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What do you think of this?!

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First, let me give alittle background... As many of you know, I only sell on the web. The only payments I accept are all credit cards - directly and thru PayPal - and electronic checks. I will not accept(and haven't for 8 years) money orders and personal checks via snail mail. I haven't done this for many reasons, not the least of which is incoming and outgoing mail has been stolen right out of the mailbox. It is clearly stated in several placed on the website what the payment methods are. In fact, the cart feature, which shows up in a little box in the upper corner of EVERY page on the website, states payment methods.

I closed the webstore for shipping on 7/15, due to summer shutdown. Then, on 7/18 am, this lady places an order with paypal as her shipping option. I immediately sent her a payment reminder, as she did not make payment, which is expected at the time the order is placed. Since it was paypal, I figured I could make it for her that day and ship in the morning, as we were leaving 7/19 for two months away. The payment never came, and I went to bed as we were leaving early in the morning. I checked the webstore mail one last time Monday morning, and she left a message late Sunday night that she would be sending payment Monday. She is in the same time zone as me. Anyway, I immediately told her not to send it, that I was cancelling the order, and why.

Monday night, I checked the store email again and she said she had already sent payment that day in the form of a personal check. Would I please send it back to her. :confused: So I wrote her back and told her that I have not accepted mailed payments for 8 years. That I would not have access to the mail for 2 months(we have someone picking it up, and since they're making a special trip every day to get it, I couldn't possibly ask them to look for her mail, open it, and send her check back).

Well...then she sends a nasty email, all caps, telling me she doesn't care how long it's been since I accepted checks, she could wait 2 months to get her check back, and if it's cashed in the meantime, I'm responsible!!!:shocked2:

What the heck??!!! I don't accept checks, didn't ask for it, clearly stated on my website; but she goes ahead and sends it anyway?!:shocked2: Am I missing something?! Her order has been cancelled, I wrote her back and told her I have blocked her email addy, and if her check is there when I get back, I will destroy it. I'm not going to make a special trip to the post office, which is what I have to do to make sure someone doesn't rip off the check from the mailbox, for someone who can be so rude. If she could read, we would have avoided this situation, and I guess I will never try to be accomodating to anyone again.:(

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Wow! She sounds like a nightmare. If it were me I would wait and see if the letter was in your mail when you return. If so, then write "return to sender" on it and give it to your postman instead of tearing it up. Definitely glad you blocked her email. She is trouble.

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Sounds like a whack-job.

If she sent the check to you, that's her problem.

You explained the situation, so if she is worried about the check being cashed, she can put a stop payment on it.

I would not even let it bother you.

She is the idiot that sent it, let her deal with the consequences.. :rolleyes2

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People are extremely whacky these days. I had a woman come in today and throw a $5 bill on the counter for a $16.99 plus tax item. When my daughter told her the price, (which was clearly marked), she flipped out and made a horrible scene in the store! "Why that price is ridiculous!! This is not worth more than $5.00" blah, blah, blah. The item cost me $9.50 wholesale plus shipping!!! I think I would have shoed her to the door and told her to shop at the dollar store up the road if I'd had been there.

I'd tell that woman, if she was stupid enough to send you payment in a form that you don't and haven't accepted, she can pay to cancel the check, period.

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What a strange situation. Normally before sending a check the person would have asked what to make it out to (in case the account is in your personal name) and where to send it. After all, the contact info on your site could be your physical address which is different from your mailing address.

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I know...the whole thing is screwy.... To answer the questions: no, I didn't send any product which, by the way, she wanted sent to someone else in a different state(gift) and, in order to give the check to the postman on return(if it's there), I'd have to be watching for him because he can come anytime between 10:30 am and 5:00 pm. He doesn't come the same time everyday.:angry2: I don't have the time to do that, and I can't leave it in the mailbox for fear of someone ripping it off. I did advise she put a stop payment on the check, and I think that's why she's POed. But hey, I don't accept checks, period. I can still see in my mind her "I DON'T CARE HOW LONG YOU HAVEN'T ACCEPTED CHECKS. IF IT'S CASHED, YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE". Amazing....when I shop for supplies, I prefer to use my Discover Card, but some of my suppliers won't accept it so I have to use Visa. Same thing. And when she placed the order, personal check wasn't an option on the choose payment page, which is probably why she checked paypal. Mind boggling...:laugh2:

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  • 4 weeks later...

My God! I wouldn't even worry about her! She's an idiot and she's that 1% that make life hard for the rest of us. Go on vacation and when you get back, find the check and write "VOID" in big black letters on it and mail it back. (Or better yet, rip it up in pieces, put it in an envelope and then mail it back! I guess people like that just make me mad!!)

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I'd tell her to stop payment on the check since your site clearly says that checks are not accepted. This makes it her responsibility not yours. Why did she go through PayPal if she didn't pay through them? :werd:I would have used a roll eyes smilie but there wasn't one.

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