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HORRIBLE smell from this warmer...


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Using one of these warmers for the first time:


(I've always used tealight warmers in the past...)

Plugged it in about 20 minutes ago in my bedroom, and it has an AWFUL smell coming from it, an almost burnt fish rubber smell, its ungodly.. my whole house stinks.. please tell me this is NOT normal for the first time!? I opened all the windows in my bedroom and closed the doors, and left it burning.. I'm hoping to air that room out and the smell is just a weird "first burn" kind of thing and that it will go away.... I'm using one of my strongest throwing tarts (fruit slices) and I cant even smell it. ugh, help.

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Yikes! Let us know how this turns out. Maybe you could unplug it and wash the ceramic parts with warm soapy water and let dry, but I'm thinking it's the actual heating element burn off you are smelling. (At least I hope it is! Hate to think of anyone wanting to have a good smell and ending up with stink!)

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hubby is an electronics engineer, found nothing wrong with the burner.. its the black pad the plate sits on, it smells awful!! Smells much better now, I cant smell it up close any more although the scent is still lingering a bit... but wow... I would absolutely hate to sell one to a customer and have them have the same experience, you know? So I'm going to test another and see if it does the same thing... I'm hoping it was just a fluke because BLARGH it was awful. Everyone in the house (my best friend is in from Washington staying with us for a few weeks) was gagging, we all had to leave for a bit.

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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DH opened it up and didnt find anything... I plugges the other one in and the other one didnt do it... its just this one and the smell is gone now, DH thinks maybe the adhesive from the factory- the other one has absolutely no smell at all. So weird! Guess we answered the question though, its not the brand.. just this one and its gone now. LOL oh well, I'm just glad it fixed itself!:laugh2:And now my house smells EXTRA fruity because I have both going

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Using one of these warmers for the first time:


(I've always used tealight warmers in the past...)

Plugged it in about 20 minutes ago in my bedroom, and it has an AWFUL smell coming from it, an almost burnt fish rubber smell, its ungodly.. my whole house stinks.. please tell me this is NOT normal for the first time!? I opened all the windows in my bedroom and closed the doors, and left it burning.. I'm hoping to air that room out and the smell is just a weird "first burn" kind of thing and that it will go away.... I'm using one of my strongest throwing tarts (fruit slices) and I cant even smell it. ugh, help.

I've had that happen with everyone of those warmers I have purchased. To me it smells like formaldehyde for about the first hour.. After that the smell vanishes and it is fine.:confused:

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I've had that happen with everyone of those warmers I have purchased. To me it smells like formaldehyde for about the first hour.. After that the smell vanishes and it is fine.:confused:

Yeah it was just the one... but it was for a few hours and it was an AWFUL smell, my DH said he assumed it was some coating or adhesive they had used. It was AWFUL and I just worry if I was selling them and a customer smelled that they wouldnt wait it out, they would just think I sold them a bad warmer and want a refund.. or worse, think it was my tarts!

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Using one of these warmers for the first time:


(I've always used tealight warmers in the past...)

Plugged it in about 20 minutes ago in my bedroom, and it has an AWFUL smell coming from it, an almost burnt fish rubber smell, its ungodly.. my whole house stinks.. please tell me this is NOT normal for the first time!? I opened all the windows in my bedroom and closed the doors, and left it burning.. I'm hoping to air that room out and the smell is just a weird "first burn" kind of thing and that it will go away.... I'm using one of my strongest throwing tarts (fruit slices) and I cant even smell it. ugh, help.

I also had some OBI warmers that emitted that nasty smell. I no longer trust them. They are pretty cheaply made and poor quality IMO so I removed them from my inventory and got rid of them pronto! Good luck!

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