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A good deodorant recipe?


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I just saw this post, sorry I haven't answered before. The first recipe is poured into a deodorant tube and glides on just like commercial deodorants.

Yes, the waxes can leave dingy spots on your bra, just use spray and wash or put detergent on that area before washing your clothes. DH has never complained about it staining his shirts, but he wears colored T-shirts.

yep it can stain your clothing.. using detergent can help but if someone overuses it, like CAKES it on, it can stain just like any other deoderant can, thats basically it :)

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Well I finally got around to playing around with this.. lol I tried lsg's first recipe and only changed up the oils used. :) It's very nice! It's taken a few days to get used to, but I'm really liking it so far. :) I'm going to try making it again, using tea tree and a fo, see if I'll still be able to smell the tea tree thru it. lol

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Still working on this one.

From what I understand, there are a few different concerns with anti-perspirants. One is the "chemical" issue, that's where folks get up in arms over aluminum and the like being absorbed through the skin. The other is the comedogenic issue, the idea that clogging the sweat glands is unhealthy.

Most of the recipes I see use highly comedogenic ingredients, especially coconut oil and cocoa or other butters, but I'd prefer to avoid them if I could.

Anyone else trying to figure out how to gently remove the "stink" from sweat without preventing the body from sweating or using ingredients commonly considered toxic to the body?

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  • 5 months later...
Here are the ingredients on the one I use:

Ingredients: Water, propylene glycol, sodium stearate, aloe vera, witch hazel, eucalyptus oil.

Hi NewOrleansLady,

I was sick of buying expensive deodorants from the market.

Thanks for the ingredients but could you tell me the quantity also?

Any input will be appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...

ohhhhhh I wanna try these recipes! I've been thinking of making my own but afraid of how long it would last and how hard it would be but it seems like most the recipes are easier and faster then going to the store to buy it. I've used the Tom's of maine stuff and man did it burn, so I switched back to Dove until I get the courage to make it myself :P. But has anyone had any problems where it doesn't last all day? and what do you do to counter that? Maybe get a small container and leave it in your purse?

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  • 1 month later...


I visit this forum and i i m really interested to try this deodorant you have done a great effort,but I have something to recommend you to use the same thing “Deodorant” I visit many sites and blogs most of the deodorant I like but the problem is they are not satisfy me but at last I visit this when I visit this then I feel this product give me that service which satisfied me at every aspects of the product that’s why I said to all of u to use this and feel the differences.Natural Deodorant


Edited by Diana17
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Anyone else trying to figure out how to gently remove the "stink" from sweat without preventing the body from sweating or using ingredients commonly considered toxic to the body?

I find tea tree oil to be very effective. I am menopausal and it works well for me. I sell tons of this deodorant too , people tell me it works very well.

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