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Acne Soap


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I wanted to create a acne bar for my son that is having issues lately. I am thinking of a basic bar with Tea Tree oil added at trace. I wanted to know if anyone has a recipe that they have had luck with or if they have any feed back.

Olive oil: 24 oz.

Palm : 18 oz.

Coconut: 18 oz.

Water/Tea: 22 oz.

Lye: 9 oz.

Tea Tree oil at trace.

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I make a tea tree lavender bar for myself, I use coconut milk instead of water.

I use mostly Olive (70), and add a bit of coconut oil for lather. I dont add any other oils, and I dont superfat this particular bar because my goal is for it to be a bit drying.

It works for me! My skin cleared up in about a week and has stayed clear since using this particular bar. This recipe is 22oz of oils, it fits in a custom mold In use just for this batch of soap, usually my batches are much larger but I only make this soap for myself and family as we cannot make medical claims like "for acne" or "cures acne" and so on.

(please note my recipe has a water reduc of 25%)

so my recipe is:

4.2 oz coconut milk

2.1 oz water (I disolve my lye in this, then add it to the coconut milk when room temp, then add to my room temp oils.)

3.3oz lye

6.6oz coconut

15.4oz olive

1.5 oz tea tree

.5 oz lavender oil

I add the EO's at trace, and since I soap at a low temp anyways (room temp lye and room temp oils) they stand up to the process very well. Its a nice, dense, heavy white bar.

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Thanks for all the the feed back! I am going to try yoru recipe since you had good results. I like the idea of using coconut milk with the water/lye mix. I actually purchased coconut milk this weekend to make a regular (non acne) bar with it. I will use it for his bar instead.

He is 13 almost 14 and has started struggling with break outs for the last 6 month. He is definitly struggling the most with his chin area :mad:. He plays hocky and i think the chin strap is to blame. I've been cleaning it now after every time he plays, but I think his skin needs extra TLC also during his teen hormone spurts.

Edited by moon01945
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yeah, hormones are hell on the face. I also use a store bought bar, called PanOxyl, 2-3 times a week. Its super drying... too drying to use everyday for me... but I like to use it if I decide to wear foundation or cover up that day because its the only thing I truly feel removes all the makeup.

If hes not opposed to trying a facial mask, you can buy a great one at the drugstore called "Queen Helene Mint Julep mask" its a green clay mask. I use that once a week, and then use it for spot treatment overnight too. Its less than $3.00 for a HUGE tube that lasts a really long time, and it really really works. I attempted to make my own version but its so cheap and works so well there really is no point!! I get it at Walgreens but I know some walmarts and RiteAids have it too. Drugstore.com is another place to get it.

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This is totally IMO but I've noticed that acne bars tend to do better on skin thats oily if the olive oil is kept to a minimum, not more than about 15-20% of the bar. I generally use more coconut oil and add tea tree and some kind of gentle exfoliant. I think that's part of why salt bars work so well on acne, they are high in coconut and lots of exfoliants!

If the acne is due to dry skin (I get that, dry skin clogs the pores and causes pimples), I will do a soap with coffee grounds and a little more olive oil. Works like a charm :)

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yeah, hormones are hell on the face. I also use a store bought bar, called PanOxyl, 2-3 times a week. Its super drying... too drying to use everyday for me... but I like to use it if I decide to wear foundation or cover up that day because its the only thing I truly feel removes all the makeup.

If hes not opposed to trying a facial mask, you can buy a great one at the drugstore called "Queen Helene Mint Julep mask" its a green clay mask. I use that once a week, and then use it for spot treatment overnight too. Its less than $3.00 for a HUGE tube that lasts a really long time, and it really really works. I attempted to make my own version but its so cheap and works so well there really is no point!! I get it at Walgreens but I know some walmarts and RiteAids have it too. Drugstore.com is another place to get it.

Thanks for the tip! I will look for it. I know for a fact that we have lots of Queen Helene stuff in my Walgreens and CVS's.

He is not opposed to facials. i've done several on him to try and clean out the clogged pores and to help the skin healing.

He is 13 and 5'10'' (and still growning like crazy) its the funnies thing to see him all relaxed out with steaming towel on his face. :laugh2: He my big softy!

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Thanks for the tip! I will look for it. I know for a fact that we have lots of Queen Helene stuff in my Walgreens and CVS's.

He is not opposed to facials. i've done several on him to try and clean out the clogged pores and to help the skin healing.

He is 13 and 5'10'' (and still growning like crazy) its the funnies thing to see him all relaxed out with steaming towel on his face. :laugh2: He my big softy!

LOL gotta love sons.. mines only 5 but hes already moms little trooper and I'm hoping he stays that way through the hard teen years!!

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Oh duh!! CP soap huh. I don't do CP. I am in Salt Lake. Just noticed you were in Ogden.

Not sure what you mean by this. All soap, no matter what process you use, is made with lye at some point. Even if you use melt and pour, the soap you are remelting, used lye to get it that way. Lye is no longer an active ingrediant (if you used the proper amount) once the soap if fully cured.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not sure what you mean by this. All soap, no matter what process you use, is made with lye at some point. Even if you use melt and pour, the soap you are remelting, used lye to get it that way. Lye is no longer an active ingrediant (if you used the proper amount) once the soap if fully cured.

I am new to soaping so you'll have to forgive me for not knowing that.

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I make a fantastic one, I call it Burnt Goat, basically its a goats milk bar with the addition of activated charcoal. Works wonders, I get stalked for this bar.

Would you be willing to share the ratio of activated charcoal? My daughter has severe acne and I really need to find something that will work for her. Do you use the M&P goats milk? I have some of that coming from a recent co-op and was wondering if I could use that?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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I use a tablespoon per pound of my formulation.

A goats milk base would likely be fine.

You really really need to ensure that you grind up the charcoal well. I mean, I tell customers to make a lather, rub it on the affected area, wait for a moment or two then rinse. That way if there are any sharp chunks of charcoal in the bar it won't scratch them.

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