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How many first time soapers marvel......


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at your soap and how well it really does work. I just can't get over how wonderful my soap bubbles and cleans and smells. My husband laughs because I just stand there rubbing soap all over me. Anyway, thanks for introducing this clean and fun hobby.


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It's crazy right! I was just thinking the same thing earlier;when I was washing my hands with the various scrap pieces. I never once thought about soap, and NEVER dreamed I would love making it. Much less even try making it. LOL

Thank you all for getting me hooked on a "Clean" addiction...hehe

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I know! I always giggle when I am rinsing out my crockpot and it bubbles up. My family is getting sick of me yelling "look, it works!":yay:

My kids too...They look at me with smiles on their face, shaking their heads. (they are probaly thinking "Get a Life, Mom!") lol

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I gave my sister a small piece to try out the other day. She graciously took the soap at the same time she was rolling her eyes. She came into my shop today and I was in the back, she yelled from the front that she was clean. I came out and said what, she had finally used the soap and said she was clean, and skin was soft, and it smelled great. She wants more. One family member down, alot more to go. hehe

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It's crazy right! I was just thinking the same thing earlier;when I was washing my hands with the various scrap pieces. I never once thought about soap, and NEVER dreamed I would love making it. Much less even try making it. LOL

Thank you all for getting me hooked on a "Clean" addiction...hehe

That is so true for me, too! I stumbled across this forum a few months ago when I decided it would be cheaper for me to make my own candles than buy them (yeah, right). I looked at the soap making a little, and just didn't get it. Why make soap? But the threads slowly started drawing me in, and the next thing I knew I was spending more time reading about soap making than candle making. I finally got up the courage and gave it a shot -- and I'm hooked!

Now I can't figure out why I ever spent money on B&BW or other store bought "soaps"! The only drawback is now I spend more time in the shower because I have to test every bar (I currently have four bars in there with different FOs and recipes), so I'm not being very green and wasting lots of water.

It's just so cool that I can take some oils, add some lye, and I have soap that actually works better than the store bought stuff. Who knew?!? :cheesy2:

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I have not made any soaps yet and I marvel at all the soaps I see on here and I have tried some of them and they are amazing! I'm loosing the battle with myself to not try anything new but the soap is calling my name...lol :rolleyes2

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Well, this is all my husbands fault. I own a Candle Shop and he thought it would be great to add our own soaps to the shop. I said no way, thats just stupid. Well I finally started looking at the soaping board and thought wow what great pictures of soap. I was hooked because the creative side of it. I couldn't image that it would be so good for your skin and nice to use.

I went to the lumber store today, with a piece of paper with measurements for my own log mold. So today, I built my own log mold and they sell lye in there as well. Soooo, exciting about the lye. Less then 3 blocks from my shop.

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My wife gives me the "dirty' look whenever I launch into one of my soap rants. Nobody understands the process and they think I'm a huge nerd. I just made a batch with a new recipe and an fo blend that is all my own. It makes my skin feel so good and the smell is a perfect combination for either a man or woman. I have to brag on myself because no one else understands the accomplishment. oh well

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Oh my yes!

After spending so much of my adult life as a "domestic manager" and mother, I began to feel like nothing I did mattered because it wasn't "permanent". You know; scrub the floor for 2 hours and 15 minutes later it needs a sweeping. Tidy the bathroom until it gleams, then one child spends 5 minutes in there and it looks like a tornado went through. Very depressing.

Making soap gave me a renewed sense that I could create something that would last. Not forever mind you, but if it did, then I wouldn't have an excuse to make more!!

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This is a hobby I do for myself, since I really enjoy making soap and actually getting creative every now and then. The benefits go to anyone who wants it (they all love free soap). And people think I'm a brain surgeon because I can "make" soap. Anyone who can follow a recipe (and respect the lye) can make soap. I do notice that family members now call up and ask me "if you have any ______ laying around, we love some more!" Yes, I have lots of soap bars laying around, but have just dabbled in sugar scrubs, bath salts and Whipped body frosting (given to sister and sister in law to try)-not anything just laying around.

And, even though I've been making soap in last fall, I still get a thrill out of a new batch of soap when I finally get to try it in the bath. So, no, you're not alone and it's not just the new soapers that do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

there's nothing like homemade soap, even if it's not mine I just love the lather..I remember hearing somewhere that people think they are washing their hands thoroughly but we're not. This doctor on Opray suggested (and this goes for brushing your teeth also) you need to brush or lather for as long as it takes you to sing Happy Birthday 2 and 1/2 times...I actually do that but then I think I'm an undiagnosed OCD er..lol..it's a long time to brush or wash but the way handmade soap lathers I would swear I would be ready for surgery after I'm through. Don't you love all those little factoids we come across in our lives that we remember when somedays you can't remember if you woke up before your alarm went off or after it went off....

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