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Question about soy

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really I read it in the book making candles for hobby or business that vybar was suppossed to help with the throw of a candle.
I've been hearing that more and more, but to my knowledge the only potential effect is the opposite. Vybar isn't used to increase scent throw, and it definitely isn't used in soy wax.

Here is what Vybar does:


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Vybar, in parrafin increases opacity and helps oils to "bind" with the wax, thus helping to prevent surface defects caused by high fragrance loads and such. Soy wax has very strong natural "binding" properties. This is why some FO's don't work well in soy. I use ecosoya and I get an awesome throw, with compatible fragrance oils. You just have to find them! I use anywhere from 3-10% of FO depending on performance. HTH, Happy testing!

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I tried the ECOSoy and didn't like the throw and the constant cracks no matter what temp I poured. I experimented with Vybar added to soy but it made my candles look like cauliflower. Nix the vybar and either keep on testing until you find FOs that work in this wax or change waxes. I know this wax can work cuz plenty of others use it but I just didn't have the patience. Hang in there - You'll find something that works for you. Good luck. :)

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You can keep trying different oils to find the ones that throw better in the soy you are using and if you find too many do not, then I would move on to another soy. Also, I find that double wicking (as long as the jar is right for it) helps with the scent throw. HTH


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I worked with CB 135 for while and I still think the waxes I have been using lately have a much better throw. It is definitely better than CBA but not as good as other brands. And other waxes behave better too. No cauliflower looks after burning, less frosting, all that stuff.

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Thanks everyone for your help. I was using a straigt soy wax from natures garden but the shipping was killing me so I switched to a company more locally because it was cheaper even after shipping. But sometimes you just have to pay a little more for a better product.

Can I ask another question: What do you mean by the percentages that you were talking about. 3% or 6%?

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I was referring to fragrance load. I work in percentages for consisitency.

For example: I am going to pour 6 Pumpkin Pie- 9 ounce jars. Total 54 oz.

Say my fragrance load for this particular FO is 6%. So 1st I guestimate 8.5 (adjusted to account for increased content once the FO is actually added)

8.5 x 6 = 51 oz of wax

51 x .06 = 3.06 oz of FO for this batch.

51 + 3.06= 54.06, just about 54 oz, the perfect amt for six 9oz jars!

Calculators and scales are kewl:D

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I was referring to fragrance load. I work in percentages for consisitency.

For example: I am going to pour 6 Pumpkin Pie- 9 ounce jars. Total 54 oz.

Say my fragrance load for this particular FO is 6%. So 1st I guestimate 8.5 (adjusted to account for increased content once the FO is actually added)

8.5 x 6 = 51 oz of wax

51 x .06 = 3.06 oz of FO for this batch.

51 + 3.06= 54.06, just about 54 oz, the perfect amt for six 9oz jars!

Calculators and scales are kewl:D

You've been using a lower percentage than you thought. What you just calculated is a 5.66% FO load.

100% is the 54 oz that you are pouring. That's 6% FO and 94% wax. The calculation is simply .06 x 54 = 3.24 oz FO plus 50.76 oz wax.

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You must be thinking of CBA or something like that. CB-135 has a good scent throw.

I don't think the CB-135 has that great of a throw. Yes certain FO throw better tha others but why got through so much testing when you can switch waxes to one that has a better all around throw and with more FOs? I can get CB-135 locally which would save me a ton of money on shipping but I still don't like it enought to use it. JMO

Just goes to show you how each person's experiences and opinions can be so different. :wink2::)

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You've been using a lower percentage than you thought. What you just calculated is a 5.66% FO load.

100% is the 54 oz that you are pouring. That's 6% FO and 94% wax. The calculation is simply .06 x 54 = 3.24 oz FO plus 50.76 oz wax.

Well shit. Me and math never were close friends. Sheesh, at least I've consistently made the same exact mistake :tongue2: .

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What soy has a good scent throw?

Suggestions please

A lot of soys have good throws. A lot is based on what FOs you use, what wicks you use, your pour temps, what you interpret as a good scent throw, etc. Just how it is tested in general. Best bet is to get some samples from suppliers close to you and test to see what works best for you.

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What soy has a good scent throw?

Suggestions please

Northstar's - PSW 127b


Strahl & Pitch

Just Scents

These are the three waxes I've tested recently that have great throw. ADM and S&P will send you free samples. Even though these waxes throw well they each wax have their own other issues. (Frosting, lack of adhesion) I guess you have to weigh out what the most important part of your wax should be to you. If you want the contact info for any of these let me know.

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I experimented with vybar because I was told by some that use soy that they always put vybar in their soy (can't remember which board it was though). I know there are folks out there that add it to soy and those that don't. Probably more that don't. I think it really is a personal choice (as with many things) as to whether you use it or not. If you choose to use it, I think you need to figure out how much to use because it can adversely affect your soy candle. I also didn't like the fact that it isn't a "natural" additive. As far as what soy throws good...... MINE do!!! :D It didn't come easy though and I had to spend alot of time testing and in R&D. It's not just melting wax and sticking a wick in. Of course we all know that. :wink2::)

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