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What causes my pillar candles to shrink a little in the center?

I pour the hot wax into a two piece mold and some, not all, will shrink in the centers...only on the seam sides. It's not always the taller ones, not always the smaller ones, can't seem to put my finger on any one certain thing. Would pouring too hot or cold make a differance?

Any suggestions?

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Seems that pretty much ANY pillar we have poured has needed a 2nd pour. Be it a seamless mold or a 2 piece. I think it's just part of a pillar? I know the wax shrinks while cooling that that causes the "shrinking" but poke a few relief holes and repour and it all works out for us =)

Good luck & you have some amazing pillars btw +)

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Like Eccolights mentioned its the wax shrinking as it cools. It can create air pockets and pull away slightly from the mold. For wicked candles it can pull on the wick and even leave an air pocket around the wick. To fix poke relief holes if needed and then do your repour. Make sure your repour wax is about 10 degrees hotter than the original pouring temp. If you haven't done a repour it takes a little practice to get it right.

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Since this is the veggie wax forum, I am assuming you are pouring soy or palm wax. The center is the last area of a candle to cool. If the outside cools too quickly, the center will cause the top to draw down somewhat. If it's bad, you can get sinkholes, etc. Allowing the candle to cool slowly and evenly (top, bottom and sides) causes the least shrinkage. Drafts cause uneven cooling, so be sure to cool away from drafts. HTH :)

Edited by Stella1952
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Ummm... you could try cooling the candle slower than you have been (but unless you want to change it's appearance, DON'T do this by putting it in the fridge!)

The only other solution is as many have pointed out above, you'll have to do a second pour!

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I'm curious about the wax type. If you tell us, I am reasonably sure a bunch of us will have a response for you. I'm pretty much used to the GenWax, some IGI, Naturewax, some Aztec, some Ecosoya and many of the Golden Brands with regard to shrinkage. So are most others here.

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