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which wax 6006 or the 4630?

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Have been making soy candles for years and now wanting to try the paraffin or a blend. Does the 4630 have more hot throw than the 6006? Have been reading about the Kringle candle company, they say their candles are 100% food grade paraffin, is there a difference in the paraffin or is that a sells pitch? Have been reading, reading and more reading trying to decide which wax to start testing. TIA

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I have used both 6006 and 4630 and I prefer 4630 because it behaves like soy but yet doesn't have any in it. 4630 is a true single pour wax and always gives me smooth tops. 6006 behaved as a low shrinkage wax and sometimes needed either a second pour or the heat gun. As far as throw, I have not compared, you will have to find which FOs work for you in those waxes. In my system, I find that 4630 throws most that I feed it especially if they not in a heavy carrier oil. Both will soot if not wicked well and if the wicks are not trimmed, such is the bane of paraffin.

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I guess I'll be the odd man out and put my vote in for 6006. I have tested both and they both are really nice waxed but I just get such an awesome ht from the 6006 with almost every one of my fos that it just won out in the end. Now, if I could just get my mottles down pat I would be a very happy camper:).

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What wick type are you using? I know that they aren't "recommended for any soy or para-soy blend but after ALOT of testing various wicks I found the zincs to give me the best ht and overall burn. The cds were a close second. Also, what % of fragrance are you adding?

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I'm not getting a great throw from 6006. I hate to test yet another wax but I think I'm going to back to all paraffin.

I think all waxes have FO they throw and ones they don't throw. 6006 threw Peak's Lilac to the point is was nauseating, others not so. Have seen the same thing for all of the waxes I have tried, pick one that meets your needs and style and them experiment with FOs and wick types and sizes. I will say that I find more FOs that work in paraffin than I do with soy.

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Kayearthgrown & Oceangazer1, I'm really enjoying working with CBL125 from CW. It's supposed to be identical to 4630. Easy to cut up & put in presto pot! No more icky/sticky 4627 bag. The best wicks so far are HTP & CDs. CBL130 is very good also if you still want a parasoy! Finally have HT.

I've been testing waxes for 10 yrs...just don't care for this one so far. Using mostly cd wicks.
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