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Renaming scents...do you or don't you?


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I am making some Christmas candles using CS Strudel & Spice. But that doesn't sound very Christmasy. I was trying to think of what else to call it. Do you guys rename scents very often? Or do you just stick to the original name?

I made some candles using Bert's Holiday Spice earlier, and thought about renaming them something more "catchy" like Christmas Cookies or something, but in the end just kept the original name.

Now I did make some Buttermint Candles and renamed them "Candy Cane." (Boy, they smell good.)

Just wondering what the consensus is regarding renaming fragrances. Thanks!

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Oh, and speaking of renaming scents...what is another name for "Sex on the Beach?" :smiley2:

My daughter wanted me to order some of that for her boss, but I am too prudish to call it that! I think I read another name for it somewhere but can't remember where...or maybe that was "Passionate Kisses." :)

Oh by the way....I am no longer a "wax drip!" I'm an Enigma. Cool.

Edited by GailC
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Oh, and speaking of renaming scents...what is another name for "Sex on the Beach?" :smiley2:

My daughter wanted me to order some of that for her boss, but I am too prudish to call it that! I think I read another name for it somewhere but can't remember where...or maybe that was "Passionate Kisses." :)

Oh by the way....I am no longer a "wax drip!" I'm an Enigma. Cool.

:PPersonal experience (my sixteen year old son) has led me to associate "Sex on the Beach" with "Sand in your crack!"

Just kidding, what about something like "Summer Love?"

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There are some that I rename due to seasons changing like Candy Cane becomes Peppermint outside of the x-mas season, x-mas tree becomes Mountain Pine. Some you don't want to rename as people associate the normal names easier and makes less confusion for the customer. Like Love Spell or any other dupe you would want to keep the name so the customers know what they are getting and alot of people come looking for those type scents. If you want to rename any and need some help, there are some GREAT renamers on here that can help. Sometimes I feel scents have to be renamed as they just don't match what they smell like. I had a summer berry scent once that I renamed to Summer Spice as I smelled more spice in it than berry and thought people would think it would be more fruity smelling which it was not. I know I have seen Sex on the Beach called something else, maybe it was fun in the sun or sun and sand... something along those lines.

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I renamed my CS Struedel & Spice to Cinnamon & Sugar.

Buttermint does not smell like candy cane to me. When renaming candles be careful about names that don't reflect that as they will confuse customers. Ask me how I know!

Why not:

Christmas Mints

Buttermint Noel

Elf's Breath

Sleigh Ride

Winter's Night

Christmas Eve

Sleigh Bells

Silver Bells

Winter Mint

Star of Bethlehem

Northern Star

North Pole

Edited by Candybee
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Ok I like "Fun in the Sun" better, thanks!

And the names for Buttermint are very good, Candybee. I actually only made 3 of those candles and two are going to relatives, so I will tell them the real name too. :smiley2:

The reason I bought the buttermint anyway was because I bought a sample of "Snow Cream" from the Candlemaker's Store, and to me it smelled like buttermint candy, so guess I should have named the candles "Snow Cream!"

I really liked that Snow Cream but hesitate to order anything else from the Candlemaker's store, because there are no scent descriptions. Of course, some are pretty self explanatory, like "Apple Pie."

Also I don't know whether to order the grade A or grade B...so since I get my wax locally now, I just don't order anything from there.

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