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Issues with wax tarts and warmer burnt spots?


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Hi all! I'm new here, and I was needing help with something one of my customers recently asked me about.

I make wickless soy tarts in clamshells, using 464 Golden Brand and Candle Science FO, with a soy additive for hardening. I also sell various tart warmers, the one in question being from Lavine Gifts- it's a small 2-in-1 porcelain warmer with heat plate.

The problem my customer is having is what she describes as the wax 'burning' into the bottom of the warmer? She said there's small black spots and a slight burnt smell and even when she cleans the warmer out, it's still there.

Has anyone else ever had this issue? Part of me thinks it's the warmer itself (possibly the porcelain not holding up) but I just wanted to check and see if anyone else has ever had this issue with their soy wax itself before I offer to replace her warmer? I've never had that issue, nor has anyone else ever complained of it..?

Thanks for any help or ideas!

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I've had one (NOT from Levine) that discolored on the bottom to a light tan. Never saw any black spots or odor.

Maybe not a bad unit ... possibly just a bad bowl that can be easily replaced. The only way I can see of determining if it's a bad unit is by measuring the temperature of the plate itself and comparing it to a known good.

Sorry, can't help more than that.

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I don't know about the melter, but Golden Foods offers a soy tart wax that you don't have to try and blend yourself. If you make a lot of tarts I would try out their 416 Tart Wax. Always better to go with something that a chemist has formulated.

"Always better to go with something a chemist has formulated" Are you kidding me:mad:! So blending waxes is a bad thing? Huh, better not tell many of the people here that.


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To each their own. I would rather someone who knows what they are doing, especially with soy wax as you want to make sure you can still call it 100% soy, to make the blend. If you are adding an additive you can no longer call it 100% soy. Although I’m sure some still do.

Soy blends are based on refining the oil content and not “adding additives” once you do this you are no longer 100% soy. Which a chemist would know.

Why is everyone so mean on here? Seriously I just don’t get it.

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I would send you a PM but that is not enabled at this point. I only speak for myself, but I just find it a bit irritating that you are trying to use this forum to push your business and your products. Especially as this board is hosted by another company (who do not use it to push their products). A few of your posts have been of interest, don't get me wrong. But saying things like only chemists know what is the best wax is ludicrous! Yes, they are very good at designing the waxes to certain specifications. But how many of them take a soy candle to a craft show, deal with unhappy customers, or deal with other real world scenerios? I'm thinking not many. So people blend different types of soy wax to get the properties that work for them. And if the blends are all soy, then it is a 100% soy candle!

This board is designed to help crafters by exchanging ideas and information of interest on many different subjects. You are more than welcome here, IMO, and I look forward to anything you may have to contribute. I am not ranting (maybe a little bit), and hopefully I will not be jumped on too hard by other members for this post. I should just let it go, but just can't seem to hit the delete key :).

Sorry if I have offended anyone on the boards.



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1. Peak's advertisements are all over this forum... which would be fine except that they try to make it look like it’s an "open forum" which it obviously is not.

2. I’m not a chemist but the companies that manufacture waxes have a lot of expertise, money and time involved in their formulations. Much more than an individual could ever do. Especially when it comes to 100% soy waxes. Anyone can blend paraffin, but to blend a soy and keep it 100% soy takes manufacturing capabilities that I doubt most people have.

3. I honestly don’t understand why everyone else can mention companies and names but I can’t. For example there was a post at presto pots. People commented on where to get them and gave links to their eBay listings and websites, but because I work for Aztec I am no allowed to do the same thing just doesn’t seem fair. Especially when it would have saved the people money.

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"Peak's advertisements are all over this forum... which would be fine except that they try to make it look like it’s an "open forum" which it obviously is not."

I COMPLETELY DISAGREE. I am a star supporter ... I have made a payment (optional of course) to this forum. Peak is running it the way I agree with ... NO SELF-PROMOTION.

You have registered with a screen name that automatically directs someone to a supplier site. That means (to me) anytime you post you are promoting your business. Please scroll down to the Advertising area and re-read the SUPPLIERS and SELF PROMOTION sections. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/faq.php

Members who link to their sites are crafters linking to their finished product sites - not suppliers - and that is allowed. They are usually selling something that they have "extra" or will not use any longer vice having an "inventory" to sell that can be replenished. Anything else is a violation and is reportable ... as was the case with the presto pot.

Hope that helps you understand my point of view.

Edited by Judy, USMC
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;) You all are funny with all your rules

Take Care

It appears you may have gotten off on the wrong foot.

The forum rules are there for the benefit of the members. If you have questions or concerns regarding the rules, you are more than welcome to contact me at mail@craftserver.com - they will not be addressed on the forum, however.

Peak is a major supporter of CT, among others who support the site by who have taken out ad campaigns, or purchasing member subscriptions. If candlemaking.com is interested in doing the same, please contact me at the address given. The forum, as pointed out, should not be used by a supplier for customer service, or to sell items on their website.

Apologies to the OP for the thread hijack.

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Hey Aztec guy...You are losing more and more potential customers every day that you post here. Either chill out or take your bullsh*t somewhere else.

Oh, wait. Here's an idea, why don't you start your own supplier forum and you can hype yourself all you want...somewhere else.

To the OP, I have possibly seen what you describe. They can be small cracks in the glaze caused by the heat. They shouldn't be a problem, if that's what it is. I don't believe it will interfere with the integrity of the container.

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To each their own. I would rather someone who knows what they are doing, especially with soy wax as you want to make sure you can still call it 100% soy, to make the blend. If you are adding an additive you can no longer call it 100% soy. Although I’m sure some still do.

Soy blends are based on refining the oil content and not “adding additives” once you do this you are no longer 100% soy. Which a chemist would know.

Why is everyone so mean on here? Seriously I just don’t get it.

Oh, for Pete's sake. This is laughable.

Not to mention soy wax is not 100% soy. It has crap added when it's processed.

You don't have to be a chemist to know that.

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This is my opinion.:smiley2: All of are being told that our candles are the best they have ever had. So we all get the big head and believe that we have the best candles ever. Then we decide, if our candles are that good, we must know something about making them. :bow: So we teach others what we have learned and all of us have different ways of making them. Once we find out that the customers are also telling the other candle makers, theirs are the best. We hang our heads and get down off the pedestal and act like normal people again. There is more than one way to make a candle. And if all of us would remember that, we might not jump on the new guy. Just my opinion, and I say all this in fun. I was one that was on the pedestal. At one time I felt like a rock star. I was great, I was wonderful, I was the best. It was fun for a while. Make your candles, get creative, mix those scents, make up cool names and do what works for you. That is the best part of this job for me. :yay:

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