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How was Everyone's shows today???


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Great first show of the season for. Sales were up from last year!!

Then I came home to a few online orders.. WHAHOO.. santa cool

Plus I used my new little Way System Credit Card Machine -OMG it is great!

All my CC's were instantly approved, and my little wireless printer was so nice to have..

At the end of the show, I hit Log Off and it batched them all out.

So glad I finally took the plunge and got one of these babies!!

Best $199.00 I ever spent!!!


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One word....AWESOME! I had a festival today that I didn't realize just how well attended it was. Sold out on a bunch of stuff, which is good & bad. I am very excited about how much sold up BUT I am panicking because I have a show tomorrow that is historically my biggest show of the year. Needless to say it is going to be a LATE night remaking products. That is a problem I am very glad to have.

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Dunno. I had to work most of today and my partner is holding a makeshift candle party and will be reporting eventually this evening to let me know what's happened.

It was mighty humid his way and cold my way and I know the evening is down to 60 here and dropping lol. Maybe we'll have a great evening :)

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mine was ok yesterday. The weather was rainy and cold, vendors who where there last year said that crowds were down. I think I sold 4 things after lunch :sad2:

I always try to see the positive with these slower shows, so they are... I made my booth money back and I don't have a whole lot I need to restock before my show next weeked, so I can work on testing the new stuff I'm working on and maybe get some of the stuff added to my line before holiday season is over :)

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Last weekend our show was fabulous... Saturday we were swamped.. Sunday was a bit flat... but after the great sales on Saturday, and the show being outdoors I'm not complaining about Sunday being a bit quiet. We sold more this year, than we did the previous 2 years from our booth. We sell bath & body, soy candles, dipped critters and soap... along with gourmet foods. We've been part of this show for 7 years and were excited to see such great sales.

This weekend,,, our show did just as well as the 2009 show. Alot of repeat buyers, looking to see what sort of gift baskets we will be offering this year.

We are taking a couple of weekends off.. then we are booked from Oct 2nd, - Dec. 18th at shows.... hopefully the trend will continue with good sales.

Good luck everyone.... :yay:keep smilin' and keep sellin' ~S~

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I had a 2-day show this weekend. This was my 4th year doing this same show and looked like the usual crowd was a bit thinner this year. Had a great show thou. Made good money and sold a lot of candles and soap.

For candles I sold out of Apple Cinnamon, Christmas Splendor, and most of my Mulberry, Gingerbread, and Honeysuckle Rose. For soap I sold out on OMH and Sandalwood Patchouli.

I also got 3 wholesale accounts, 1 fundraiser, 1 home show offer, lots of signups for my website mailing list, and people interested in taking some candlemaking classes I am starting in December. So all in all I had a very good show this weekend!:cheesy2:

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My Sunday show was really busy as well. #'s where down just slightly from last year ($75-100ish) but it was still a significant improvement from the 2008 #'s at that same show show. $$ per sale where down but there were significantly more individual sales than prior years, many to new customers. Also, I think I would have had much higher end of day totals if I hadn't sold of a bunch of stuff at Saturday's show and not been able to remake it all overnight. Of course many of my repeat customers where looking for the stuff I DIDN'T have or had already sold out of for the day! Fortunately most of them also shop at the nearby consignment store that I have product in so they were just going to head over there to get it because I knew that it was there because I just restocked them last week and left a backup supply of many of the items that sell well (which means I will need to get over there to restock very soon too!).

All & all I am VERY happy with this weekend's results. Now to just catch up on sleep that I missed this weekend and get more stuff made for my show on 10/2.

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I just noticed I got a little write up in the local newspaper-- the Virginia Daily. Its a very small one sentence blurb but every little bit of publicity helps. It was this weekends show- Edinburg's Ole Time Festival I attended. I'm Candace with the Glow Palm Candles. BTW-- I had a couple of those homemade donuts in the top pic:


Edited by Candybee
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Thats great Candybee, your right every little bit does help. BTW, those donuts look amazing! :drool:

The sugarload in those donuts was enough to send you into a glycemic cardiac arrest. I had to actually take breaks eating one of those babies. But patience and diligence helped me scarf the whole donut down! Tehehee!!:laugh2:

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great sales Idea. As per some celebrities’ statements Burberry is their all time favorite brand and they just love the Burberry scarves, handbags, shoes, purses, etc. It’s not hard to guess if something is common in every celebrity’s must be their Burberry products.

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