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A confession

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I confess, I am totally in love with another persons candle. :sad2: I love these candles! I am always ordering more and can only hope my candle can compare to these one day. Ive been trying different waxes and my candles are only so- so so far. I wish there was a way I could find out what kind of wax these candles are made from. The lady that makes them says they are 100% soy. I know wicks and quality of FO (and maybe additives) makes a big difference but I wish I knew what kind of wax this was.

Just venting a little as my last candle came out pretty bleh.

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even thou it says soy...all soy does not preform the same way..

i don't know why, but they don't..

i have bought fo's that someone else said did well in their soy...but in mine it didn't do good..

the lady you are buying from, has probably worked a long time, perfecting her candles...and has probably spent an unknown amount of money...finding what works good for her...

i have went thru dozens and dozens of samplers, finding good scents that throw will in my soy...

so the only advice i can give, if you are wanting to make your own, is just keep trying....testing....testing & more testing..:) it is fun, but

sometimes it can be flusterating...

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To answer your question Top, my candles ht is mediocre, hers is AWESOME.

I have tried a mix of 4627 and soy and the ht was good but I'd like to try to keep mine 100%soy if I can. I do notice I get a headache when burning paraffin. I'm getting another brand of soy wax delivered today so will do some more testing. Ive tried cb135 and c-3. I'll be trying 415 later this afternoon.

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