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What is wrong with my candle? I made 3 candles using 2 lbs. of GB464, i tsp USA, no dye, 2.3oz FO (NG Aphrodisiac). Poured into Lonestar's 11oz tumblers.

Here are the pics, taken approx 1.5 hrs into the test. The wick I used in this one is an ECO 14. As you can see, there's more wax left over on one side only; do you think it'll catch up? Should I go up one size or give it more time? Thank you!




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The lopsided burn is because the wick is bending to one side (as it is supposed to do, that is how it trims). Burn looks good to me (looks like you have some slight FO bleeding but it is not a problem). The 464 (and 444) will catch up. Thin soy wax hangups tends to kinda "slide" into the meltpool in my experience. This is just my opinion, but I have only been working with soy for a few months. Since it is a tapered container, if you have hangups at the top, they should easily catch up at the end.



Edited by Wessex
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The FO bleeding is the what looks like beads of sweat on the top of the candle. It happens sometimes while burning. If it does it when the candle is not being burned, it means the wax cannot hold all the FO and you might want to cut back a little. Did you let the candle cure for a few days before burning? Of course, some of the more experienced soy chandlers might want to step in if I am off base.



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You need to keep test burning to the bottom of the candle. That way you can see if the wax on the sides catches up and burns down. Its not unusual for you not to be a full melt pool on the first burn. Or even the 2nd or 3rd burn. Thats not necessarily your goal. You want as complete wax consumption as possible once it burns all the way down.

The curling wick is part of the wick system design for that wick. The purpose of the curling is to get optimal combustion during the burn. Many self trimming wicks 'curl' during the burn.

If you don't like curling wicks you can try others. I tend to stay away from them cause I always had problems with one side of my glass containers getting too hot to the touch. But thats just me and others like them.

How is your scent throw?

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NO hot throw, unless I stick my nose to the flame :sad2::sad2::sad2:

But the CT was great. The wax around the edges eventually melted, but no scent throw. Talk about disappointment.

Ok, I will now take out another candle I made several days ago. This is an 8oz mason jar, used 16oz of IGI 6006, 2.5oz of C-3, 1oz of Creme brulee (Starrville) and wicked it with a CD14.

Will keep you posted. I am soooo sad, words of encouragment much appreciated :sad2::sad2:

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NO hot throw, unless I stick my nose to the flame :sad2::sad2::sad2:

But the CT was great. The wax around the edges eventually melted, but no scent throw. Talk about disappointment.

How long have these cured? Perhaps waiting another few days will change things. Some FO take longer to cure in soy than others.

Ok, I will now take out another candle I made several days ago. This is an 8oz mason jar, used 16oz of IGI 6006, 2.5oz of C-3, 1oz of Creme brulee (Starrville) and wicked it with a CD14.
16+2.5 = 18.5 oz You only put in 5% FO. It may be fine, but if it's a little weak that would be why

Will keep you posted. I am soooo sad, words of encouragment much appreciated :sad2::sad2:
Your are doing fine. Keep us posted!

When I first started, I started with 464 also and after 7-10 days I took out my jars to test burn. I also was so disappointed with HT. I put them away, forgot about them, and then 6 months later I come across them and wowzers, that 8 oz JJ filled the whole house! SO maybe a little patience will carry you along ways :)

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You can also rotate your candle 45* ever so often, that will help also.

How would that help? Rotating the jar won't change the direction the wick has curled. The wick will continue to burn in the direction of the curl.

Rotating the jar to level a burn will only be effective if the surface the jar is sitting on is uneven which has nothing to do with the direction of the wick curl.

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Don't get discouraged Ravens. You are doing fine.

Here are some reasons a candle may not have any hot throw:

1. Wrong wick type

2. Overwicked

3. Underwicked

4. Not enough cure time for the FO

5. FO not a good thrower; may work best in other applications

6. Too much FO

7. Not enough FO

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A few more quirky reasons a candle may not have hot throw:

1) It rained instead of snowed

2) You got 6 hours of sleep instead of 6 1/2

3) The sun rose at 5:45am instead of 5:53am

4) You lit the candle at 9:00am instead of 9:19am

5) You forgot to brush your teeth last night before going to bed

6) The mail ran late


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ClassicCandle, thank you, the comments made me laugh and I needed that:cheesy2:.

IWantItGreen, I let them cure 5 days. When I use that FO (Aphrodisiac from NG) and make tarts, the throw is unreal. Think they should have cured longer? Can't put them on the shelf and wait because they're done, nothing left to speak of.

The 6006 + C-3 test = another big flop, no HT.

I am now going to pour 464 exactly as I did, will let them cure longer and try CD and zinc wicks. In that 11oz tumbler I will use z44 and z51. For the CD do you think I should start with an 8 or a 10? Should I add coconut oil (just bought some at Wally's) and skip the USA or use both?

I must be jinxed with candles, but I am not going to give up. May have lost this and may other battles:rolleyes2, but I'm gonna win the war!... Especially after my hubby said last night, "Maybe you're just meant to be a super tart maker...?" He looked at me and said "Ok, better shut up... if looks could kill":tiptoe:

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A few more quirky reasons a candle may not have hot throw:

1) It rained instead of snowed

2) You got 6 hours of sleep instead of 6 1/2

3) The sun rose at 5:45am instead of 5:53am

4) You lit the candle at 9:00am instead of 9:19am

5) You forgot to brush your teeth last night before going to bed

6) The mail ran late


:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:I'm with ya.

Ravens, that is a 3" jar? I think you need to try a bigger cd like a 14 or 16 I have used the cd16 in the status and it has hangup on the side but should clean up by the end, also I know there is some contraversy over this but, I spin the wick in 2 or 3 complete circles with the wick holder, so it turns as it burns down. Makes a more even burn for me. Hope it helps. Please let us know.

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Thank you, Soy 327. I will let you know what happens. Right now my newly poured candles are curing; will give them 5 days or so, then I may end up asking my neighbor to test because I think I've got a bad case of candlenose.

Just the other day my daughter came over and said "Wow, is that ever strong!" She was referring to a new FO I was testing (in tart form), one I was ready to throw in the garbage 'cause I thought it had no HT whatsoever!

oh, the new candles I poured (btw, the opening is 3") are scented with Sage&Lemongrass from Peak's. Cold throw is great.... always is, until I start burning them :angry2:

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