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Craft Show Prices on the Rise!


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Getting all the applications for my shows. They are all going up in price! One doubled, another I am filling out today went up $40.00. Many of my other shows went up in price last year and are jumping up again this year

Gheesh.. Last year I saw a decrease in vendors at shows. So either the higher prices will start bringing in "Better" Vendors and weed out the crappy ones, or there will just be less vendors at shows.

I also think customer attendance at many shows were low last year.

My craft show sales were all over the place last year. Some were great and above and beyond the prior year, and some were my worst shows yet!!

Oh.. I foresee a long year. :sad2:

Edited by islandgirl
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Lucky for me, the prices for most of the shows I do stayed the same. Thank goodness. Only one went up and it was $10 a show. It is for inside and I am more than willing to pay $10 extra dollars to be inside in the AC in summer and heat in winter.

Sorry the prices have jumped in your area.

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My shows all went up in price last years some by as much as $50.00 for the larger ones. This year I have seen no increases. I do think it is because the organizations need more money to meet budget needs as everything has gone up in price and they are getting fewer donations all around. Also if the organizers have to pay for the location I am sure the prices have gone up for the rent.

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Noticed this price increase last year too. It was a bit weird last year. But the worst is I am seeing more affiliates trickling down into a few of the 'juried' shows like Pampered Chef, Avon, Scentsy, etc.

All in all I did okay last year. It was my best year. But I worked my tookus off and went to shows and markets every weekend to do it.

But many of my fall and holiday shows the attendance was up slightly from the previous year. I am hoping that it continues to get better this year.

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they see the prices the huge shows are charging and say "wow look what they get...we need to raise prices!"

I actually saw that for a few that I was invited to this year by people who had seen me at other events and took a card. A couple of them were small, first year shows that appealed to a limited market (basically just members of the group/organization) and were asking $150 for a 3-4 hr weeknight show. Needless to say those invitations/applications went right in the trash. I have no problem paying that much for a heavily marketed, established show but a fly by night group I have never heard of that is having a get together at a local resturant, especially one that isn't really popular so you won't even get spontanious traffic while people wait for a table...I think not. I get that they are trying to do a fundraiser BUT not on my dime thanks.

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2 shows I do are $150.High enough.One that is $150 is $75 for electric. High but the show is 3rd week of Oct and I won''t be cold.I use the heater. It starts out cold but gets warmer or else it stays cold all day.

The 3rd show I do is $75 and they are staying the same in cost.I do the best at that show but pay the least to do it.:confused:

$20 shows around here are Churches etc. The small shows and you are lucky to make anything.By the time the Churches etc have their shows the bigger ones are over with.People already have their shopping done.

I quit the small shows.To much work and no money. No use in making the stock and not selling it. :sad2:


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I actually saw that for a few that I was invited to this year by people who had seen me at other events and took a card. A couple of them were small, first year shows that appealed to a limited market (basically just members of the group/organization) and were asking $150 for a 3-4 hr weeknight show. Needless to say those invitations/applications went right in the trash. I have no problem paying that much for a heavily marketed, established show but a fly by night group I have never heard of that is having a get together at a local resturant, especially one that isn't really popular so you won't even get spontanious traffic while people wait for a table...I think not. I get that they are trying to do a fundraiser BUT not on my dime thanks.

Wow thats pretty nervy! had that happen to me this past year. A guy was talking to me at one of my big shows that I do during the fall and asked if he could take my card. Said he wanted to invite me to a show he was planning.

When I started talking to him about it turns out its his first and only show he would be doing. I asked him how he figures he can charge the same price as the big guys. (He was gonna make the vender fee at $150). Said thats what the other shows are charging. I pointed out to him that his show was in a small town I was familiar with that does not have a good turnout for craft shows and that I would not pay more than $25-$35 to go to. On top of that you can't expect top dollar for an untried 1st show or one that is for one time only not to mention an unknown attendence (if any). He scoffed at me and insisted he was pricing it right. I wished him luck and just laughed at him. BTW-- the show never took place.

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I thought it was pretty nervy too. The first one I actually emailed back and said thank you but no thank you because the price they were asking was a little rich for my blood. She got very upset with me and said that the show she saw me at was more expensive than hers so she didn't see what the problem was. This was true...the original show was $150 plus $10 app fee BUT it was run by the local artist group, is HEAVILY advertised and has a great customer following, which gets bigger with every show....not to mention that the shows I do with this group (3x year) are usually my best shows saleswise EVERY year so I am willing to spend it (usually $800-1200 PER show in sales). I will not spend that kind of money on an untested & limitedly advertised show. She went on to say that it was a fundraiser for a very "important" group and that the $ was going to charity so I could look at it as a donation. Ummm...NO...this is a business not a charity organization. Been there, done that with the local Junior Women's group - they promise the world but when they have events with vendors the members come out as a girls night out and the adult beverages/appetizers and could care less about shopping. Learned that lesson the hard way with my hard earned $$. EVERY show like that I have done I have ended up losing $.

I have pretty much given up on church fairs too. I do a one small show (15-20 vendors) still that is 2 weeks before Christmas and about 10 mins from my house. It is only $30 for a 2 day fair and I look at it as my end of the season clearance show plus it is run by a crafter that heavily markets it at all of her shows during the fall and right up until Christmas (& she does ALOT of shows) plus it is a very busy church that the congregation is super supportive so they come out. Plus all of her special order customers come there to pick up their orders so she has quite a few people there just for that. I do a set 25% off everything at that show to clear out all my Christmas stuff and to get rid of as much extra busy season stock as I can so I don't have to count it for end of year inventory and gets the $$ back into my budget for the new year.

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