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Just ordered some FO's from Peaks, but everybody on my list wants Vanilla! lol


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I've been asking friends, family, and strangers around town, about 10 people so far, "What is your favorite candle frangrance?" And so far, 10 people in a row have said, "Vanilla" or "French Vanilla." One said, "Vanilla. I also like Lavender." Another said, "French Vanilla and French Vanilla Hazelnut." But nobody has failed to reply with "Vanilla."

I'm so surprised because I've read so many comments by chandlers complaining that they can't find a Vanilla that sells because nobody buys it anymore. I thought I was the only one who still loves Vanilla.

So, anyway, I just ordered FOs from Peaks for the first time, and I'm so excited! I wanted at least 20 FOs, but could only afford 7 and it was sooooo hard to narrow it down, so I probed people to name other fragrances they like besides Vanilla, and these are what I ended up with for now:

Cappuccino Hazelnut

French Vanilla

Creme Brulee

Sweet Pumpkin Spice


Peppermint Kiss (it's chocolate/peppermint like a York Peppermint Patty)

Birthday Cake

UPS Ground was only about $12.00. Yay! :yay:

I can't wait to make candles with these.

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When you consider the limited choices people have that buy candles in the big box stores, it isn't surprising that they all say vanilla. I've found that people need to experience different FO blends just to know there is something else available.

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Oh, thank you so much for telling me that!!! I was worried because it only has about 7 reviews posted, as opposed to some other FOs that have 30 to 40 reviews. I'm so thrilled to hear it's good! Yay! I love the scent of chocolate/mint. :D

Last time I made it, I accidentally licked my fingers.

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When you consider the limited choices people have that buy candles in the big box stores, it isn't surprising that they all say vanilla. I've found that people need to experience different FO blends just to know there is something else available.

That's true. lol One lady says she buys her French Vanilla from Yan*** though. lol

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Last time I made it, I accidentally licked my fingers.

LOL OMG! That sounds like something I would do. :D

This morning I called Peaks because I needed a 1 oz bottle of Orange dye added to my order, and I couldn't resist adding a bottle of Orange Chiffon Cake FO to my order also.

ksranch, Thanks for the review of Sweet Pumpkin Spice. I can't wait to get addicted to it! :D

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Shakes my head at "vanilla". I wish people would expand their horizons like one poster said, but what I've ran into is, in trying to narrow it down to carrying just three or four vanillas / vanilla-combos ... you get this person likeing this one, that person hating that one and some wanting it straight, some wanting it like vanilla bean, some wanting it like vanilla flavoring, etc ! LOL.

And for some reason, even in a bakery scent area, I cant move ANY creme' brulee for the life of me. I love it.. good thing too, I have quite a few clams of it to go through LOL.

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Offering more FOs than some of your competitors won't necessarily get you more business - in the end, return business will be based on the quality of your candle.

Absolutely agree with that one ;)

I've been blessed to have a very large, and very diverse clientele from every nook and cranny of the U.S. who have purchased here and reordered multiple times.

I truly believe one of the reasons I have done a lot better than most would think at this stage in the game, is a huge percentage of the candlers in this area, do the same scents with little variation, as their neighbor literally next door.

Although they must be doing something right, I have found there are a lot more people than I would have thought, who prefer to have a larger, more varied selection to choose from when they go on vacation, instead of the exact same thing they can get at home or at Walmart, CVS, Dollar General, Kmart or anywhere else.

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I took a whiff of my new Peaks French Vanilla and almost fainted from ecstasy!

But, I made some test candles last night and the French Vanilla has no CT or HT at all in my 4627 wax, 2-3/4" dia Libbey Elemental jar, and HTP-126 wick combo. It's underwicked and hasn't had time to cure, but it's like I could tell the scent disappeared when I was stirring the FO in my pour pot, and it never came back.

I used 10%. In my limited experience, when I cut down on the percent of FO I get a weaker CT/HT, not stronger, so I don't see how cutting down to 8% or 9% would help.

I don't know what I did wrong, but I'll try again tonight. :( I think I heated the wax to between 190 - 200 and added the FO at 190 and stirred for 2 - 3 minutes, on an electric skillet to hold the temp steady, then poured at 185 into preheated jar. But I was making only one candle so only had a small and shallow amount of wax/FO in my pour pot, like 5.3 oz, so I wondered if I burned the scent out of it. ??? :( sigh...

Peaks French Vanilla is super heavy, is there a trick to getting CT/HT? Should I add the FO at 200 degrees or more?

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I don't know what I did wrong, but I'll try again tonight. :( I think I heated the wax to between 190 - 200 and added the FO at 190 and stirred for 2 - 3 minutes, on an electric skillet to hold the temp steady, then poured at 185 into preheated jar. But I was making only one candle so only had a small and shallow amount of wax/FO in my pour pot, like 5.3 oz, so I wondered if I burned the scent out of it. ??? :( sigh...

Peaks French Vanilla is super heavy, is there a trick to getting CT/HT? Should I add the FO at 200 degrees or more?

Wow! Are you blending the 4627 with another wax or with an additive? I am not as experienced as others on this board but I did do a lot of testing with that wax and I cannot think of any reason why you would heat it that hot unless you are blending. Peaks French Vanilla has a FP of 200 degress and I'm afraid it is vaporing off due to the high temp. I don't use 4627 because it just don't burn to my likeing but everything I tested in it would throw really well. I've always added my FOs at 170 and poured at 160 but that will depend on your system, you may need to go a little hotter. For container wax I never go above 180 unless I am blending multiple waxes or additives. I think everything you are doing is to hot but maybe some else who has more experience with that wax than I do and has a better opinion.

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You might be right, but I thought the working temp of 4627 is between 185 and 195 and you are supposed to pour at 190. I was told to add FO between 185 and 195, and that heavy FOs need to be added at the higher temp. I poured 3 testers of each of 8 FOs the other night, at the lower % FO load, so I can test 3 wick sizes at the same time. I'm letting them cure. I added the FOs between 190 and 195 and poured at 190 into preheated jars. I hope things improve.

I did have severe candle nose for a couple of days, which I discovered when I couldn't smell the FOs OOB anymore, and I left the house for several hours and was knocked out by the strong scent when I came back home. And, the Sweet Pumpkin Spice I poured at 10% is so strong it makes me sick, although I love the scent and love strong candles, so I'm cutting back on the FO load on everything. I read on BCN that you get the optimal scent throw with 4627 at 6% tp 8% FO load, and I'm beginning to believe it. lol

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