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Ed Hardy types


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I've never smelled any of the real Ed Hardy scents, but they had kind of cult following there for awhile. Were they really all that interesting? If so, what are some good FOs you've found to be like the originals? I can probably more economically buy a sample FO and make several different products out of that than buying one of the commercial fragrances.

Edit: OK, before I posted that I searched for the word 'Hardy' and got absolutely nothing. Now several other threads are showing below under the heading 'Similar Threads'. What is up with that???

Edited by Darbla
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Look under the cat's hat. Is that a melon or what? Its been bugging me cause I can't see it & can't make pic bigger.

What I have is from JS and I never touched it till seeing this post, which is a reminder that I have some of these dupes ... somewhere. I remember liking what I smelled OOB and then putting them somewhere I wouldn't forget. Apparently that worked well :P
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Scented, I'm beginning to think you live in a labyrinth with many hidden tunnels leading to secret rooms that no one can ever find again. That or a black hole. :P

Why is that? Cuz I can't find things? lol! In my blindness I did stumble on the scent on one of my shelves <insert blushing smilie>

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Good, now you can test/review it since 'Hearts & Daggers' is the main one I'm interested in anyway! :yay: I've been reading reviews of the scents over at www.makeupalley.com and most reviews for most of the other Ed Hardy scents say they're nothing special. The comments about this one seemed to indicate it was the least girly and least overly yucky sweet & fruity (which I prefer in small doses only).

I really tend to like what most people would judge as more masculine or spa (not too sweet & frou-frou) and aromatherapy scents, and I'm looking around for a good Abercrombie 'Fierce' type but I don't think any of us has zeroed in on one of those yet.

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Someone said NG's Fierce was fierce. I have it too and have yet to try it lol. Imagine that! Hearts & Daggars will go into soap first and whatever is left is what I'll try out in wax ... unless, of course, a plumber never comes ... in that case i'll only be doing wax.

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