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A little off in my calculations


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Without knowing your recipe I can't say. Plug your recipe into this calculatorThe lye calc at the_sageand after you click on calculate lye, a new page will come up with superfat amounts for lye. Look at the amount of lye you used and compare it to the lye calc.

Thanks Carrie,

I did that........and 10% superfat is 122 gms lye. I only used 110 gms. Oh well!!!

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maybe i'm confused, but if 10% superfat called for 122 gms, then soap made with 110 gms should be superfatted even higher, no? so it might be really soft, but how can it be dangerous?

less lye, more extra fat/oils, right?

or am i reading something wrong?


Edited by dogmom1
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sounds like it'll be fine.

but post the actual amounts of everything - oils, lye, water - and we can check it out for you.

Thanks CareBear,

I made a 2# recipe - Amounts are as follows:

Coconut 30% 272gm

Castor 5% 45gm

Lard 28% 254gm

Olive 32% 290 gm

Shea 4% 36 gm

Beeswax 1% 9gm

Goat Milk 220gm

Lye 109gm(suppose to be 129gm for my 2# recipe)


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Not sure this is right but I took the difference of 20 grams and divided it by 109 and it came up with 18% plus the other 5% discount your soaps is superfatted 23%

Vanessa I would take the other 20 grams or atleast 18 grams add it to a little water and rebatch that soap in a crockpot and cook on low atleast 1 hour and add a little more fragrance at the end.


Edited by Barbara AL
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