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has anyone done business with:


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Has anyone done business with Gene Fratello? He wants to add my website to his new business energy rebels.com Any info would help. Thanks!

the gal who contacted me is Susan A. Bommarito

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I can not find anything on her, but for Gene all I find is service manager for Sprint Nextel. She did email me a seller's permit for Calif state. They want me to do drop ship and add my site to there web site for going green. She gave me his credit card which I have paypal and dummy here I do not know how to add it to paypal.

She has called me already this morning and I didn't answer the phone and wanted to know how much I was going to put on the credit card for all the samples and shipping. She wanted a sample of all the scents that I have so they could decide what they would start with and sample of all the products I make.

I don't know what to do, my gut is telling me not to do it. I have never done drop ship do not know much about it and knew coming on board here everyone would help me on what to do.

here is what she says in her email last night.

Mary Ann,

Thank you so much for your time and also speaking to me late in the day.

I also appreciate any discounts you can offer, keeping in mind that we WILL be placing an order.

Thank you again



Susan A. Bommarito

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That's it, why couldn't I find it. I see Susan name on the photos when you click on the first picture. After they get my products, they will write an article on it and I should get customers for drop shipping. Still wished I could find out more info on them.

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If you are not set up for credit cards why did you take the card number? Also, do you know all that is involved with drop shipping? Plus they want your site connected to theirs how, link? purchase page? How will the sales be set up? You got a lot of work to do to figure this out before you sign up for this kind of operation. Unless you know what you are doing don't! JMO

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I've decided against it, sounds like to much work and my gut feeling is still telling me not to do it. But Thank you everyone who put in what they thought about it. It really helps when you read what other people say to help you think through it.

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