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Need help/suggestions/advice/guidance---whatever you can provide

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I have been making candles for approx 1 ½ years. During that time, I have tried several different types of wax. Started out with GB464 which I could get locally and saved on shipping; had a lot of problems with the frosting, which I really didn’t care for, but the scent throw was fine. :confused:

Next, I moved on to IGI6006, which I had to drive about 100 miles to get, but I loved the results of the poured candles. Easy to work with, no frosting, no headaches. BUT then the supplier quit carrying it. :(

The same supplier does carry Ecosoya Advanced, which I am currently using. Not sure of my feeling about this wax, seems to be easy enough to work with, has smooth tops, no frosting, can’t get the scent throw exactly where I want it.


Would love to find 6006 in the area or would consider shipping if the costs weren’t so high. Thinking about trying Nature C-3. If I decide to go this route, what is the best wick type to use. I have been reading the other posting and have learned alot, so thanks to everyone for their insight. Any thoughts or suggestions. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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I'm just a beginner, so I'm not speaking from experience, but from what I'm reading people are raving about how good Ecosoya CB Excel is & that it's so much better than the Ecosoya Advanced. I'd really like to hear from anyone who's used Excel bc I'm getting ready to buy either that or Glass Glow palm.

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I decided to go dye free with my soy candles. I changed due to what my customers base wanted; but bonus was that frosting was not an issue (though my customers couldn't care less about frosting anyway).

I tried CB Adv also and went back to 415 for scent throw reasons. Wish CB Adv threw like 415...I love the creamy look of CB.


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I' m located in the Harrison County, Ohio. About 50 miles south of Canton.

Really never thought about not using colorants in the dye, but that is a good idea. Would solve the whole frosting problem with GB464. Thanks for the suggestions.

Its nice to have a place to go to get some advice and ideas. :yay:

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Honestly your best bet is to buy wax local since you can and learn to work with the wax. Shipping has gone so high it can cost half the amount of the case of wax. It will really save you money and allow you to keep your costs down if you sell your candles.

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