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In my scented jar candles I use square #5 after a few hours it gets a shroom on it I will add image later today. The container is 4" in diameter in the thikest part. I have used this wick with palm pillars that are unscented and no shroom. I have tried rrd,lx,htp and all sorts of other wicks. Once the f/o is added it mushrooms at one point or another, the longerv the burn the bigger the shroom. Htp wick was the worst offender. #5 square in the 125 soy has amazing throw and my wife loves them(I have been told that if I try to mess with them I will have my hand brutally removed :shocked2: ). My wife yelled at me for complaining too much about it and brought no less than 3 Yankee candles with shrooms on them as well. What gives. Oh yes the lx wicks did not shroom very much but had no throw. When I get throw I instantly get a shroom no mater what wick I use. I'm just worried about health I do not see a lot of black residue on the jar when its done its barely visable. Most of the Yankee candles the jar is visably black.

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You are sort of comparing apples to grapes. :(

A palm wax does not burn the same way as a soy....and a container and a pillar are not going to burn the same either. Same when you compare scented to unscented.

First thing is first, a single wick in a 4" diameter soy, probably not the best idea. A mushroom tells me that the wick isn't burning right. It's carbon, a product of incomplete combustion. Have you tried double wicking or using a smaller diameter jar and a smaller wick? Honestly your only two viable options at this point in my experience.

I am not sure what soy you are using but I would probably start testing the CD series and use two 12's spaced so the wicks are an inch apart and re-test. You should have good results with that. Comparing anything you make to Yankee really isn't a good comparison. Yankee candles frankly stink. ;)

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The shape of the jar is a 3" neck but the middle is 4". Its a Libbey jar that I got...well 12 of them. I am running a test now so I will have results soon. Its candlewicks soy 125.

I was informed that CD wicks are for hard waxes like palm. Not for 125 soy...that was what I was told any way.

Here is the link to said jar https://www.candlewic.com/store/Product.aspx?q=c54,p1304

Is there a time limit of how long one should burn a glass candle?

They are shrooming quickly only with f/O. I use raw wicks and I coated them with palm wax. I don't get the pre tabed wicks.

I personal hate F/O but my wife want it. A shroom is visable in 45 min. Its small, I will post a pic after 3 hours.

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How big are the shrooms? They are fairly common in all candles and it will happen to almost every candle. Little ones are not really a problem.

Soy 125 will do well with CD wicks, and they are not just for hard waxes. (I've used them in candlewic 125, GB 464, 444, and C3 with great success)

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I wonder if its the palm wax that I apply to keep them rigidity that is causing this.

I have some CD wicks...they are called stabillow or something like that but they are said to be the same. I will see if I can get my hands on some actual CD wicks. For my 3" palm pilars I use 45 ply or #3 square they leave a nice thin shell behind with out any blowouts.

The fo is 5.5% by weight. But I think I just figured out why they shroom. My theory which I will test later is that the wick is not allowed to curl because of the palm wax used on it.


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A #5 square braid wick is an awfully large wick for any container. I don't even use that big a wick for my beeswax pillars and beeswax is a lot harder to wick than soy wax. I use LX wicks in my parasoy 4" containers and (2) LX10 (or LX 12 for heavier FO's) work great with no mushrooms and great scent throw. :cool2:

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I tried the lx wicks all sizes. All balooned out. The lx never worked for me. The #5 comes recomended for soy 125 in that size. My palm waxes of the same size actually use smaller square braids #3 to be exact. It leaves be hint a paper thin shell with no blow outs. 45 ply works well too it breaks the candle down and it looks ugly. CD wicks are the only ones I have not tried. The candle here has been burning for 2 hours I will take a photo of said shroom at three hours. I just want a sample pack of wicks so I don't have to buy spools. No on want to give me raw samples.

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I've found that all 3 types of CDs work best in the soys I've tried so far. CD, CDN & NCDs. They are pre-coated.
I have never heard of a third type of CD nor an "NCD." Heinz Verhaegh makes Stabilo and Stabilo KST, formerly called CD & CDN. The wicking can be purchased raw on spools or pretabbed and primed with several different choices of wick wax. HTH


I use raw wicks and I coated them with palm wax. I don't get the pre tabed wicks.
GB, there is no advantage to most home chandlers to prime their own wicks. The coating applied by distributors to wick assemblies is more consistent. I prefer CDN wicks with high temp veggie ("natural) wick wax for both soy and palm waxes.

You can get sampler packs of CDs from Lone Star:


I suggest trying a CD 20-22 in the Whisper container you mentioned.

Regarding the mushrooms, I gave my thoughts in your other thread with the photo. HTH :-)

Edited by Stella1952
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Since you haven't heard of something that makes it not so? I've learned enough about your personality disorder to know this is not the forum for me. If I can't post on a thread without you posting directly after me, I'm done. I actually posted just so you would come after me. & you did! Woo Hoo! I left out all the very bad words. Maybe this won't be removed before those who might enjoy reading you making another fool of yourself read it. I don't feel the need to copy & paste the info on NCD wicks so use the search button & read, read, read, read. Whoops forgot nothing on here cause you said so.

I have never heard of a third type of CD nor an "NCD." Heinz Verhaegh makes Stabilo and Stabilo KST, formerly called CD & CDN. The wicking can be purchased raw on spools or pretabbed and primed with several different choices of wick wax. HTH


GB, there is no advantage to most home chandlers to prime their own wicks. The coating applied by distributors to wick assemblies is more consistent. I prefer CDN wicks with high temp veggie ("natural) wick wax for both soy and palm waxes.

You can get sampler packs of CDs from Lone Star:


I suggest trying a CD 20-22 in the Whisper container you mentioned.

Regarding the mushrooms, I gave my thoughts in your other thread with the photo. HTH :-)

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GB, there is no advantage to most home chandlers to prime their own wicks. The coating applied by distributors to wick assemblies is more consistent. I prefer CDN wicks with high temp veggie ("natural) wick wax for both soy and palm waxes.

I found the wicks that come pre-primed were not high enough temp for my power burner testers. Had one wick tip over from the power burner letting it go too long, melted the prime and the wick fell over and burned up against the glass.

Mine are now special ordered with ultra high MP prime....that I have mentioned on posts.

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ChandlerWicks, I too have never heard of a NCD wick and did try a search from suppliers and this forum and did not find anything...maybe someone transposed the letters and was actually refering to CDNs. If not, would like to see the link on where to purchase these wicks to test to compare with the CDs and CDNs.

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ChandlerWicks, I too have never heard of a NCD wick and did try a search from suppliers and this forum and did not find anything...maybe someone transposed the letters and was actually refering to CDNs. If not, would like to see the link on where to purchase these wicks to test to compare with the CDs and CDNs.

I also have NCD wicks. Used them yesterday in testing along with CDs, HTPs, etc.

The NCD takes a much smaller wick size than the CDs in my testing. Definitely does not burn the same as a CD or a CDN.

ChandlerWicks.....did you find the NCDs burn a little hotter than CDs? Or that you needed a smaller wick size compared to CD as well or not so much?

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Since you haven't heard of something that makes it not so? I've learned enough about your personality disorder to know this is not the forum for me. If I can't post on a thread without you posting directly after me, I'm done. I actually posted just so you would come after me. & you did! Woo Hoo! I left out all the very bad words. Maybe this won't be removed before those who might enjoy reading you making another fool of yourself read it. I don't feel the need to copy & paste the info on NCD wicks so use the search button & read, read, read, read. Whoops forgot nothing on here cause you said so.

ChandlerWicks, I really enjoy reading your comments. Please don't let her run you off. Just ignore any rude or offensive comments. Isn't there a block feature on this forum?

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A #5 square braid wick is an awfully large wick for any container. I don't even use that big a wick for my beeswax pillars and beeswax is a lot harder to wick than soy wax. I use LX wicks in my parasoy 4" containers and (2) LX10 (or LX 12 for heavier FO's) work great with no mushrooms and great scent throw. :cool2:

More viscus waxes need larger wicks...I wonder if adding steric would help my issue.

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I didn't find anything offensive in Stella's reply and feel like she would be the first to admit a mistake. If not for people like Stella, we wouldn't have had a very important discussion on melt pool and some very core material that hopefully left all of us a little smarter about candle making. This is a good Board and everyone is encouraged to put it out there without fear of being made fun of or belittled. You're ok by me Stella, "Merry Christmas". HTH


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It doesn't matter anyway because she obviously can do no wrong on this board! LMAO For someone who obviously knows it all when it comes to candles....After finally seeing a picture of "HER" candle I feel sorry for the people who do take advice from her! Miss Perfect surely does not make a perfect candle! Imagine that!

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I agree with chuck_35550, I don't see any bad intentions with Stellas comment, it looks like whe was just trying to help as she offten does, Thanks Stella!

I also haven't heard of a NCD wick and by reading this post, caused me to do a search. I found a NCD wick that is made for an oil lamp and the NCD (Natural CD) sold by CandlesandSupplies.net that someone already pointed out. Wicks can be coated by the manufacturer or by distributers too customer specifications. Normally the manufacture treats them and sells them as is. The coating typically is to help them stand up while pouring or burning, eliminates air pockets in the wick and offers little too no difference in the burn. The NCD sold by CandlesandSupplies.net is coated with a "Natural Wax" and sold as a "NCD" but it is just a CD Heinz wick that is coated differently with EcoSoya HT wax.

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Yes, Stella only states the facts and lets not forget, she has vast knowledge because she DOES the research, the reading, the testing...I for one have benefited from her experience as I have from others and appreciate the feedback and suggestions I get from this forum.

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