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tea light cups caught on fire


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:smiley2:Good Morning everybody hope you all have a nice Friday! I have had 2 of my Candle Science plastic tea light containers catch on fire! I am using zinc wicks 28-24 which I was told burn cooler than cotton wicks. Both times it happened they were in an open hanging tea light burner from Yankee. I know somebody wrote a couple of weeks ago that they had a problem but said theirs was in a closed burner if I am not mistaken. I find this very scary and thought that those TL cups were suppose to be safe. Has anybody else had this happen using the ones from candle science? I am wondering now if it is just better to use the tin ones that you get when you purchase them in the store by the bag. The plastic look so much nicer and are actually a little bigger so that your candle burns longer though. I suppose that the ones candle science sells are the same ones the others suppliers sell also eh? Well thanks for any input.:smiley:cheesy2:

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Why split hairs? Just going by Webster...

Definition: Flame-proof

Part of Speech Definition Adjective 1. Being fireproof, incombustible or nonflammable.

Definition: Flame-resistant

Part of Speech Definition Adjective 1. Being incombustible or refractory.


The term refractory refers to the quality of a material to retain its strength at high temperatures. Refractory materials are used to make crucibles and linings for furnaces, kilns and incinerators. There is no clearly established boundary between refractory and non-refractory materials, though a practical requirement often cited is the ability of the material to withstand temperatures above 1100 °C without softening.

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What wax? What color? What FO load?

do you affix the wick tab to the tealight cup? if you don't, the wick tab can wander and the flame can get too close.

Too true. It scares me to see unsecured wicks in any container type candle. I treat a tea lite juts as I would any container candle complete with the hi temp RTV gasket sealant to secure the wick. It's a PITA to wick hundreds at a time, but it makes me feel far more secure burning them.

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There have been dozens of similar reports over the years right here at CT. USE METAL HOLDERS. Be especially careful to use the smallest wick possible to get a good burn. Realize that despite some opinions, tea lights are most often used for gentle heating NOT to fragrance a room! Raising the FO load which may cause a higher temperature to be needed both for combustion and for HT is stupid, IMHO. I have read many posts about how "my tea lights will fragrance an entire room" but WHY? And at what COST? Bragging about the HT of one's tealights makes me want to urp.

Too bad that the CPSC hasn't outlawed the use of plastic holders in the manufacture of tea lights, but that's what happens when regulation is left up to industry which will, in turn, play the odds with unsafe products for monetary reasons.

This is a common sense issue.The first time I saw a melted area (not even on fire!) on a plastic tea light cup was the last time I used one. I don't give a crap how many people say they've "never had a problem." I SAW the problem and it is not worth the risk to me or my customers to make tealights that way.

Edited by Stella1952
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Why split hairs? Just going by Webster...

I wouldn't have thought you needed Webster to tell you the difference between "flame-proof" and "flame-resistant". If you do, then candle making is probably not for you. But my comment wasn't even in reference to your reply, but to the original poster and why she thought a plastic item would not catch fire.

This is a common sense issue.

Stella nailed it.

Edited by Darbla
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I wouldn't have thought you needed Webster to tell you the difference between "flame-proof" and "flame-resistant". If you do, then candle making is probably not for you. But my comment wasn't even in reference to your reply, but to the original poster and why she thought a plastic item would not catch fire.

Stella nailed it.

Gee, thanks. So warm & cozy around here....

Silly of me to think you were responding to me since you quoted a word I used, not the OP.

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I found another definition in Webster! I'm going with number two ...


1: voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relations with an inferior

2: patronizing attitude or behavior

Anyways ... as Beth originally said, I would contact CS. As a consumer I've been weary of the plastic tea light cups.

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I'm not being condescending. I'm alarmed that adults aren't making the distinction between "resistant" and "proof" and have to have that pointed out to them. You can call some of us condescending all you want, but if it gets you upset enough that you avoid a house fire by remembering to never again set flame to plastic, then so be it.

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Darn, I just ordered a box of 100 of those cups from CS too. I've been so torn on plastic vs. tin. I don't sell tealights, I just use them for any extra wax after pouring. Then i give them away as thank yous or use them myself. After reading this, I'm going with the tins next time!!

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Darn, I just ordered a box of 100 of those cups from CS too. I've been so torn on plastic vs. tin. I don't sell tealights, I just use them for any extra wax after pouring. Then i give them away as thank yous or use them myself. After reading this, I'm going with the tins next time!!

I know how you feel only I had ordered 1000 don't know why just thought they would last for ever and I guess now they will.

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"100% flame resistant polycarbonate plastic."

Did you contact Candlescience to see what they say?

No I have found their customer service to have gone down hill since Diane is no longer there. I have had other issues with them so I just don't bother because I feel I will get no where anyway and I will just get more upset.

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It's difficult for me to understand why ANY supplier would carry plastic tea light cups after all the complaints & recalls. Disregarding the side-argument concerning the difference between "proof" and "resistant," their availability speaks louder to customers who ASS-U-ME that if they are available, they are safe because "no one would sell unsafe products," right?

That's a FINE EXAMPLE of how business/industry polices itself without regulation.

When people SEE these for sale, it gives the the impression that the plastic is "safe" to use in this application. If I were a supplier, the chances of me selling these would be ZERO.

I feel I will get no where anyway and I will just get more upset.

I agree - save the wear and tear on your last nerve. You didn't pay much for this lesson in common sense and purchasing. Put that bag of plastic cups where you can see it whenever you order something. And don't feel like the Lone Ranger - I have a dusty old bag of 'em too, from when I learned the lesson many mango seasons ago. CAVEAT EMPTOR

Edited by Stella1952
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I'm not being condescending. I'm alarmed that adults aren't making the distinction between "resistant" and "proof" and have to have that pointed out to them.

Just so you know, that second sentence ... condescending. I'm not upset in the least and hopefully Beth isn't either. I have always found it rather sad when folks feel the need to talk down to people in order to make themselves feel superior, ESPECIALLY on an internet forum (that's just pathetic). Says multitudes about character ...

When people SEE these for sale, it gives the the impression that the plastic is "safe" to use in this application.

EXACTLY ... which is why someone who has limited knowledge and just starting out wouldn't know any better. Every single candle supplier I've seen online thus far carry them. Hence the genius of a discussion to get feedback and share. Just to let you know Stella, I have learned so much from you. Your knowledge and willingness to share it is truly awesome! You are a blessing. :)

No I have found their customer service to have gone down hill since Diane is no longer there.

I am really surprised to hear that. I haven't a clue who Diane so perhaps I don't know the difference, but every time I've had a question, they have been johnny on the spot to assist (I've had A LOT of questions). Even the guys in the warehouse have given me advise when I've gone to pick up my order. One even made a call to the front when he couldn't answer a question I asked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have a recommendation of good quality aluminum tealight cups now that I can't use my plastic ones? I wound up going with plastic because

1. I liked the thickness of them and 2. I usually place most of my orders through C.Science and they only carried the plastic. They seem to be the most reasonable on shipping to N.J.

Awhile back I ordered some from C & Supplies, but I found them to be thin and bent easily. I felt the effort trying to straighten them all out wasn't worth my time trying to use up my extra bits of wax at the end of a pour.

I am also quite envious of those who can pick up locally. I could buy more supplies with the money I'd save on shipping!!

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I feel ya on the shipping - that's why I try to save up and have a big enough order to get free shipping or hit a shipping sale.. don't mind paying for product, but man the shipping!! Anyway - I use the aluminum cups and I've ordered from 3 places, they seemed to be pretty much the same with one exception - the only ones that weren't bent up and needing individual attention were the ones I got from Peaks.

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