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Patchouli - need more for good throw?


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A customer requested Patchouli, ((which I haven't made before because the hubby does not like the smell)) I used Peaks "Patchouli Patchouli" - used 1 ounce in 1 pound of wax, just like I've been doing with all of their scents.... smelled great - lit it for a test burn, about 1/2 hour after I noted I wasn't getting ANY throw! Blew it out and once the melt pool was hard you couldn't even smell it cold! So, is it just Patchouli? Like, do you have to use a lot more of it? I've had to adjust some scents because I like a lot of smell, but this had like NONE!

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Patchouli is pretty much always a wicker upper. Did you let it cure any time at all?

It's been years since I tried Peak's. I now use Moonworks. Unfortunately, her supplier lost her formula, or so I've been told, and I have no idea what the status is.

Wick up, use more oil, and let it cure.

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I didn't care for Peak's version. It was weaker by far than many of the others I've used. CandleChem has a good version that I like and use all the time. It's very strong, but you do have to wick up with it. It does smell a bit different than Peak's as well. I haven't used Peak's patchouli in quite a while just because of that.

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Patchouli is pretty much always a wicker upper. Did you let it cure any time at all?

It's been years since I tried Peak's. I now use Moonworks. Unfortunately, her supplier lost her formula, or so I've been told, and I have no idea what the status is.

Wick up, use more oil, and let it cure.

I just read a thread within the last couple of days that Moonworks has Patchouli Passion now.

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Thanks you guys, this one really threw me! When you say cure - how long? The candles were about 4-5 days old? Evidently I need to keep track of that too. You must love newbies!! lol I didn't detect a problem with the burning that would tell me to wick up, but I'm going to go relight it - I blew it out because I was unhappy with the throw and didn't even think about that. I had only found Patchouli available at Peaks and NG - I have a sample of NG I can try, but sounds like maybe I should try CandleChem and/or Moonworks. So appreciate the input - even after all the testing I've done on my own, this forum has been more valuable than anything. Pending question - cure how long??? Thanks again.

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Do yourself a favor. If you're going with CandleChem, check to see if you can get the patchouli on their ebay store instead of their normal website, unless you're going after more stuff from them. They charge a flat rate on shipping and if you're only getting one or two things it kills your costs. Ebay shipping is cheaper for one or two items.

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candles were about 4-5 days old

Patch needs a good cure. I use soy & palm waxes and cure patchouly for 10 days minimum. If it's a heavy oil, you may need to wick up. BUT, if the patch is not of good quality to begin with, nothing you do will help much 'cause it was crappy patchouly from the get-go. Test, test, test, then when you find one that suits you, buy a lot of it - it keeps very well and actually improves with age (unlike most FO/EOs).

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NG has a good sweet Patchouli which one did you get? You didn't say what wax you are using. What wicks? This is going to help us too.

It's just called Patchouli. I'm using 44-24-18Z wicks. I don't mean to be evasive on what wax, but it's kind of almost embarrasing considering how you guys all know exactly what to use and how to blend etc. What happened was, a couple years ago when I started collecting candle making items with a plan to go down this road, my better half thinking he was doing something good found a buy on 560 lbs of candle wax - $250 delivered - and he got it without talking to me (a surprise). Well, it's a discontinued wax and I could find little to no information about it. All the company would tell me is they still make it but don't sell it on line - when I asked what it was comparible to, they told me "A specially blended wax developed for votives and pillars. This wax can hold high concentrations of fragrances and will produce excellent results. In normal use no other additives should be required with this wax. Melt point 134." Obviously I needed to use this wax for a while, so I've gotten used to it, and with good results - usually. Anyway, this is why it's hard for me to answer 'What Wax?' I'm sure some experts are getting a giggle at the newbie and her wax, but hey - I've taken lots of notes on what you guys use and before I run out of this, I'll be getting some. Oh - it's from Blended Waxes Inc # BW902A01

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I guess the most important aspect I was just asking for is to know if it is a soy based, soy-paraffin or just a paraffin wax. If it is an all-soy wax then you might need a long cure for it...etc. I wasn't prying to embarrass you at all, and that wax even though it is discontinued may well be a very fine wax. I think the majority of us here are also learning, and here for assisting those who are serious about also learning and testing.

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You gotta combine it with someone else's patch (and for that you have to find a good patch out there.) Maybe combine it 1:1 or get some of the real patch EO and add it to that. If you do, that's going to be something you have to try out for yourself.

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