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Got Some Nerve!


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One of the stores I have my candles in is moving, so she is discounting all items in the store this week. Since I am switching to a new fragrance lineup I have mine discounted more to move them. I posted a reminder of the sale on my facebook page. A friend comments and says I don't believe in candles. Then she goes on and diss's candles. I cannot believe she would do that. If your friend was selling something, why would you talk trash about it? I deleted her comment. I am sure she has her reasons why she doesn't use candles; but respect a person trying to earn extra income. :angry2:

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I agree with every post above this.. But ya'll have seen me, I tend to go off in another direction!

" doesn't believe in candles"

WTH? First, what is there to "believe" in and secondly , its not Santa Clause! (Im sorry, warped sense of humor that usually only I "get" is coming out! Didn't make coffee this morning ! )

I wonder if she'd "believe" in them if they had to do like we do down here, when hurricanes come and we lose power for weeks at a time...

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Really...it makes no difference if she doesn't like candles or not... What does matter is that she panned them on YOUR facebook page, where you promote your candles.:angry2: This is not a friend...or at best...a stupid, insensitive friend. I would definitely talk to her, and tell her she's free to have any opinion she wants, but general "candle hate" opinions are not welcomed on YOUR promotion page, which YOU maintain.:tiptoe:

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Maybe she wasn't thinking of anyone else but herself at the time she wrote it? Let her know how you feel so the problem can maybe be resolved.

I agree. I am not sure that she "isn't a friend". Some people are REALLY thick and just don't think. I have a relative that I love to death. She is a good person, is wonderful to me and to my family, gives great advice, etc... HOWEVER, once in a while she says things that she does not realize are hurtful. Yes, she can be dense... I tell her every time and she always gets it after the fact. Everything else about her far outweighs the few stupid things that she does...

I think you should tell your friend exactly how stupid and hurtful that she was. Does she do this sort of thing often? If she does, that is a BIG RED FLAG... Otherwise, give her a chance to say why she behaved like such an ass... At the very least, you will get this whole incident off your chest.

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What is it with people dissing on social networks??!! My opinion is she just has no idea how harmful to your biz her comments could have been. Sounds like she is immature. I think I would give her the benefit of the doubt she does not understand the impact of her comments and explain to her how it made you feel and how it could hurt your business. If she is truly your friend she will apologize.

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