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Name Change that worked!!


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I am posting this in the business section because I wanted a bigger variety of folks to see this... I don't mind sharing it cause well..it's cool cause it worked :D I needed to rename Love Spell...mostly because I can not stand puting "type" behind the names of my fragrances. I rename all of them. Sooo...My new "love spell" name is BLUE VOO DOO :yay: I dyed the lotion blue, I dyed the soaps blue..and let me tell you..I sold out of every single Blue Voo Doo item I had at the show. Young girls loved it..even guys loved it..hell, even grandmas loved it! And more than one person bought it partly because they loved the name ;) I forget to post about this in my show report, but I'm glad I remembered now..in case anyone is needing an idea or two..this one worked wonders for me!

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That is a really cool/unisex name. I could never have thought of it, I suck at renaming.

One question, I'm curious as to whether people are on the hunt specifically for "types" of their favorites or if they even know what a "type" is when they see it and it bites them on the butt. Me personally, before I ever started candles, I never would have guessed what a "type" anything was, but I'm slow that way. Do people even bother to ask if you carry a certain scent that "smells like" something they are interested in? Since I've never sold, I have no idea about these things.

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I think you will find a mixture of both "types" of people out there (stupid pun totally intended) I believe there are some folks who will know what they are looking for, and ask everyone who makes scented items if they have it lol, and then the people like last weekend at my show who bought because the name was cool...or because they loved the scent. You will run into both! :P

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Thats cool sharon....I love the name.

I use to rename love spell too. But now I get people who buy it just for the VS name. As soon as they see the Victoria's Secret they jump right to it and buy me out.

Ya know..I should probably get over my stubborn refusal to use those "type" names...probably cheating myself out of money. lol

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I think the name rocks!! I would definately use it for another scent but I am stuck on it being a purple scent though. I know! I know! but color and scent matching is a big thing for me. I don't think I could color Lovespell blue. If you think about it blue is not a common color for food. Lovespell is fruity and floral. The only blue fruit is a blueberry (not a note I detect). There are not many blue flowers. It just doesn't jive with me! Glad it is workin for you though! !

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