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Tarts vs. Clamshells


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Awwww... the eternal question: tarts or clamshells?!!! Sorry, this same question gets posted about every other month.

You will get a lot of answers for both. Personally I outsold tarts 10 to 1 over clamshells.

The differing answers of which outsells the other is very much effected by packaging, price, target customer, location, display, marketing technique, your salesmanship, etc.

I know the way I sell my tarts and the price have a huge impact. I like to do a 'tart' bar. I can sell lots of tarts for less by letting customers bag their own tarts and saving on packaging costs. So I sell a ton of tarts that way and customers tend to swarm the tart bar like bees to honey.

When I was selling clamshells customers didn't want to spend the money. Clamshells cost more and the packaging has to be added into the price. Also, most people in this area did not know what they were. They thought they were soap. (I sell soap too so I can sort of understand the confusion). Even when I explained its not soap they would still ask if they could bathe with it. I am stumped.

Now with Scentsy explaining and selling clamshells now is a good time to start selling them. People are more aware of what they are and tart warmers can be found in most stores and online and at craft venues.

The best answer is try selling both and see what sells the best for you.

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I've only been offering tarts and clamshells for a few months, but here is what I have noticed (I only sell in stores, never done a show). At first, customers were buying alot of the 5 for $5 tart specials (I sell single tarts for $1.29). Then as return customers decided what they liked they started buying the clamshells. This is in retail settings. As far as wholesale (which I have limited experience with tarts/clamshells), the tarts seem to be more in demand. As far as the customer looking for the best deal, the tarts and clamshells are about the same price per ounce (the tarts are a slightly better deal). So this may have a slight impact on choice, but I have not noticed it. Again, let me say that this is in a retail/wholesale environment.



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I only offer tarts (and will keep it that way! LOL) and thanks to Scentsy sales have at least tripled!! They are easier for me to make, as I pour hot and melt the clamshell molds. Plus they are easier to display for me.

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I would love love love to see pics of the tart bars.

I plan on doing both the tarts in 1 & 2 oz portion cups and also clamshells. I like the idea of a customer being able to buy a sampler of the fragrance to try.

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Here I sell tons of the ones in the six cavity packs. The 1 oz single clams a few here and there. Mostly I ended up giving them away with purchase. I just let them pick from the scents I had so they could try a different scent. I only do them now if someone requests them. I have started doing the ones in the portion cups and so far have only given them as thank you gifts. At the shows we are usually at there's too much traffic to keep an eye on them and since they are so small they'd be easy for people to stuff in a pocket or something. At a show last month my mom had a woman steal one of our body glaze samples after she'd tried it. When my mom got busy with other customers the lady reached around the table and grabbed it and was gone. It was in one of those portion cups. I mean really people will steal anything. I'd love to see some pics too of a tart bar. I think that is a great idea, but, don't think I'd do it since people tend to have some very sticky fingers anymore. And would maybe be a space issue.

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Sorry I don't have any picks. But the idea is very simple. Think salad bar. Same principle.

I bought some cute decorative baskets at the dollar store. As many as I needed for all the different scents I made. I usually carry at least 20 or more. I just set the baskets on the table side by side with an open box of plastic sandwich bags. I make up a 'tart bar' sign with the price of the tarts; $ amt per tart, and per 6 or 10 or 12, etc.; and instructions to bag your own tarts. I sometimes offer a free one if they buy a certain amount like 10 or more. Works like a charm ppl want their freebie!

If you sell tarts or clamshells I strongly suggest you sell tart warmers along with them. I set them up on the same table on risers. That way I have a full table display. I usually sell out of the warmers so bring a few.

The tart bar is always jammed with customers. Kids love them. Teenagers, parents, you name it, the tarts appeal to everyone. I think just seeing so many different scents and being cheap enough they can buy several at a time is the main appeal. They get a good deal for their money.

Now that I've posted this I realize that I haven't done a tart bar or sold tarts since Christmas before last. I have so many soaps and candles that my tables are full. I have been wanting to get back into tarts again since Scentsy has made them popular. So if you are thinking about it I think now is a great time to start.

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