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Wicks for Baby food jars?????

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I am going to be testing CB Advanced and 464, not together in a baby food jar. The opening measures 11/4 inches. Any suggestions as to which wick to use. I mostly have cds but if you think something else would work let me know. They are a four ounce jar.

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When I made them, 415 wax, used a HTP31. Not sure what is comparable with the CD wick. I don't see a problem with recycling baby food jars. They are made to reheat in and are about the size of a votive holder, which we use over and over. And I don't need no preaching, I have an opinion, no one has to listen to me.

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Is there a source of new empty baby food jars without importing them from China? I've Googled several times and not found any for sale in the U.S.A.

Not that I know of - I have a stack sitting on the shelf because I have a grandbaby, but I haven't done anything with them as yet. Perhaps someone else knows of a source for unused ones?

Edited by ksranch
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I really appreciate Stella's helpful guidance. She is a wonderful asset to this forum. She is always going out of her way to be super helpful. And when dealing with FIRE it is always best to play safe.

That's all very true about Stella's helpful guidance being a wonderful asset to this forum. But sometimes Stella is very rude and nasty, and I think many are still angry about that, especially if she's never apologized to them.

Stella is not the only one, though, and I recently had a PM from a newbie who said they are too afraid of the mean people here to post their questions on the board. I think that's pretty sad, especially if it's hurting Peak Candle Supply. All businesses need to keep stuffing the funnel with newbies so that a percentage of them will remain as long-term customers, so it's really bad for business if they're getting run off.

Edited by HorsescentS
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That's all very true about Stella's helpful guidance being a wonderful asset to this forum. But sometimes Stella is very rude and nasty, and I think many are still angry about that, especially if she's never apologized to them.

Stella is not the only one, though, and I recently had a PM from a newbie who said they are too afraid of the mean people here to post their questions on the board. I think that's pretty sad, especially if it's hurting Peak Candle Supply. All businesses need to keep stuffing the funnel with newbies so that a percentage of them will remain as long-term customers, so it's really bad for business if they're getting run off.

Agreed - about Stella's guidance and about she isn't the "only one". When I first joined, I too was very cautious about posting, because a few times I felt I was getting "jumped on". But, after being here longer I soon learned that 9 times out of 10 it's not personal, and we have to remember that written words lack body language (voice, etc), which in a lot of cases could make one hell of difference. So - to newbies out there - hang in there and absorb all the very valuable information on this forum!!

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Agreed - about Stella's guidance and about she isn't the "only one". When I first joined, I too was very cautious about posting, because a few times I felt I was getting "jumped on". But, after being here longer I soon learned that 9 times out of 10 it's not personal, and we have to remember that written words lack body language (voice, etc), which in a lot of cases could make one hell of difference. So - to newbies out there - hang in there and absorb all the very valuable information on this forum!!

That's a good point about written words being misinterpreted without body language and voice inflection. I think a lot of it is just personalities being misunderstood by coming across harsher than they are.

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Why would this matter?

They have never been used as a candle if all they contained was baby food.

Glass containers used for baby food are used. We do not know what handling nor temperature ranged the glass has been subjected to. Thermal stress in glass is invisible to the eye. It req

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Crap. Lost the entire post. *sigh*

Glassware manufactured for food packaging is not made to the same specs as glassware designed for candles. Thermal stress and shock are well-documented issues that should concern every chandler. The temps inside a container candle can reach 300°F which is well in excess of the specs for food packaging glass (no more than an 80°F variation between inner and outer temperatures).

People need to understand that simply because they have never experienced a failure does NOT mean that what they are doing is safe. They may simply be lucky.

When I was a child, seat belts were not even installed in cars. People resisted their use, saying "I've ridden in cars for 40 years and never needed a seat belt." And many of them never did, but other people were injured because they were not wearing the seat belts. It was not worth the risk.

It's not worth the risk to your business, your financial well-being nor to your customers to not exercise due diligence in using safe materials for candles.

I am not picking on anyone here. I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone or I would not waste my time posting about safety issues in candle making. The idea isn't what one can get away with, the idea is to use professional manufacturing standards for customer safety and to protect yourself as a manufacturer. A million dollar liability policy may not go very far in a worst case scenario. It's not worth the risk to me and I hope that others will not jeopardize themselves or their customers by making candles in containers that are not designed to meet or exceed the standards for candlemaking glass.

Edited by Stella1952
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OK what about salsa jars and mason jars...they are for food but are used for candles and sold by candle suppliers?

good point.

I wanted to add that I test for throw in baby food jars, but I don't use them for that more than once. I've probably used a couple of hundred and never had one break, but I've had candle containers break. MANY TIMES.

Edited by nursenancy
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When I made them, 415 wax, used a HTP31. Not sure what is comparable with the CD wick. I don't see a problem with recycling baby food jars. They are made to reheat in and are about the size of a votive holder, which we use over and over. And I don't need no preaching, I have an opinion, no one has to listen to me.

That was my first thought: HTP 31.

Baby food jars are fine for candles.

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EXACTLY made and SOLD (yes I SOLD) hundreds of them.......

Yep, we are adults and will make cautious decisions as our own judgement sees fit. IMO...baby food jars are perfectly fine for making candles. Would seem to me logical the mfg. of the jars would be taking precautions against heat safety seeing mothers are heating the jars in the microwave by the thousands daily. Many taking some food out, refrigerating the rest and reheating at a later time.

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Sorry, but it seems that Stella has won the argument here... just scroll down where it talks about (jars) these baby (jars) and you will see for yourself. I think it is fine to make these for a baby shower for friends or just immediate friends but to sell at stores you might want to be a little careful!


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Sorry, but it seems that Stella has won the argument here... just scroll down where it talks about (jars) these baby (jars) and you will see for yourself. I think it is fine to make these for a baby shower for friends or just immediate friends but to sell at stores you might want to be a little careful!


Wow! You're right. Quoting from your linked article: "...baby food and pickle jars should not be used. The mouths of the jars may not be appropriate for the sealing lids and the jars are not made with heavy glass and they are not heat treated."


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