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wood wicks with paraffin?

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I'm making me some outdoor candles and put an x-large wood wick in. Was smoking really good but went out, I really think it was the wind cause we are having some major wind. But now I'm thinking I read that the wood wicks don't work well in paraffin. Anyone know for sure? Or the name of the company that makes and sells them. I did liked how big the flame was and the smoke, besides it's something to do with the wicks I bought.....

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I hear that the commercial WoodWick candles are made from a Paraffin-Soy blend. I myself haven't tried them in paraffin yet so I'm not help with that. Before writing them off as trouble I'd suggest burning them in a controlled environment such as a bedroom or wherever you test your new pours.

By default, wooden wicks are wildly variable, just as any veggie wax is. Each batch is dependent on how good the crop was, the processing, etc, so there is no guarantee on performance. You probably understand that but I'll throw it out there for the new user.

Good luck.

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Don't want to try indoors cause of the smoking. I put the largest wick in so it would smoke and extra Citronella FO and some EO. Doesn't smell half bad.

Glad to know it worked for you with paraffin and para-soy. I have a bunch I don't use.

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I just bough a doz ea of the small and med from candlewic along with ridiculous qty of 12ply and 6/0sb (12 ply hard to find and I want 9 but see it nowhere)

Anyway, I'll try them in some CBA, C3, 4630. Could try a blend. Suggest percentages and I'll take your advice otherwise it'll be 50/50.

Do the commercial ones burn well? Enough other storebought ones don't, even major names, as I imagine we all know... one of the reasons I got into the hobby.

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Do the commercial ones burn well? Enough other storebought ones don't, even major names, as I imagine we all know... one of the reasons I got into the hobby.
I have a bunch of WoodWick candles that I bought from Cracker Barrel and the pros are they look great and throw well and crackle well. Very consistent burners. Cons are they soot and burn hot. Really a matter of opinion, I guess.
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I just bough a doz ea of the small and med from candlewic along with ridiculous qty of 12ply and 6/0sb (12 ply hard to find and I want 9 but see it nowhere)

I got my spooled 9 ply from wicksunlimited.com. It does come up with a google search!! :cool2:

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Just called them and yep, min qty is about 15,000 ft ( one full size 3 or 4 lb spool ). However, they were very nice on the phone and sent me a sample. If it proves useful maybe I'll post a co-op. Never used that forum before. Suppose I should have asked what the spool cost...

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Trying a small wood wick (from CandleWic) with 50/50 C3 soy and IGI 4630 Paraffin, 5% CS Pomegranate Sage.

Can't tell much at this point as to whether the wick is larger enough. It's crackling nicely. Pic is about 15 minutes into first burn starting with about 3/8" of wick. No smoke to be sure, kind of a low flame.

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Trying a small wood wick (from CandleWic) with 50/50 C3 soy and IGI 4630 Paraffin, 5% CS Pomegranate Sage.

Can't tell much at this point as to whether the wick is larger enough. It's crackling nicely. Pic is about 15 minutes into first burn starting with about 3/8" of wick. No smoke to be sure, kind of a low flame.

That looks so nice, love the low flame and the creamy look. I have a sample pk with all the sizes, think I'll try a para-soy blend. Don't have the kind of waxes you have . I do have 4627 Comfort Blend and 435 soy, maybe a 25/75 would work. Just don't want the smoke.

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So far it is burning nicely with a flame and melt pool I'd say is just right. Good fragrace too. It crackles some but not much. No smokes at all. Pretty lucky choices.

Couldn't say about what mix to try. This is the first time I've mixed paraffin with anything but beeswax deliberately.

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I made one with the large wood wick, apothecary 3"top-31/2"bottom. .75oz pear FO in 7.5 of soy 435 and 2.5 Comfort 4627, with just a little color.

Also the same jar and wick with all soy 435 at 1.5 pear FO.

So far both are burning fine, no smoke. Soy is throwing great at my daughters house. The one I'm burning I can't smell much but I never smell much.

Here is a picture of the soy & comfort blend. After about 1 1/2 hr burning. Has a complete melt pool at the 3" .Looks good to me.



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Radellaf and Sharon, those look beautiful! I'm so glad yours aren't smoking. If you like, I can post you some pictures of my WoodWick candles after many hours of use and you can see what I've experienced.

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Radellaf and Sharon, those look beautiful! I'm so glad yours aren't smoking. If you like, I can post you some pictures of my WoodWick candles after many hours of use and you can see what I've experienced.

Sure, go ahead and post.

I have been burning the one with comfort blend all day, still burning nice. No soot, deep melt pool and a little hot so a med. wood wick might work with the wax combo and jar size. Don't hear any crackle at all. I have a bunch of these jars so I might do a special with these wicks.

Do your wicks split? What I like about them is how nice and slow and yet how hot. This one has been lit for 12 hrs. and at least 8 yesterday. We'll see how many hrs I can get out of this.

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FWIW mine is beginning to drown out. Last melt pool probably 2" instead of 3 and very low flame. Not sure why. It's only 1/2-3/4" down. Maybe the wick is clogging or inconsistently made, or maybe as shallow as it is that's still enough down to be melting too much wax. Probably 5 burns done, each 4-6 hrs.

I'll give it a little more of a go and then maybe remelt and try the next larger size (large I think).

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Mine is burning good again today. Maybe the jar does make the difference. Here is a picture of the split wick.

Well all has changed, it is sooting like mad. Took the wick out, cut the sides to about the size of a med wick. Lit again and I have black all over the side of my jar. Had no fan or anything moving air in the room so don't know why this is happening. With a 3 1/2 " opening in a jar that is only 2 3/4 tall I don't think it's lacking air flow inside the jar.

Maybe the jar doesn't make any difference!!!!!

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