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Flea Market Rant & Rant


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Arts and Crafts district, in a larger town, even if its 500 sq ft... for 350+????????????? I'd be so ALL OVER that it'd make that jerks head spin.... and until I got it all fixed up and opened up, I'd stay at the flea market and have this HUGE sign that said something to the effect of :

"Due to our loyal customers, we are expanding and opening a new store in Canton!! Thank you so much for all the love and support you've shown us over the years, and it's due to you that we are able to grow so much! We look forward to continuing to serve you for many more years to come ! "

Or something along those lines :) Man wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall in that jerkoffs head when he reads that the first time and has to sit there and look at it for a few weeks while you wrap things up LOL... ( Im so mean :) )

OMG blacktieaffair, your a riot!!! Love your attitude too and that sign is being made up NOW LOL =) And yeah, $350/month for 500 sq ft in that area (tho it isn't the "upper" part of town), it's still growing and every first Friday of the month they have an event called First Friday (go figure), and this entire area (I'd say 5 blocks x 4 blocks, and we would be in the middle of this) gets shut down for a HUGE event! They have street performers, bands, etc and we have been down to a few and it's always shoulder to shoulder walking down any road or sidewalk! So could I just say +++++++++ times about a million!!! Ok, this is sounding so much better then Hartville now or my drink is just kicking in =)

Um... I am wiping the coffee I just shot all over my monitor when I busted up laughing at this!! That is sooooo funny and BRILLIANT!!!!

Sweet tea mess over here too LOL

Go get'em EccoLights!! Love your attitude, and it's always great when a new door opens - can't wait to hear more!

Thanks and I agree.. One closes as another opens =)

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Next month I will be in PA, about 170 miles from Akron. For the right price I can stop by and rough him up for you. If the police get involved, I can just claim I have delayed onset PTSD from the wars and maybe get in no trouble. OK, I think the right price would be at least a pound of anything chocolate. Maybe brownies? OK, see ya then.

$350 for 500 square feet sounds like a pretty good deal, unless it is a VERY rundown area. If there is decent foot traffic during the week, I say go for it.

We have First Friday in Richmond, but several times it has turned into a bunch of fights and stuff. Not something I want to go to, but the idea was good. They tried to make an Arts District in downtown Richmond, but I don't believe it is going so well. And rents there are about $800 to $1000 for a 500 foot space. Of course most spaces are like 2000 sq ft. Lots of big, old buildings (the ones you Yankees did not burn down, or was that us...).

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I'm glad everything is working for you! That size space in my area would be at least twice that price, more like three or four times that!

I would say go for it, and to help cut down on rent let your friends from the market put stuff in the shop, make little booths and charge them $20-40/month for rent (depending on the size) it will help bring an eclectic mix of people in, they will all market your location. I've seen it done here and have been a part of it. The one shop was a handmade candy shop, around 500 sf. they put in 6 booths in the back (4x3, separated by lattice) they called the crafter's mall and had a waiting list to be in it. If you have 6 vendors in there paying $35/month that would cut rent down by $210 to just $140. Just have them put removable tags on their items and have a hook behind the register, one for each vendor, when something is purchased from their shop just hang the tag in the right place and at the end of the month write them out a check. This is how I've seen it done and I liked being a part of it. Just something to think about!

All the best!

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Lots of big, old buildings (the ones you Yankees did not burn down, or was that us...).

Ok THAT made me spew Diet Dew !!!! Im sorry, as a southerner, that was funny!

Ecco, am glad you like my sense of ... humor! Albeit somewhat dry , I was dead serious about the sign. That nut needs to be taught a lesson.

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Next month I will be in PA, about 170 miles from Akron. For the right price I can stop by and rough him up for you. If the police get involved, I can just claim I have delayed onset PTSD from the wars and maybe get in no trouble. OK, I think the right price would be at least a pound of anything chocolate. Maybe brownies? OK, see ya then.

$350 for 500 square feet sounds like a pretty good deal, unless it is a VERY rundown area. If there is decent foot traffic during the week, I say go for it.

We have First Friday in Richmond, but several times it has turned into a bunch of fights and stuff. Not something I want to go to, but the idea was good. They tried to make an Arts District in downtown Richmond, but I don't believe it is going so well. And rents there are about $800 to $1000 for a 500 foot space. Of course most spaces are like 2000 sq ft. Lots of big, old buildings (the ones you Yankees did not burn down, or was that us...).

"For a price you can stop by and rough him up for us", GEEZS! Some people these days.... give his man all our holiday sampler packs cuz no one wanted them and he STILL wants more??? UGH! LOL

I'm glad everything is working for you! That size space in my area would be at least twice that price, more like three or four times that!

I would say go for it, and to help cut down on rent let your friends from the market put stuff in the shop, make little booths and charge them $20-40/month for rent (depending on the size) it will help bring an eclectic mix of people in, they will all market your location. I've seen it done here and have been a part of it. The one shop was a handmade candy shop, around 500 sf. they put in 6 booths in the back (4x3, separated by lattice) they called the crafter's mall and had a waiting list to be in it. If you have 6 vendors in there paying $35/month that would cut rent down by $210 to just $140. Just have them put removable tags on their items and have a hook behind the register, one for each vendor, when something is purchased from their shop just hang the tag in the right place and at the end of the month write them out a check. This is how I've seen it done and I liked being a part of it. Just something to think about!

All the best!

001, your idea of renting out spots is GREAT!!! I've talked to a few others about it and they are already excited for this!!! Thank you so much!!!

So now for the new update: As of Sunday this same vendor was YELLING so loud and CUSSING about something he bought from another vendor that CUSTOMERS & VENDORS all heard, stopped, starred and jaw dropped! And managements answer to this.... "We will talk to him". On a side note tho, this vendor was glaring over our way ALL WEEKEND and honestly... I LOVED IT! Just for the fact that he was "watching" us sell the S*** out of our stuff and Oh what... HE HAD NO CUSTOMERS! So with that said... Tomorrow we are going down to check out the place in Canton and hopefully come back with some SUPER news!! =) P.S. I'M SO FREAKING SUPER EXCITED RIGHT NOW!!! =)

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The more I read from you, Ecco, the more I am inclined to say just tell that place to GTH. I can't believe the gall of the management there. ( ok, yeah, I can believe it. I fell the other day in the street in front of a grocery store and had to lay there and not a single soul cept one stopped to help or even ask if I was ok). It just absolutely appalls me the way people are nowdays about "not wanting to get involved or stop an injustice of any size".

I truly hope everything turns out better than you had ever hoped it would with the other place and possibly getting a brick and mortar. You deserve it if for no other reason than the crap those iggits at that market put yall through every weekend.

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Yanno... I would think by now even the other vendors have GOT to be tired of him! What a piece of work he sounds like! Maybe more vendors need to complain about this idiot so the organizers will realize this is BAD for business! If multiple vendors pull out because of ONE vendor where does that leave them? Oh, I'd say with no booth rent! LOL

But, at this point, I'm not sure I would want to have to do business with organizers like this... They seem like they really don't give a hoot. Can't wait to hear what you find out about the other place!!!

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Oh gawd! I forgot the best part and lauramw71, you reminded me of it!

At the end of the day I had a few other vendors come up to me and ask if the "rumors are true" that we may be leaving. Of course we told them it's in the works but unsure (had to keep the suspense up), well they all told us that they are going to take a petition around to all the vendors to get this "other" vendor dealt with (i.e. booted out). So that's another part we will see where it leads but for us... Tomorrow we shall see =)

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Ecco-- have you checked with your town council? The people that run the market have to get permission to have the market from the town/city its in. So those are the people in charge and I would take my complaint direct to the top. Especially since the market manager is sitting on their duff doing nothing.

Also, I think you already know what you want to do and will probably move on. I think the ideas and places you are thinking of going sound like a good move in the right direction.

Don't worry, your local yokel creep will get his one day. Bad mouthing another vendor just makes him look like a jerk. He can't compete with you so he is trying to run you off.

I would love to be at the council meeting watching you showing a video of this jerk bad mouthing your booth and products. That would be a real eye opener for the city council.

Or, you could just take Steve up with his offer to rough him up. That would be fun to watch too. Bet he would cry like a baby! LOL

Edited by Candybee
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