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Yaley Premium Wax from Michaels, parffin, max fragrance oil load?????

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I had a lapse of mind and thought I had more of my paraffin. Didn't . Ordered it but won't arrive until later this week. Have to get an order out so I went over to Michaels and bought this wax, tried the Yaley website but couldn't find info.

Does anyone know, maybe from experience, the max fragrance oil load this wax will handle? While I'm at it, how's the throw? I only bought the 4 lb block with a 40% off coupon so not out too much money.

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You should have saved your money, apologized to your customer that their candle would be delayed and waited for your wax. You may end up losing a customer by sending them an untested candle with junk wax!

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I started trying to make candles 6 months ago and this is the wax I have been using. So far I have found that I was using way to little FO at about 1/4 to 1/3 of an ounce per pound. I just made a candle using about one ounce pp of yaley's apple pie scent. Also, I added 0.18g vybar 103 and used a cold water bath but the candle still mottled. In fact, there was a lot of mottling about half an inch under the surface of the candle. I'm not sure if the FO was well bonded with the wax but the candle didn't bleed when I test burned it. It also had no HT. Right now, I am making a candle using one ounce pp of yaley's coffee FO and 1.37g vybar 103 (no water bath this time). With any luck I will be able to pop it out of the mold and test it tomorrow evening. I'll let you know how it works out. I think if this doesn't give me a good HT, I may try using a FO from southern scentsations before writing this wax off altogether.

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Thanks. I'm not making candles, making tarts and I needed a paraffin pillar blend to harden my own blend. I would not send these tarts untested but figured with my coupon, it would be worth a gamble to try it out, test it and see if it works. If not right, I most certainly will not send it out. I usually use 8% and kept it in line with that and will see how it throws tomorrow when I melt it. Just made my first batch and they are hard enough and the cold throw seems similar to when I use my normal pillar blend in my formula.

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This is what I have been playing with trying to get the technique down. All of my candles have white spots all over them. I think that is mottling ?? Still trying to learn all of the lingo. The HT is low, like I can smell the candles, but not nearly as strong as I would think. I cannot wait to get some good wax!

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Straight, the Yaley won't hold much more than about 4 percent FO, but with vybar, you can get it up to 6 percent. Mixed with a good IGI wax, it may do well for you. I've used it mixed and even though its not the greatest, it was pretty close.

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I started trying to make candles 6 months ago and this is the wax I have been using. So far I have found that I was using way to little FO at about 1/4 to 1/3 of an ounce per pound. I just made a candle using about one ounce pp of yaley's apple pie scent. Also, I added 0.18g vybar 103 and used a cold water bath but the candle still mottled. In fact, there was a lot of mottling about half an inch under the surface of the candle. I'm not sure if the FO was well bonded with the wax but the candle didn't bleed when I test burned it. It also had no HT. Right now, I am making a candle using one ounce pp of yaley's coffee FO and 1.37g vybar 103 (no water bath this time). With any luck I will be able to pop it out of the mold and test it tomorrow evening. I'll let you know how it works out. I think if this doesn't give me a good HT, I may try using a FO from southern scentsations before writing this wax off altogether.

The wax and fragrance oils from craft stores are less than stellar that's probably the biggest issue.

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Well, I pulled my pillar out of the mold this morning and the first thing I noticed was a bit of liquid fragrance oil on the side. Sure enough there were a few droplets left on the side of the mold too. It looks like the F.O. settled to the bottom of the mold, as there was mottling on the top of the candle. I'm melting it down and doubling the amount of vybar 103. How did your tarts turn out?

Scented - I don't think it was fingernailing. I melted that candle down but I have another I could take pictures of if you would like. However, I am pretty sure that wax just didn't hold the F.O. like the coffee scented pillar I just made. The only difference being the cold water bath solidified the wax before the F.O. had a chance to settle at the bottom of the mold and become visible on the top/sides of the candle. The mottling I was referring to wasn't very visible until I cross sectioned the candle and looked inside. Perhaps mottling isn't the right word to describe what I saw, seeing as how I had to cut the candle in half and look at the innards.

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Underneath the wax it's fingernailing, but looks cosmos like. Snowflaky appearance is the mottling. Perhaps you didn't use enough steric, but if you have oil on the sides of your mold, I'd tend to think it wasn't fingernailing either. Fingernailing looks like fingernails, but they are hallow ovals and trapped air.

Just how much additive did you use, because you want your FO to blend with the wax and generally it doesn't separate from the wax.

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So, from what I am reading on this and other threads on this wax, this is more for pillars or votives rather than containers?

I've seen both kind of waxes at Hobby Lobby. They carry pretty much the same thing Michaels does. Your package should tell you what it is. If not, take it back to them and tell them to inform the public better as to what they are buying.

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My tarts were just fine!!! I use very little pillar wax in my tarts but enough to help them unmold and to get out of the tart melter on the customer end. No weeping of oil, I stuck to my 8% load, can't tell any difference in my hot or cold throw. Luckily, the one's I had to make to complete this order are pretty heavy duty fragrances in the "laundry" category and two florals.

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Scented - I used 1/2 tsp. of vybar 103 which weighed 1.37g in one pound of wax. Just now I am reworking it with double that amount. The label on the bag of vybar calls for 1 Tbl. per 2 pounds. I decided to start at a lower amount because just 1/10 of a gram was enough for 1/3 an ounce of FO pp. Also, it seemed like it would be more efficient to work up to the bare minimum needed. I do have some stearic to try as well, if that might work better than vybar.

I think mottling is the right word to describe it. It definitely looked crystalline sort of like a snowflake and nothing like the crescent shapes shown in the fingernailing thread.

AlwaysWondering - That's good to hear. Perhaps there is hope for this wax yet.

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Doubling the amount of vybar 103 eliminated the mottling. I guess I'll test for HT today, not sure if there is any reason to wait.

Scented and jluper - Is the Hobby Lobby wax the same as Micheal's? Doesn't the Hobby Lobby wax have a melt point of about 135 degrees versus Micheal's wax melt point of about 145 degrees.

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HL's wax used to be around 133-136. It wasn't Yaley way back when. I don't use the wax any more to tell you any differently and the closest store is 60 miles away so I can't go look (good thing or I'd spend money on things I shouldn't lol!)

On the Steric, it's common place to add 2T per pound of wax (that's just to help with the weeping of the fragrance oil.) I use 3T per pound regularly. You might try a mix of your original amount of vybar plus 2T of steric per pound of wax too.

Let me know how your trials go Jason.

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I'm not sure but I believe Hobby Lobby's wax is the same as Michaels. I've been using the Hobby Lobby wax for years 6% fo with no problem at all. The cold throw & hot throw are absouletly amazing with any fo I've used. I've not used the Yaley so I can't comment on that.

IMO it is not a waste of money for me because I get raves on my candles & you can smell them in a very large area.

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Well, I'm getting better HT using 1 ounce pp FO and 1 tsp. pp vybar 103. The burn characteristics have also been much better, so far. Next, I'll try using just 3/4 tsp. pp vybar and see how that works before experimenting with Stearic acid.

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