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What would you do?


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Hey everyone was just curious what you would do in this situation.

I received eamil from paypal that I got a couple of orders today from my website. I normally check all the time for orders but when I went to paypal it showed that I also had an order on the 14th which I did not see a notification for.

Ok, that was 10 days ago, I have 2-3 day turn around on my site...:shocked2: So I just sent an email to the customer and apologized for the delay and that I will be sending her the order tomorrow free of charge and will refund the money from paypal, actually I haven't even collected the money from pp yet. So my question is....what would you do if this happened to you?

Jeez...I feel really bad about this, I can't believe I would have overlooked it. :(

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WOW Deb's right if that does not please her - she's crazy! I would have written her a letter explaining the oversight, aplogized and given her a decent discount on her current order or a extra nice giftie (free product) and a coupon on future purchase.

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I would have contacted the customer and apologized profusely. I would have sent her the order with a nice freebie included. I would never have sent a refund though and then sent the order. You did more than enough in my opinion.

Edited by Noodle
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If it was a small order, I think the good will by offering the refund will more than outweigh the small monetary loss. If I was the customer, I would have already emailed about the lateness of the order. But if I was offered the refund and also received the product, it would tell me that the business is definately trying to make me happy and I would tend to go back to them (unless the product was crap, which I am sure yours are not). So I think the goodwill will serve you much better than the money from the order.



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Thanks everyone, I feel a little better now..lol

@Wessex...thanks, it was only one candle order and it is local so I'm not worried about the cost, just want to get the candle to the customer.

So after my panic attack last night I got everything ready to pack and go this morning and I look at the order I printed out and there is no street address....huh!!!! All I have is a name state and city. I'm going to call the phone number I have for them today on my lunch break and see if I can find out what is going on! :rolleyes2

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A couple of items I have purchased recently using paypal were delayed due to this very situation, i.e. paypal failed to notify the vendor that an order was received. The vendor simply apologized and sent the order, so you have definitely gone above and beyond in your service. That still leaves the question, what is up with paypal?

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That has happened to me, both buying where the supplier didn't get notification of my payment, and in selling where Paypal didn't send me notification of the purchase.

The first time it happened (well over a year ago) I emailed the customer with my apology, gave free shipping (but definitely not free product), sent the order, and everyone was happy.

It's happened to me enough times that I've learned to check my Paypal account every day. Those emails from Paypal don't always get sent. Whatever glitch they've got, I wish they'd fix it.

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Guess I'm lucky then because my webstore sends me an order notification every time someone places an order, and how they paid. If it says paypal, and I haven't gotten an email from paypal, I sign in and there's payment!:tiptoe:

It didn't start happening to me until I stopped selling on eBay....

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I pick through my paypal account every couple of days. Although it does not happen often, I have found payments sitting there without my having been notified.

That said, I am SO sick of the 50 million emails that I receive daily from paypal informing me CONSTANTLY when I have generated a shipping label, that I have sent money, that I have transferred money, etc... I know they are doing this for fruad reasons, but it is a total pain in the a$$ to me and I hate it. I tried blocking the messages, but that also blocked my payment notifications, so I have to tolerate this crap now. It is ridiculous how they never miss any of these useless email messages, but the important one- PAYMENT RECEIVED are sometimes missing in action. Go figure!

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Just another reason I don't use Paypal anymore.

I would have tried to call the customer as I get a phone number with every order on my site. If I couldn't reach them I would leave them a message that I am shipping late and why. Then I would have gave them a freebie of something to tuck into their order. But I would definitely collect the money for the order. I don't work for free!:laugh2:

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Update on the order, I was finally able to reach the customer tonight by phone, explained the situation to her and that I was going to send her the order free of charge for the inconvenience. She was very understanding and really appreciated the free candle, and said she was going to order a couple of more candles :yay:

So, I may have lost $18 in product and shipping but I got to keep a customer who is going to put in another order! Yay! :cheesy2:

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