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Finally made it

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well after waiting and waiting upon more waiting my shipment from lonestar arrived this evening. Due to the weather my order that i placed on the 31st of Jan just got here. i called lonestart and they offered no compensation of any kind what so ever. i will say this upset me very much as you all know what it is like to pay an arm and a leg to ship supplies. but i will not let this bother me as i have now gotten the comfort blend wax and many different fo's as well as some of every kind of wick and size that bert's offered with the exception of wood wicks. i have melted one pound of wax and added 1 1/4 oz of pound cake fo. i added fo at 180 and poured at 160. i poured into 8 oz tumblers that measure

Height: 3.25"

Base Diameter: 2.875"

Widest Diameter: 2.875"

Top Diameter: 2.875"

Wax Capacity (to fill line): 6.2 oz

Wax Capacity (Overflow): 6.9 oz

i poured three candles each with different wicks htp 104 and zinc 60-44-18 and zinc 51-32-18.

my candles are setting up and i am anxiously awaiting the time i will be able to test these as just adding the fo has my home smelling wonderful!! i cannot express how much my new hobby and very helpful people here have influenced my day to day random thoughts lol i have found my self daydreaming about making candles.......chalk it up i am hooked. do any of the rest of you do this?

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Glad your supplies finally made it!! However, why would you think they should compensate you for something that was out of their control? They have just as much control over the weather as you do. None. Even if they would offer some sort of compensation if it were due to their own actions, the weather (which is considered an act of God) would never be covered under that. Take UPS for example, they refund the buyers shipping costs IF a next day air does not make it on time but they are not liable to do so if it's late due to an act of God (weather). Think about it like this would you offer to compensate all your customers for receiving their orders later than expected when it was delayed by something that was out of your control?

Anyway, hope you have fun with all your supplies!!

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Glad your supplies finally arrived. The weather is out of anyone's control.. I know Lonestar and other suppliers affected by the weather DID post some sort of banner on their sites informing their customers of the delays, it happened to me with CandleWic, but I received my colors and all is well ;)

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i understand their reasoning with not wanting to do any kind of refund the thing that i was upset about was the fact that i ordered three days before the storm hit in dallas so my packages should have been gone before the weather even got bad. but on another note i am so pleased with my new candles they are burning nicely and smell fabulous. i ended up going with the zinc 60-44-18 and am getting a full mp as well as no soot on my containers i am however getting decent size mushrooms on my wicks. the htp 104 is leaving hang up on the jar and doesnt seem the have the ht that the zinc does. i think i have got this one figured out and am going to order some different style containers to experiment with apothecary jars with lids or some type of larger storage jar similar to the large size yankee candle jars. im so excited about this i cant wait!!

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While some companies can turn orders around very quickly, it's not the case for all. Amazon seems to always have everything shipped right away but that darn wallet I purchased from the shopping channel took over two months!!! I guess everyone has different methods, staff and policies.

Just because one places an order today, it doesn't mean it will ship tomorrow....unfortunately.

Glad your candles turned out to your liking!

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The answer to your question is no. I used to do that but I pour one candle with no wick and then poke a hole in the middle and set a wick down in it and burn. If the inital couple of burns go poorly I yank the wick out and try another one. Once I settle on a wick then pour a regular candle and test burn it to the bottom. You might want to consider pouring three candles with varying amounts of pound cake fo to compare cold throw, hot throw and wick effieciency. You might find less fo to work better and save you money or more fo might blow your doors off, which is what most people think they want a candle to achieve. HTH

Steve (you're gonna get different opinons by the way)

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The answer to your question is no. I used to do that but I pour one candle with no wick and then poke a hole in the middle and set a wick down in it and burn. If the inital couple of burns go poorly I yank the wick out and try another one. Once I settle on a wick then pour a regular candle and test burn it to the bottom. [quote]

That's what I do too. Personally I can't see pouring several identical containers with different wicks for testing. I'm testing one now - 1st burn is doing great. (good MP, great throw, no hangup) If the 2nd and/or 3rd burns don't do as great, I'll jerk out the wick & insert a different one.

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thanks guys that is how i have been testing my candles is pouring three with out wicks then using a skewer to poke a wick hole in the center. i have just gotten another shipment in and have ordered a new jar to play with as i am feeling confident i can figure this one out a lil bit easier than the last as this jar is very similar in size of what i am using now. its just a shade smaller and im hoping it will either be the htp 104 or the zinc 60 i just poured a few clean cotton testers and am waiting for them to cool. wish me luck and thanks again guys for the input it truely helps alot to us new hobbist

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