. I think everything went alright, except I tried to dye the soap green with some liquid dye, but it never did change color. It was kind of a beige color.

Oops....sorry kcdelong, didn't mean to hijack your thread.

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Well, here is mine. I used Olive Oil, Palm Kernel Flakes, Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil and Shea Butter. Green Tea FO and dried Hyssop. I can't wait to see what it looks like when I slice it. I hope it doesn't have the dreaded partial gel. I wanted to see the difference in gelled and ungelled,, so I didn't cover the soaps in the individual molds.

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Oh, wow, kc. I'm impressed. That's your very first batch? You made the top so pretty. I just globbed mine in the mold. I like the color of yours too. I'm going to try pink next time. I bought some burgundy oxide. Hopefully that will work better than the liquid green dye which didn't do anything.

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Dang! My post was eaten by the hungry, hungry forum gremlins...

KC, I hope you know that you will probably need to cut yours early because salt bars become very hard, very quickly... Your fancy spatula work looks loverly!!!

Gail, I don't know a lot about colors, but I do know that some morph or changed shades so hopefully it will "green up" a little bit for you. I think both of you ladies did a WONDERFUL job on your first soapies!! They are far and away prettier then the first one I made...

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Have you cut yours yet, kc? I think I rushed things a bit. Had a dickens of a time getting the soap out of a silicone mold. It sure didn't just "pop out." And here is the result. Not exactly what I envisioned; I think they look kind of crude. Or rustic...maybe that's a better word. Sounds better anyway.


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  • 1 month later...

I tried my soap finally yesterday. It has a very nice lather and I think a silky feel, so I am pleased with my first batch. It's been 5 weeks and I haven't made any since, but now I'm in the mood to try another batch and tweak my recipe a little, because I bought some more oils. Although maybe I shouldn't mess with success.

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