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Mr. Missy Candles


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Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. I purchased two scents that are very properly for me from Mr Missy Candles who I believe is no longer in business. The scents were Cedar Patchouli and African Nights. Does anyone know anyone who has similar scents?

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I can't compare the two, but Lebermuth lists two cedar and patch ... one is cedarwood and patchouli and the other is patchouli and cedar (I think). I know it starts with patchouli. You can take a look there as far as that goes.

The other, I keep thinking I've seen it somewhere, but I cannot tell you where just yet. Thing is, it probably won't be what Mr. Missy had. I think they just named things as they came to mind. In fact, maybe I have that African Nights and thought it was a weak Drakkar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SGS is offering to duplicate scents. I have no idea what her requirements are but it might be worth checking out.


It would be nice if someone would dupe Mr. Missy's Cedar Patch. It's a good seller for me, too. I have a few pounds left and when it's gone, it's gone! Of the hundreds and hundreds of scents I've sniffed, I've never smelled anything even close. And it throws like crazy. I'll miss it.

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I only use the Cedar Patchouli in soap but the soap sells quickly. Has even outsold Lavender this season. Dumb luck that I grabbed some while he had one of those short term really cheapie sales going.

I have 2lbs of this still and I have been using it in candles cause I wasn't sure if you could use it in soaps cause Mr Missy never specified if they were B&B safe. So since you have used it in soap have you had any issues with it? I wouldn't mind making some soaps with it.

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SGS is offering to duplicate scents. I have no idea what her requirements are but it might be worth checking out.


It would be nice if someone would dupe Mr. Missy's Cedar Patch. It's a good seller for me, too. I have a few pounds left and when it's gone, it's gone! Of the hundreds and hundreds of scents I've sniffed, I've never smelled anything even close. And it throws like crazy. I'll miss it.

NG also takes scent suggestions. They have a tab on their FB wall for suggestions. I believe if you are looking for an actual dupe, you can send in an ounce of what you want and Deb will see about getting it duped. This is something they offer all the time.

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That was a really good scent..What happened to Mr Missys?? Are they out of business?I heard they were taking over the Aztec ..but not sure if that was true or not.

(EDITED by Scented TO ADD: Aztec has not been sold or taken over.)

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I don't think Mr. Missy's (Dan) is buying out Aztec. You should call Aztec concerning your questions.

There are many fragrance houses that can, and will dupe scents.

most always, this requires a 20# plus purchase.

If you don't need 20#- like others said, ask the middle man supplier.

take care-

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No we (Aztec) are not being sold or changing ownership. We did purchase Missy back in 2004 (I believe that was the year) and have now been in business for 28 year and are IGI's largest distributor!

Thought I would clear that up.

Travis Forrester

VP - Aztec

So you did buy them out?And have their items?

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Wickerstix Missy's was a totally different company than Mr. Missy's. Missy's was a wonderful candle supplier with great customer service while Missy had it many, many years ago. Dan got Missy's (the company) in his divorce and eventually drove that into closing, which sounds like when Aztec bought it. Mr. Missy's was only opened a couple years ago which Dan also quickly drove into closing. The idiot should and will hopefully stay away from opening any more candle related companies!!

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Just to clarify-- they were talking about Mr. Missy and not Missy's oils. Missy ran a good biz and thats the one you took over.

Mr. Missy used Missy's good name to start his own biz in selling limited edition FOs at cheap prices. I believe Missy and Mr. Missy were related but am not sure of what their relation to each other was. If they used to be husband and wife, partners, or simply biz partners.

When Mr. Missy opened up his FO biz he started irratating many here right away. This was from the way he ran his biz, inconsistently. Eg.; his prices, shipping rates, etc. changed from day to day along with some people not getting their orders or orders mismanaged. Didn't take long before he started getting numerous complaints. If you do a search on this board you will come up with a number of them posted here.

As I mentioned, he sold only limited edition oils so once they were gone that was it. Okay for those who only wanted oils for personal use of limited edition product lines but not good for those that needed to reorder. Anyway, didn't take him long before he closed shop. He pretty much just dissappeared. But he did that a couple of times so I would not be surprised if he resurfaced again.

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I hope he does resurface, and with the same oils. He had some of the best throwing oils out there. He was in business long enough for me to test his oils and see how they sell. I was lucky enough to have the foresight to order quite a lot of Cedar patch. Not so lucky on the French Strawberry, which I tested, but put off and put off and put off and never did pour it to see if it sells. Powdered Sugar sold well so I ordered a bunch. Now it doesn't sell anymore. lol.

And so forth and so forth.

I don't care if he's crazier than a ho in church. I liked his oils and I miss him. As far as I know, he didn't cheat anybody or steal from them. My Gawd, he and Missy have been divorced for what, 10 years? Give that old, tired story a rest. I was sick of hearing about it 9 years ago.

If he shows up again, he'll get my business.

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