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Which do you prefer/sell most of--clam shells or tarts?


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LOL about people thinking the clamshells were soap.. I made a couple of tarts for my friend using a mold I sometimes use for mini sample sized soaps and she thought they were soap too. Called me up and said "these dont lather at all, whats going on?" lol.

I dont do them for shows, but I think the ease of the clamshells make them really appealing.

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Scentsy seems to be big here so people have never mistaken the clamshells for soap or candy. But I can just see someone trying to shower with one or popping it in their mouth to eat. :laugh2:

I don't do many of the tart shaped and love the clamshells. Pour, close and label. Gotta love it!! :yay:

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I asked some of my friends about what they prefer, and they liked the tarts better b/c they dont have to break them apart, they just take out of the bag (bakery bag). So, I decided not to do clamshells based on that. The clamshells sure seem like the easier way to go though. My friends were previously scentsy customers before i started making candles/tarts:)

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We do clamsheels for some of our wholesale accounts who want them, and tarts for the others. Markets we dont take clams as we are trying to keep our stall pretty much recycled and recyclable.

Having said that though we have to shrink wrap the tarts or the shops wont take them, which makes them a PITA to do compared to the clams, but we generally sell way more tarts in any case.

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