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growing tired of craft shows

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who advertise that they have crafts and then say they will also offer, senscy, ma bella (intentionally mispelled) so while crafters have to sign that they have created everything available in their booths, BS china junk is available 2 booths down. And then promoters WONDER why shoppers stop visiting so called craft shows. I've been talking to a few show promoters about this problem. I hope that others will start talking to them as well. Lets put the CRAFT back into CRAFT SHOWS!

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We stopped doing shows for just this reason. I was furious at one event where we had registered and requested a corner booth. When our information came it had a note that the corner we had requested was already taken. No big deal I can understand first come first serve. When we got to the show the vendor that was in the spot we had asked for was a DS company selling the same items as out handmade. I asked the director why there was a DS company at a show that the rules stated only handmade. She said “Oh we needed someone to fill the space so we let her in at the last minute, what the heck that was the spot we had asked for! I was furious and filled a complaint was basically told to get over it and we never went back.

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I feel your frustration. We've had many of these so called craft shows that were really good in past years and just plain stunk this year. The traffic just wasn't there and what people did come most weren't spending too much money. We had one a few weeks ago and of course they advertise hand made craft show and even make the vendors provide pictures showing that they indeed made their products at the time you submit your application. However, I'd say a good chunk of the vendors were reps reselling some manufactured something or another. I think alot of these shows have ticked off the crafters to where they aren't coming back and then use these reps to fill the empty spots. Which in turn is turning alot of customers away. I'm plannng on talking to the person over this particular show b/c there were customers there that I heard say they would not be back next year b/c this was supposed to be hand made crafts and that these shows that have all these reps are boring. Not only that but I also want to vent about the fact that they put Sensy right beside us and they were pushing their new marketing heavily. In case anyone hasn't heard the new marketing it's about how bad and dangerous candles are and that no one should use candles. We sell candles so that ticked me off that first off I'm not bad mouthing your overpriced, overhyped products and secondly I belong there since I make all my products except for the warmers. Why the heck are you even here? Now we sell melts as well so then of course you have to listen to their bs of how theirs are the best and all others are crap and only their warmers will work with their melts. Anyone else find it amusing when they refer to their products as theirs?? Really how much time and effort did you put into "your" product. Gee it was real hard and laborous to go to the door and take your box of ready made product inside. Give me a break.

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Its all about the money. Promoters, whether professional or charity (church/firehall, etc.) just want to fill the spot and get the money. They will sell out the show but it will cost in the long run as they lose their crowds and their crafters.

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I am so sorry to hear that some of you are giving up on craft shows! We too have had to deal with craft shows that allow "distributors" in. However, it has not hampered our sells. I believe that in many ways it has increased our sells as customers walk by these distributors looking for hand crafted items. As for shows that allow Scentsy in ---- I have said before on this forum that having them can be a help to me. I beat their prices, I offer a great product and I have enough sales experience that I can go head to head with them in sales ability. Our Craft Show sales this year have almost doubled.Please keep in mind that my husband and I do not just sit in our booth as I have seen many crafters do. We are there to sell and that is what we do. We are constantly speaking to our customers, telling them about our products and making suggestions on how to use them in their home. We will continue to do craft shows. They are a lot of work, but they are also a lot of fun. The feed back that we have received from these shows has bolstered us into the wholesale market as well. This is something that my husband and I started doing together as a hobby, but it is rapidly becoming a business. Our craft shows have been our key to success.

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It hampers sales eventually because it does nothing to draw crowds into the shows. Craft show customers are not coming to buy Pampered Chef products or to enter a drawing for free window replacements, etc. They are coming to see crafts. I can hold my own against any type of competition at a craft show but if the customers are not there, there's no one to sell to, even if you are "constantly speaking to your customers." When customers are in my booth, it works best for me to greet them with a friendly smile and a hello and and then be available for help if they look like they want it. I walk away when a crafter talks to me too much and doesn't let me shop.

I did my first craft show in 1987 and every year since then. Craft shows have changed drastically through the years.

Edited by deb426
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I really don't have my sales hurt by such people, if anything sometimes having a certain rep there actually helps me when they see they can get melts and warmers from me much cheaper. The shoppers just haven't been there like they have in previous years and I believe that's alot to do with all the many reps there are out there. The one we did on Sat has always been a huge show for us and it didn't disappoint at all. They are one that's one of the biggest and it has tons of crafters. It's in a high school and stretching from one end of the school to the other. They are in the hallways, 2 cafeterias, 2 basketball gyms, etc. and they do NOT allow any sellers that are not crafters. We sold about $300+ within 2 hours of opening so they day only got better. I'm not saying we won't do craft fairs again at all b/c many of our customers come to them just for us...what they say anyway. But it's getting old dealing with all the reps being at places they should NOT be, especially when one is right next to you basically bashing your products, which they don't know a darn thing about. To me craft shows should be exactly that, crafts. I get that these promoters want to make money but people won't come back if they are unhappy with what's being offered which in turn means the vendors won't be back, then show won't be back.

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What gets me steamed is when I am doing a juried show for handmade crafts only and see a few associates slipped into the show. If its a juried show I will complain as I had to jump through hoops to get in and sign a contract that what I sell is handmade and pay a fee for the privilage of vending there. Most juried shows-- at least the good ones won't let them in. But I have seen more and more "handcrafted only" shows have to go the route of letting them in to fill in empty spaces.

Yes it does cheapen shows so for those that claim they are for handcrafted items only I do complain to the show promoters. If its a juried show for handcrafted only items it better be exactly that or you can bet I will tell the promoters. They need to know how you feel and fix the problem. Sometimes these people sign in at the last minute and squeak by. So if they do the promoters should remove them from the show if its a juried show.

Personally, for those other shows or non juried shows I feel its a given that associates with be there and I don't give a hoot. I always outsell them and why? Because my product is better, I know exactly how its made, its pros and cons, and I have been selling my own handmade products for years so I can sell circles around them.

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I feel for everyone. Its not like it use to be. I would bring home over $1,000 from one show. Now you are lucky if you make over $300. I noticed all the $1.00 - $10.00 items were selling. Alot of my $30.00 and above did not sell. I organize a craft show and make sure it is handmade. So many times they are juried in and decide to throw something in on the side, I make them take it down. Or another thing is I have my candy people in the hallway so then someone else in the banquet room decides to sell candy, I make them remove it. Just because they see the people in the hallway selling. I always hear from vendors that it is so hard to get into my show. I am very picky - you have to have a nice display and table coverings go to the floor.

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