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Converting to Wickless???


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Since my 6 oz Tureen jar is one of the hardest to wick, I was thinking of just making them wickless! Can I just use what I have already wicked? Just pull the wick out? At least for testing purposes anyway.

I am using J223 with 1 oz/lb FO...I am reading different things and want to know your opinion if this enough for wickless or not.

And lastly, what needs to be tested on wickless? Just scent throw?

Any advice on ANYTHING else would be appreciated also!

Thanks all!

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Yes you can use what you have. The tureens are perfect for wickless.

Oh and for wickless I generally use a little bit more FO, somewhere around 1.5 oz per lb of wax. But, what you have right now ought to work great. Go ahead and give it a go.:smiley2:

By the way, the warmers work great for wickless. You can take off the bowl to put a candle on or use the bowl for tarts.


Edited by LeahRB
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Quick question - what size tureens fit those warmers?

I have some warmers from Bitter Creek and they will hold a 3 1/4" diameter jar. The 6oz tureens are too big.

I was using a 12oz vibe jar for my wickless but the tureens I can get much cheaper and would switch but I know the 6oz tureen won't fit the warmer I have.

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I find more and more customers are asking for wickless candles and tarts. So there is a big selling nitch for them.

The candle warmers that are deep crocks that you place the candle jar inside are the ones I had trouble with fitting tureens inside. Plate type candle/tart bowl warmers don't have sides so they are perfect for tarts and the tureen jars. I'm referring to the bowl type warmers that have removable tart bowls with the warming plate underneath. I get mine from C&S. But many places have them and in different colors and styles and prices.

Nice thing about wickless candles and tarts is the scent throw rocks!

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Candybee, I agree with you about the HT on tarts and wickless candles. I am testing new spring scents in palm candles right now and the HT just seems so weak by comparision! The candle warmer I have set up to test how long my tarts are lasting I had to move into the furthest back bathroom because it was filling the whole place with scent! (wow, talk about a run-on sentence, LOL) I am definately getting alot of interest in tarts right now. Haven't started testing my tureens yet, but going to have to do it soon.



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Just make sure you keep it in a safe place where the kiddies won't knock it over :)

Actually, my kids are pretty old...14, 17, and 19. It was a complete accident when they knocked over my candles...lol. They were cleaning the kitchen and they were sitting on top of my cooling rack...when he tried to push the cooling rack out of the way, the rubber legs caught the counter and one side collapsed! They all fell off...he kept saying "I'm sorry Mom." Oh well, I always think I am angry now, but will look back and laugh one day. Love my kids!

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I have pretty much switched over to clamshells tarts myself...they are the most popular thing right now. The portion tarts sold like crazy but they are labor intensive for such an inexpensive item...so I went back to clams. I do wickless candles by request.

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