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Presto Pot Question

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So I just bought a presto pot on eBay with the pour spout. My question is, is it okay to let the wax harden in it if I don't use it all and reheat it later? Or do I have to keep it warm at a certain temp to keep it liquid until the next use.

If so, what temp should I keep it at?

Thank you in advance!

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Thought I would contribute something also since I'm always just asking questions...- I was looking for a way to raise my presto pot so I could pour through the spout into the pour pot (which is ontop of the scale) so instead of a bucket to raise it, I put it flat on the counter with the spout hanging over the side and the scale and the pour pot in an open drawer and it is perfect! :yay:

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I put it flat on the counter with the spout hanging over the side and the scale and the pour pot in an open drawer and it is perfect! :yay:

Great tip - glad it worked for you!

If I'm going to pour in the next 24 hours I'll usually drop the thermostat and leave it melted. Turn the temp back up to the pour temp the next day.

If you are done you can let it solidify in the Presto. But the next time you want to melt it be sure to start low and step up the temp in increments. Cranking it up to the pouring temp from the beginning will melt the bottom wax quickly and then the top wax (which is still solidified) will act as a lid. The first time I re-heated a pot that was fairly full it was making some funny noises and the top wax was moving up and down. I thought it was going to blow up. :shocked2:

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You can like the other posters say, let it harden. I always figure out how much I need to pour for the day and put that in my pot. I keep it warm/liquid between pours. Since I only use 1 was in it, i don't wipe it out, just keep whatever is remaining (a 1/2 lb or less since I round up a 1/2 lb to accomidate for a little extra fallming into the pour pot when mixsing my scents) harden. Put my lid on and store (once cooled) in my closet until I need to pour again.

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Its seems silly to me to leave a presto pot, melter, or anything electric left on when not in use. It won't hurt the wax left in the pot to reharden and then reuse it when you are ready.

I use a wax melter and weigh out the amount of wax I need to use for each pouring session. Any wax left over stays in the melter when I turn it off. I just add new wax to it next time I want to make candles and stir it all together when melted.

Sorry but I don't have any advice on wax exploding out the top when reheated. Maybe its because I use a professional grade wax melter which heats the wax evenly from top to bottom or because I always add new wax on top of the old. Just not a problem for me.

As far as placing your presto pot or melter so that you may pour out the spout-- just make sure it sits on a flat stable surface and is not in any danger of being bumped into or knocked over. Larger melters may need to be anchored down to prevent accidents. A presto pot can sit on a good flat countertop.

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I just wanted to add DO NOT leave your pesto pot on with the wax melted inside for more than a few hours. I've accidentally left my presto on over night and not only does it stink up your house it will ruin the wax.

I used to keep my pot on a beer 12 pack box filled with empty bottles (LOL how's that for improvising?) It was pretty stable and just the right height that my pour pot fit right underneath.

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I believe that dh's are around for a reason. Here is what I got my dh to make for mine. One is for the wax and the one with 2 presto pots are for the B&B. Sure does come in handy.

Wow that is a great setup! I gotta try that.

Thank you everyone for the tips. My conclusion is don't leave it on overnight unless it is really just at a very low temp and it is okay to let it harden as long as you breakup the wax a bit before re-melting.

Thanks again!

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I wouldn't ever leave a presto pot on unattended. Too much of a fire hazard in my opinion. The thermostat could easily malfunction. It just doesn't take that long to reheat the next day. And I don't melt a full pot late in the day unless I'm going to use most of it.

Very cool setup Rae! Wish I had that.

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