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Clamshells for tart melts...


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I get mine from ICS, too. I ordered from Millcreek once, because they have them for $23/100, but I will not order theirs again. They are bigger (hold about 3.5 oz wax) but they seem to be made of thinner plastic. Mine warped very easily and did not hold up very well. I went back and looked at some I had made a few months ago, and the plastic has become rippled across the bottom, and it wasn't that way when I first poured them. I've never had clamshells from anywhere else behave the way MC's do. :(

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doing a little research to see if I want to go this route with tarts or just continue to indv. wrap.

couple of ???.

It seems that different sites, have different oz. that the cavitiy holds.

Peak lists it as about 1oz

js is about 2.5oz

millcreek 3.5oz

ics 2.5oz

has anyone used these and can they add some info for comparison?



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If you look, both Peak and JS are 1" x 1" cavities. Why Peak says 1 oz and JS says 2.5 oz is confusing! A 1" x 1" cavity will weigh the same in either. Possibly one is basing it on soy vs paraffin. Either way in my opinion in the case of JS vs Peak they would hold the same amount of wax. Speaking from personal use, the Peak product is what I consider high quality and I have been very pleased with it. Just my thoughts.


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I get about 3.5 ounces in MC's. All of the others I have tried (including ICS) hold almost 3 ounces. I put "approximately 3 ounces" on the label because they are frequently more like 2.9 oz even though I fill them to the brim. The funny thing is, that even when I sold the two sizes right next to each other, no one ever noticed that they were different. I don't really think you could charge more for the 3.5 oz. MC clams because customers just assume they are all the same size. HTH!

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That's great info!! thanks!!

I don't really want to charge more. I actually like the smaller size idea better.

I was hoping for about 2oz. I am currently using silicone mini cupcake molds which hold about 2oz. I have to ind. wrap but if I could save some extra steps with an easy packaging I might like that better.

Thanks again for the info!!!


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during this economy, people are ok spending a couple of dollars, even $5.00, but I have noticed the larger sizes are'nt moving.

I totally understand bx I feel the same way. Money is tight all around.

I just love the small size tart I can sell 2 for $1.00 and people are really happy with that.

thanks again for all of the great info!!!

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