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It's that time again soon, I was working on some fall/halloween scents this weekend and I came up with 3 themes for Halloween and can't decide which one I like the best, so I would like to know which one looks best to you and or if you have any opinions on what to change.

Thanks for looking! :smiley2:




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OK, now I'm going to confuse matters by saying that I definitely like the middle theme the "best" First one is too plain and way too bright with the solid yellow background and the last one is too bright with the pitch black background, even with the printing on the yellow. I think with the muted blue coloring really adds that touch to it! JMHO

Edited by Toni S.
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I like the first one the best because the poems in the background on the others are too much of a distraction from the candles.

But I would change the background to a graveyard scene instead. Or maybe just change the orange squres into tombstone shapes instead. Or maybe just use some fall leaves in the background. Something simple but fallish looking.

Edited by Candybee
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What can the bird sit on? I think the tombstone lol. Maybe. It might look like a big turd though. Can you spread it's wings a little bit?

lol...no, the wings are attached to the body, it was an cheap prop I got a Michaels, they had others and all the wings were attached.

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The colors in the first photo are sharper. The yellow is crisp and the brown background is more muted so the bird doesn't blend in. However, I think the yellow may be a bit to bright, it overwhelms the candles. The tiles are not as bright in the second pic and your candles pop a lot better. Could probably tone it down a bit more, see what it looks like.

Although I do like the poem on the last pic, it's Poe, what's not to like, I agree with Candybee, it's distracting. It draws the viewer's eyes away from the candles to read the text. It's like they are decorations for the poem instead of the other way around. But, I really like the idea... Maybe doing something like the falling leaves but have it look more watermark-like, barely there. Might give a bit more depth to the yellow.

Like Scented said, the bird looks a bit out of place. He needs to be sitting on a rock, a branch, a cross or something. And, not so much in the foreground. Might not be easy to position with the limited space you are working in. Again, I like the idea.

With my two cents above, please know that I am not a graphics/web designer. Do not posess that talent. And what I've said is not meant as criticism. What you have done is probably 1,000 times better than what I could come up with. But, I have worked closely with web designers and I'm giving you impressions like I did with them. Hopefully, it's helpful for you...


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I like both of the middle ones, though I'm not fond of the bright background on the second middle one I like how your candle colors pop in that one. The first middle one is spookier and fits better with Halloween theme (dark). I enjoyed reading the poem it wouldn't distract me from buying the candle. I thought it added some spookiness like when you go into a haunted house and a scary story is being told.

Edited by Jeannie
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