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New Packaging Design Feedback

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This is a new package I designed. I think there should be holes punched in the bag so the soap can breathe and the customer can smell the fragrance but my dw says no. Feedback on the design in general and whether to punch or not to punch. (That is me at about age 5) TIA





Edited by chuck_35550
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People buy if they can smell. Problem with holes is you may be changing packaging from blowing dirt/dust or if humidity gets in there and forces sweating (which happens.)

So you don't put anything like sodium hydroxide on your ingredient list? Or water? Or colorant?

Edited by Scented
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No, I don't include those ingredients (so you are saying I should?). I kinda cringe when people handle the soap with the cigar bands cause the ends are open and you can't see the entire bar of soap. I thought with this design I could even punch a hole in the top and hang on a rack for display purposes. The bags are made for holding soap but you don't get much fragrance without opening the bag. What if I left the bag open at the top covered by the label? Would that work better you think? TIA


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I prefer my soap naked. Not a huge bag fan for packaging. The only time I cringe is when a boogery little one comes along and picks up each bar of soap and smells.

Other than that...its soap. No need in my mind for germaphobia.

I'd wrap in kraft paper or something & slap your label on. Then just leave one out for viewing purposes.

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What I learned about labels on soap ... with it just being soap as soap you don't have to put a label, but if you elect to label ingredients, then you have to label ALL ingredients. You can't just pick and chose what you want on there KWIM? It isn't fair to the consumer no matter what they are buying. So yes, if you are listing your ingredients then you need to list it as well as the water used (for instance I used distilled water when I make soap so that's ..what I list.) Wish the search feature was better, but it isn't or I would point you to a post made by Bunny (an excellent soaper) for the discussion on labels. At least I'm pretty sure it was she who brought it up.

On the issue with the holes ... try different methods here. You want something that is not going to rip, but you still want your customer to be able to be romanced by the fragrance, which is what is probably going to sell it more than the label, more than the look of the soap. And the only thing that's going to bring them back for more is likely 1) they loved the bar of soap; 2) Price (or switch that with one lol); and 3) how fragrant the bar was. This has just been my experience. We don't go naked. We dont use the cigar band. We do shrink wrap and leave sniffer spots on the ends. I would make sure if you leave the top open, that people can still smell it through where the label is ... this is JMO.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone. Distilled water sounds nice but sodium hydroxide doesn't (doubt anyone would notice). The shrink wrap would be less of a headache but anyway you look at it...I hate to wrap soap. Its fun to make it all day but then comes the wrapping and planing and beveling (sometimes). Got to think about this one for awhile longer.


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I think the packaging looks nice and I think your company name & logo are cute too. When I do packaging like that to hang on my spinner I punch a hole near the top of the package in the center and hang it.

Most customers know about lye in soapmaking and expect it. If you don't list it thats when they tend to ask about it so I would defintely include all the ingredients in the label.

I'm a cigar label person and prefer that on my soap to any other packaging I've tried over the years including bags and soap boxes. Years of selling soap have taught me that the soap that sells is the soap that a customer can pick up and smell. If you prefer to keep it wrapped be prepared to have a 'sample' naked soap for them to fondle. You will far outsell your soap with the sample on hand then only having wrapped soap. People will just buy more when the can smell it.

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Update. Put my new soaps out with the new packaging...sold every last one of them! One of my customers said she used the soaps for presents and she liked the way they looked....go figure. I still want to put a hole in it so you can sniff.


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