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Lace tea light jar


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Hi, I'm trying to think of ideas for us to get rid of glass jars that just aren't selling as actual candles - namely these jam jars.

I have a lot of scrap tea stained lace lying around doing nothing so I thought I'd try gluing some on the jar and using it as a tea light container.

Looks prettier than in the pic (couldn't get it focused properly) and so far all the heat is rising up through the top rather than making the walls of the jar too hot so I don't think there will be an issue as far as the lace goes.

Looks pretty unexciting though with the tea light un lit.

:( I dunno!

I might still tie a thin piece of satin ribbon round the top...

The only other option is to stick 'em all on ebay for the jam makers.

People just didn't "get" the whole plain prim look here and kept mistaking the jar candles for actual jam.

Any other ideas ?


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Hi Tracy, I think they both look great and would do both types. The burlap are very rustic looking and the lacy ones are very old worldish and both should be popular. Maybe you could supply buyers with a photo of them burning which could be put up where they are displayed and then people would see the full effect. I like them. Cheers,

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Thanks for looking and commenting all... Yeah, I'm not a lacy person myself so I'm tending towards the hessian one.

You can't see it in the photo but the lace IS tea stained.....still...it's a bit too "pretty" for my tastes and I don't think it would look right on our market stall.

I also did one with part of a bamboo table mat glued around it... I liked the look of that too except you could see too much of the twisty rim of the jar.

Anyway, I'll make up a few and see if there's any interest otherwise I might have to take up jam making, lol!

Tammy, I confess too that I like a candle jar to LOOK like a candle jar. Oh well, you live and learn! :)

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