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Man Candle on Shark Tank Last Night...

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At first I thought he may have used The Monkey Fart scent, but when they all smelled it they made sour faces!!! LMAO...

I bet if it was marketed right, Spencer Gifts like you said NaturallyTru, he could go far.

From what I saw, his candle looked good and the wick was centered!! LOL

I wonder how it burned and how the HT was..

He had a great personality!!

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I saw him too. I didn't figure they would go for that company. To me it seems like a one hit wonder; you buy a couple (probably as a gag gift) with no repeat business. The sharks looked at him like he was crazy to have quit his job to make candles-lol.

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his cheesy pitch immediately turned me off... egh... I agree with Traci, I see them selling as gag gifts but I truly dont see anyone buying them to burn them in their house over and over. I showed it to my husband and he goes "uh... no. I prefer stuff that smells good even if its not "manly"

If he sold the idea to some place like spencers he could do well.. but those fragrances are available to all of us. He says he made 53,000 last year- wonder how much he charges per candle.

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I want to see the whole thing. The you tube just gives me a preview.:(

I think Candlegirl is the forum member that was supposed to be on Shark Tank. At least she was in the process of being interviewed. But that was last year and we haven't heard from her. Don't see her post anymore. Thought she was also the one that sold her candle biz but maybe that was Candlelady.

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Your right Candybee.. It is Candlegrl that is going to be on it.

She has done the entire interview process and is about ready to go.

That was at then end of Nov. of last year. So hopefully we will see her sometime this year..

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Here I am :)

Yes I was interviewed! My husband who works in San Francisco was in the San Bruno gas explosion and I almost lost him and did loose the home Sept 9th. Since the explosion I took care of him for six months. He is now back to work! I hope to be on next season we will see!

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Oh, definitely let us know if you are goung to be on that show. I watch that show all the time. It is very interesting. Last week was the first candle person I saw on there so it really got my interest.

BTW, I am sorry to hear about your husband but thank goodness he is okay now. Hope things are looking up for you.

Edited by pcbrook
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Wow! So much has happened to you!! Glad he's better and back at work. Sorry about the home.

Keep us posted Candlegrl. Can't wait to see the show with you on it! Just don't take any offers from Mr. Nasty!!! Any of the others would be gold but not that nasty sleazy devil. Sorry don't remember his name but I'm sure you know which one.

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