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Business Card Nubmers Stolen Again!!!! Has to be a Supplier/ UPS/ USPS.

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Ok.. My Credit Card was hit again!!

2 purchases yesterday at accept.com for 100, and sassles.com 1100.00.

Again.. This is my business card and used only for candle purchases.

I used shop safe this time around which generates a digital number for purchases.

I can put a limit on the purchase amount and products purchased. It can only be used at that supplier to whom the digital number was given.

This is why it got flagged so quick!!

So this card was comprised and the number they were using was a shop safe number!! MEANING.. The crooks are hacking/stealing CC info from one of the suppliers/UPS/USPS/Amazon.

I am working with the CC company now to try and get more info. But now I can limit the suppliers used and narrow this down a bit.

So heads up people and check your credit cards..AGAIN...

ETS: So in less than 2 1/2 months. This happened again.. Here is the original post which my card # was stolen on 3/3/2011



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I am listing the suppliers and other vendors I used the shop safe at since the crooks stole a shop safe number, I am assuming they had to get it from one of the companies listed below that I have used in the past 2 months.

  1. Indiana Candle Supply
  2. Kentucky Candle Supply
  3. UPS
  4. USPS
  5. Just Scent
  6. Natures Garden
  7. Bitter Creek North
  8. Candles & Supplies
  9. Online Labels
  10. Candle Wic
  11. Fillmore
  12. Amazon

I just added Amazon. But, Amazon also has my personal CC on file and I have a amazon CC on file there. Neither one was hit the first time around, or this time...... Just my business card, which tends to make me feel it is not Amazon.

For all those he got hit a second time, which I have read some have....

If we can narrow down suppliers we use to just a few that are on the above list of mine, then I am going to use a different credit card at each of those suppliers from now on and see if it gets hit. Then we will know for sure where the breach is.

I will use one CC for each supplier until I find out where the breach is!! This is ridiculous....

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Wow...I just read this AND your other thread from March. I have been using a new business card that I just got about a month or so ago. I have been using it VERY heavily since I just reopened and I have been buying a lot of supplies. I just checked, and for the record, nothing showed up on my account. Of the suppliers you listed, I use the following:

Indiana Candle Supply

Kentucky Candle Supply

Natures Garden

Bitter Creek North


Not sure if that is anything that would help.

I am very anxious to see what you discover after your CC company looks into it...do they think they can narrow it down to an exact supplier where the shop safe number was used? Also anxious to see if anyone else chimes in with issues as they did in your previous post. It's all just too coincidental!

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I just got hit myself, the purchases were made to Hydrogrower in California for 104.00 and one in the UK for 768.00. My card called me to alert me but I was out of town, I have since got a hold of them and cancelled the card once again! This is the second time this year. The purchase for the hydro grower was made through paypal but I too use many many suppliers. I keep checking my statement every other day now…hackers SUCK!

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I thought shop safe numbers could only be used once, how are they using the same number multiple times?

You can set up shop safe to be used more than once if you use it often.. Which I did for a few suppliers

So lets say I am shopping at ~ ABC Candle Company. I can set up my shop safe to be used from 2 to 12 moths and put a 500.00 limit on it. So if I only spend 200.00, then 300 is left to use, unless you make it for the exact amount. Each ShopSafe number can be used at only one online merchant, but you may reuse the same ShopSafe number at the same merchant.

What I am wondering is how charges got charged to my CC from companies other than ABC Candle Company, since they were listed as the shop safe store for that number. So did shop safe fail.. That is what I need to clarify and call back the fraud Dept.

Especially the charge for $1100.00!! There are only a few suppliers that I have the limit that high on...

Sorry to hear you got hit Felixncharlie... :(

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For you own protection, please call you CC companies and see if there were any temporary authorizations made on your card but never put thru..

My CC numbers were stolen a month ago because and I found out that temporary authorizations were made on it, but never run thru all during the month of April.

So the crooks were checking out my CC limit.. Then just yesterday I had a bunch of charges that were made..

So they could be holding your CC number and going to sell your number or use it later..

If unknown temporary charges were made on your account... Close out that card and get a new one.

Let your CC company know that your card could have been compromised..

Better safe than sorry!!

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Maybe this will help narrow it down but I was lucky enough not to have my # stolen recently

In the past 2 months out of your list I've ordered from:

Indiana Candle Supply No

Kentucky Candle Supply Yes



Just Scent Yes

Natures Garden Yes

Bitter Creek North No

Candles & Supplies No-- a 1 1/2 years ago my Business credit card was stolen- This was one of 5 places that I used it at when it happened.

Online Labels No

Candle Wic Yes

Fillmore No

Amazon Yes

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I have not been hit by any of this and from your list I have used or not used the following...

Indiana Candle Supply NO

Kentucky Candle Supply NO



Just Scent YES

Natures Garden YES

Bitter Creek North YES

Candles & Supplies NO

Online Labels NO

Candle Wic NO

Fillmore NO

Amazon NO

I'm getting ready to place an order from KY so we'll see if anything happens from that. I've also used CS, The Jar Store and Vistaprint. I have my account set up to give me daily updates and have it set up to email if any transactions are tried to go through for more than $1.00 and also if any foreign charges are attempted. I know that we all spend more than $1.00 when we buy supplies but I did it anyway in an attempt to try to catch it early as many of these hackers try to auth cc charges in small amts at first to see if it goes through. Sorry to hear these jackwads are still hitting you guys.

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My card was also used for Hydrogrower in CA a couple of weeks ago... hmmmm

I just got hit myself, the purchases were made to Hydrogrower in California for 104.00 and one in the UK for 768.00. My card called me to alert me but I was out of town, I have since got a hold of them and cancelled the card once again! This is the second time this year. The purchase for the hydro grower was made through paypal but I too use many many suppliers. I keep checking my statement every other day now…hackers SUCK!
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Wow guys this is really sad :( Only help I can put in here is my daughter is an Assistant Manager at a local warehouse for Amazon. I can not speak for all the other amazon buildings but I know where she works they are a VERY strict company. VERY VERY... If you have any type of criminal history you can not get a job there. They do random drug testing and even if your prescribed narcotics you can not work while taking them. I'm in no way saying it's not possible someone from Amazon did it, but just a heads up at how strict they are with their workers... Like I said, at least here.

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Are you all sure the numbers aren't being stolen from gas station skimmers? What about your own computer being compromised? Do you all have you're wireless routers password protected? Just thinking of other things it could be.

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I can tell you this per my CC company..

One of my virtual shop safe numbers WAS used to make the unauthorized charges.

That was all the fraud representative could tell me :sad2:

Which means it was not stolen at a gas station, a store, or a place I physically swiped it.

None of my personal CC's have been compromised, only my biz card has been compromised, twice in 2 1/2 months.

So I do not think it is a computer breach on my end or they would have gotten all my CC numbers.

So if you have used any of the vendors I listed, please make sure you check your credit cards daily.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had my numbers stolen twice this year also...all from business cards. In March, four different cards and one of my new business CCs was hit up again yesterday for almost $1700 GRRRR! I would love to narrow it down too! From the list posted earlier in the thread I have used...That narrows it to 4.


Candles & Supplies



Let me know if you find the culprit...I am so sick of this!

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I have had my numbers stolen twice this year also...all from business cards. In March, four different cards and one of my new business CCs was hit up again yesterday for almost $1700 GRRRR! I would love to narrow it down too! From the list posted earlier in the thread I have used...That narrows it to 4.


Candles & Supplies



Let me know if you find the culprit...I am so sick of this!

I can't PM you since this is your first post, but can you post the dates of purchase FROM YOUR NEWEST CARD only fromthe candle suppliers you listed above. THANKS...

ETS... Only for April and May Purchases

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I just checked my account & so far so good, but this is my new business card to replace the one before that got compromised. Its defintitly a candle supplier because we use muliple cards (personal card) on the internet & in stores & not one of those cards were hacked. I use my (personal)) debit card every day & it wasn't hit, just my business card that I use to purchase supplies. So we can pretty much narrow it down to that. Hope they figure this thing out soon!

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I can't PM you since this is your first post, but can you post the dates of purchase FROM YOUR NEWEST CARD only fromthe candle suppliers you listed above. THANKS...

ETS... Only for April and May Purchases

4/21 USPS

4/28 USPS, Fillmore, and Candles & Supplies

5/18 USPS

6/6 Candles & Supplies

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Just found this thread, so sorry I had come in late. I had my credit card authorized for over $300 from the UK in March as well. I had used Candles and Supplies just before that as well as USPS. Those are the only 2 I have in common. The charge never went through, it was an authorization, but still had my card number changed. Since then, no new problems, and I have used Candles and Supplies and also USPS since. Also, I have a secondary card on USPS that I occasionally use, and nothing came through that account.

Another thing to think about. I've had this happen in the past and it turned out to be a person in the bank causing the issues. They were skimming multiple accounts that way. It's less likely that way, but still possible.

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