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Are these FO's old??


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Again, I was not trying to offend/call-out anyone... which is why I didn't mention any names. I was simply asking for opinions on the age of these oils... not the seller! I find it strange that before it was brought to anyone's attention who the seller was, everyone said that the oils sounded like they are probably old; and now that they know who the seller was they are all offering reasons for their aged qualities. I never said they smelled 'skunky' I said they smell 'off'.

Just because I'm a newbie to this board does not mean I don't have the right to post my opinions or questions without getting browbeaten

(or that I 'forgot how to use the brain God gave me'). Were you not all newbies here once too?Lets move on...

It wouldn't have mattered who the seller was I would have posted the same way if it was someone I knew wouldn't cheat anyone. Many, many new and old oils smell 'off' as you put it until they hit wax. You have to remember that all FO's have synthetic properties and an out of bottle sniff sometimes will have a chemical smell, it doesn't make it bad. In your case having $50.00 worth of oils all be bad at the same time.....hmmm I have to go with your being an inexperienced chandler not the oils. I personally have never thrown out, or had an oil go bad in the 11 years I've been buying them. I'm not saying it can't happen, but I have never experienced it.

Ya know I was a newbie once, BUT I would test and experiment without having to post every 10 minutes to get someone's opinion. You learn more by doing yourself and you'll never completely learn the craft if someone is always telling you what to do or what to try next. Nowadays most newbies want it all today and sell tomorrow without putting in the work to REALLY know exactly how to get from point A to point B without someone telling them.

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I have purchased oils from gloworm and can vouch for their quality and her experience in proper handling and storage. So I am very surprised about this complaint. I think that as a newbie you may not be experienced enough to make a judgment call on the quality of the oils. As far as slander goes you did mention in your post that they smelled off like 'vinegar' and 'old lady perfume'.

Edited by Candybee
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Nothing to add but a thought. I wish I had only spent almost $50 on things from the classifieds. I have spend over $400 in January from the classifieds. :shocked2: Luckily everything has been great.

My best selling lotion is scented with a FO that I thought smelled awful OOB. Even fresh in lotion is wasn't too great. After a week, that lotion smelled divine and I can't keep enough made. OOB can be misleading for sure.

And I like old lady perfume scents.:laugh2:

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I have brand new bottles of some of these exact same oils that smell and look noticeably different.

If you have the exact oils from the exact supplier, just bought the latest from the classies here,...hmmmm!!! My first conclusion would be "bad" or "old" oils as well.

IMO: I would not want to test a oil in my wax, if it smelled simular to vinegar. Maybe some of you have the time to waste, or the wax,...but if it smells of vinegar,...thats just not a good sign and then I just do as others have mentioned,..I pitch them.

Ashleylynn, I did not see in the classy thread that you are speaking of, where it was even stated by the seller as to how old the oils were. Just that they were stored in a cool, dark place.

If you purchase in the future, look to see if the seller states in their thread how old the oils are,..or ask them, otherwise, don't buy.

Many of us have been "burned" in the classies,..but for the most part, it is very seldom. I hope your first purchase on this board, is not your last because you can get some really good deals there.


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I spend a decent chunk of change and ordered some FO from the classifieds and when they arrived today I was disappointed. They are all dark in color and smell 'off'... some smell like vinegar, and some smell like thick old lady perfume. Not a single one in the bunch smells good. I have always ordered new FO and am a noob so I don't really know the characteristics of old/improperly stored oils.

Did I get ripped off? :sad2:

While some oils will go off, I would be surprised of many of them did - most are pretty darned stable even if not stored in great conditions.

I remember being disappointed in MANY FO orders because I didn't get the smell I had anticipated - sometimes because descriptions can be a bit creative and often because FOs are not meant to be used, or evaluated, straight from the bottle.

I also know the seller and she knows her stuff. Plus her reputation is important to her - so while I can see one slipping past her it doesn't make sense that she would sell you a load of crap.

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Just one more thing I wanted to point out as I know from my own experience. FO's can smell different from person to person especially OOB. Also but rarely at different times, when I was pregnant 2 of my scents smelt bad and DH told me I was nuts every time I poured them. Now even 2 years later those 2 scents still smell bad to me, even after restocking from the supplier the new bottles smell bad. Just thought I would through that out there also.

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