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Glades Scented Rocks


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I purchased one of these sets several months ago & I can still catch a faint whiff of it when I enter my bathroom.

I'm trying to find out what they used to make these. I'm not sure if it's large pieces of rock salt or what they are.

If anyone has any ideas please let me know. I love these things.

I just took one of them outside & tapped it with a hammer. It broke into pieces really easy & is shiny on the inside like glass & some of it turned into a powder. So with it turning into a powder I'm ASSuming it's not glass. lol

I thought maybe sea glass but it doesn't feel like glass & I rubbed the powdered part in my fingers & it didn't feel like glass.

I just answered my own question I put a piece in some water & it dissolved don't know why I didn't think of that sooner.

Does anyone know a good place to get these large pieces of salt?

Edited by ladysj
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hi! these "rocks" are solar salt. you can buy a 40 pound bag at wally world for under 6 dollars. actually, i got mine at my local grocery store. they even had 2 or 3 different brands. feel the bags cause you will want to get the larger "rocks". the brand i got is Diamond Solar Gems in a yellow bag. again, 40 lbs. for $5-something!! and NO shipping!!


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hi! these "rocks" are solar salt. you can buy a 40 pound bag at wally world for under 6 dollars. actually, i got mine at my local grocery store. they even had 2 or 3 different brands. feel the bags cause you will want to get the larger "rocks". the brand i got is Diamond Solar Gems in a yellow bag. again, 40 lbs. for $5-something!! and NO shipping!!


Thank you I'll check my local Wal-Mart.

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I tried to make some rock potpourri last summer and ordered three different sizes from Salt Works and mixed them together. I don't know if there is a better way to make it than the way I used, but it took me forever to get it made. I wished I had more patience because I think it looks so pretty!

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I've been looking into making these and have spent the better part of today googling. I read that you want the big solar salt rocks (NOT the pellets). They get prettier if you wash them, put them on a towel, and let dry. Than mix (I know I'm going to spell this wrong) dendritic salt with your FO. After that is mixed up well, mix it into the salt. Lay on foil or parchment paper and let dry. From what I've read, it doesn't take much FO at all to scent these. They last like 6 weeks or so, and then you can sell a refresher oil to rescent them. I just ordered some dendritic salt so I'll be trying this when it comes. Can't wait to try it out! I think they could be more popular since Glade now has them...

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I don't think you want the pellets. I've read that they won't work. You want the actual rock salt crystals. Our lil gas station here only had the pellets. I might try Ace Hardware since there's no Lowe's or Menards by me. Might have to wait until i'm in town to stop there. :( Not easy to get that kind of stuff when you live in a small town.

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So I found some Solar Salt in a blue bag at the grocery store. it was $4 for 40lbs!! woo hoo!!! My dendriatic salt won't be here till probably late next week, but I am so excited to try these out that I'm going to make some without it. I know that the scent will last longer with it... but this will work for now! HAHA I make aroma beads, but the scent doesn't last very long so I'm hoping this will work better! :)

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So I found some Solar Salt in a blue bag at the grocery store. it was $4 for 40lbs!! woo hoo!!! My dendriatic salt won't be here till probably late next week, but I am so excited to try these out that I'm going to make some without it. I know that the scent will last longer with it... but this will work for now! HAHA I make aroma beads, but the scent doesn't last very long so I'm hoping this will work better! :)

The ones I bought that Glade made I've have for I'm sure over 3 months. I just shook the jar a little & you can smell them again.

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The ones I bought that Glade made I've have for I'm sure over 3 months. I just shook the jar a little & you can smell them again.

Are you sure they are salt? And do they have a fine grain salt in there too? Are they dry or is there a liquid on the bottom. Guess I'll have to buy some cause I love Glade's scents. The ones I made don't last at all.

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Well, I don't know what I think of these. I mixed .5 oz dendritic salt with 5ml FO. Than I mixed 1lb of salt into that. I've never used dendritic salt before. I thought it would still be liquid, but it was like wet sand. I mixed it up good, and then put some in a glass bowl and set in my bathroom on the toilet. Can't smell it at all :( I used Cider Snap from Elements. It's a strong, but not overpowering scent. I did put some of the rocks in my potpourri burner, and that had a wonderful throw. So I don't know... I'm not sure if I didn't use enough FO? I've got 40lbs of rock salt to play with. LOL

I got asked to donate a couple of baskets for a couple fundraisers and wanted to make sachets with the rocks. But I don't think I'm ready for that. Apparently I need to do a bit more testing. LOL

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oh darn! I know what I did wrong! LOL The recipe I had I THOUGHT it said it was for 2lbs of rocks, but it was for 1lb. So I cut the amount of dendritic salt and FO in half for my recipe. So this could be my problem! I put 1/2 the amount of scent in it for the amount of rocks I have.. No wonder they were dry so fast. LOL

I think I'm going to start using some scents that I dont' care for for these trials. LOL

Back to the drawing board!!!!!:laugh2:

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  • 3 months later...
oh darn! I know what I did wrong! LOL The recipe I had I THOUGHT it said it was for 2lbs of rocks, but it was for 1lb. So I cut the amount of dendritic salt and FO in half for my recipe. So this could be my problem! I put 1/2 the amount of scent in it for the amount of rocks I have.. No wonder they were dry so fast. LOL

I think I'm going to start using some scents that I dont' care for for these trials. LOL

Back to the drawing board!!!!!:laugh2:

Wanted to bring this back up and see how the salt scents are doing? Did the Dendritic Salt make any difference? I made some the other day but I guess I didn't buy the Dendritic Salt, can't find it if I did. Now another thing I want/have to buy. Do I have to order this or are there any stores that carry, so I can pick up.

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I personally LOVE them!! HUGE difference in with the dendritic salt compared to without. I have some on my desk that people are always asking what smells good. And at home I put some in my lil potpourri crockpot. LOVE them!! As far as where to get the salt I had to order mine. I got them from... I believe elements but quite a few places have them. I believe wsp does also. I recently used blueberry muffin from I think the candlemakersstore or something like that and it was SO strong I had to take it off my desk, put it back in the jar and wrap it in a baggie and could still smell it. LOL

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