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Golden Brands - 423 PB Soy Wax TEST'S

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After the photos, the other 3 of mine cracked down the sides. Anyone have any ideas that we might try to eliminate the cracking? Maybe a little of the container wax to soften them up just a bit? Gonna dump mine back in the pot today and try again, they won't even come off the wick pins without busting to pieces.

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After the photos, the other 3 of mine cracked down the sides. Anyone have any ideas that we might try to eliminate the cracking? Maybe a little of the container wax to soften them up just a bit? Gonna dump mine back in the pot today and try again, they won't even come off the wick pins without busting to pieces.

I added 20% straight paraffin. Might try 25% next time as the bottoms cracked on two.

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The web site suggested adding beeswax. That sounds like a good idea. I am going to try a small amount of beeswax. I did add stearic and some cracked and some didn't.:confused:

Let us know on the beeswax. My observations from using beeswax in my soy, makes me believe it is only going to make this votive wax crack more. I especially have issues with it in the winter months.

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Hi everyone. I tested this wax last night. I did not have any luck at all!! I heated to 180, added 1 ounce FO to 10 ounces of wax and stirred 3 minutes. Poured at 160. Tarts were poured into a mini muffin pan. When they set up, they all had circular cracks. So I heat gunned them and after I did that, they all had a small califlower in the middle of them. So I heat gunned them again. But only a few came out smooth. Also, the wax that i had melted in a pour pot, after it set up....it has a giant crack through the middle....completely split in half. Well, that is my experience so far. I will try again and pour at a very cool temperature maybe that will avoid the cracking. I will try adding some stearic as well. Will let you know how it turns out.

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Could they possibly be cooling too quickly? I had another batch that I tried to rapidly cool in the freezer right after pouring and they did that also. I remelted them and poured them again at 165ish and let them cool at room temp (72ish) and the same wax came out perfect.

Hope that helps or maybe answers something.


I will be uploading some new pics and some really hardcore pushes on this wax thanks to the "sample" you sent me. I am going to keep pushing this wax to find out what it's made of.... lol

I am up to 12% on Cinnamon Vanilla with no ill effects in a small batch. Like I said I am going to keep pushing just to see what it will do. Once I find out how much FO it can hold I will start pushing the color....


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According to the thermostat in the living room, it says its 73 degrees which is what we normally keep it at. And the kitchen is right off the living room. However the laundry room is off of the kitchen and is not heated. So cooler air might come in from there. But I never notice it being too much cooler than the living room. Well, this is the third time i have poured tarts with it now....and i poured at 125 just to see if that might make any difference. They had a deep dip in the middles. and then they got the circular crack also. SO, i heat gunned them. When you do that they get MAJOR califlower look to them. No matter what they just arnt turning out. I dont know what the problem is. I guess I will try adding some pure soy to it. And see if that helps any. I dont want to use a wax that I have to add another wax to though.

Maybe I could cool them in the oven. Just stick them on a sheet and let them cool in there so no cool air hits them. I dont know. Let me know if you have any other suggestions, thanks!

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Well, I poured hot again, and tried to pop them out as soon as they set up enough to....they already had circular cracks, and they wouldnt come out. then they just looked awful so i heatgunned them, and after doing that, they get these GIANT huge califlowers in the middles. its awful. I cant even get them out of the molds either. So, its not going well for me. Now I will try adding some of the ezsoy i have here and see how that works. If it doesnt work, then who knows what to do next.

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Here is a pic of whats happening to the tarts. I poured hot at 175. When they set up, they all looked like this....sorry the pic isnt the best. I didnt even heat gun them this time, they just looked like this when they set up.


As you can see the bottom two have circular cracks, the top two look like some kind of wierd explosion or growth lol. I have no idea what the problem is. They wont come out of the mold very easily either.

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Hi There!

I received my samples of wax from Jason just a couple of days ago and I finally had a chance to try the GW423 out this morning. I have had mixed results with this wax and making both tarts (tart molds and clamshells) and votives with it. I heated the wax to a temp of 180°, added FO stirred and have poured at 135°, 140°, 150°, 160°, 170° & 175°.

The votives that I made were poured at 135°, 140°, 170° & 175°. All but the one poured at 140° had cracks and the one poured at 175° also had that cauliflower stuff ontop. I did try hitting them with the heat gun and some of them look better but they won't come out of the molds now. The one that did come out fine was poured at 140° and fell right out of the mold in about an hour and a half.

There doesn't seem to be any cracks in any of those poured in the clamshells and of those poured in the tart molds the ones that were poured at 140°, & 170° both had the circular crack in the center and slight cracks coming out from the circular crack. The tarts poured at 135°, 150°, 160°, & 175° all look fine so far.

The tarts and clamshells fall right out of the molds and so did the one votive that came out fine but once I hit the votives with the heat gun I can't get them out of the molds.

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Im having the same problem and I have had to remelt this wax over and over even tried to get it to set up right in the container I used as a mold and still having trouble GRRRRR

Blessed Be


Here is a pic of whats happening to the tarts. I poured hot at 175. When they set up, they all looked like this....sorry the pic isnt the best. I didnt even heat gun them this time, they just looked like this when they set up.


As you can see the bottom two have circular cracks, the top two look like some kind of wierd explosion or growth lol. I have no idea what the problem is. They wont come out of the mold very easily either.

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I tried the 423 for tarts, pillars and votives.

The tarts are ok

The votives and pillars cracked. Cracked at every temp I poured.

I only have enough pillar to try 1 more. If it doesn't work then I am outta luck for now. Wish I could figure the right pouring temp.

I ended up using the cracked votives and pillar in my warmer ...

I poured the container blends also.

I didn't get much throw from them either, but I am not done with them.

I have alot more wicks to try. The cold throw rocks....

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