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YUK Roaches

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My son and his college roommates moved into a disgusting roach infested apartment. I have been sick over this all week. 22 but still my baby. They cleaned , painted and had a professional exterminator in who will come back weekly until they are rid of them. My question is this. The boys love my soy candles and dipped critters and are begging me for some now. They say it will make it feel cleaner there. I fear that the soy and the yummy FO may make matters worse. Why do you think:confused:

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As a roach expert, I can tell you that roaches, no matter if they're german roaches, american roaches, brown banded roaches, oriental roaches, etc. will eat just about ANYTHING:shocked2:.

When nothing else is available, they will eat the backside of wallpaper because it has glue. They will eat toothpaste, they'll eat nail clippings and yes, they will eat wax.

You can PM me and will tell you of an excellent product that you can buy at certain stores. You do it yourself and the product has residual power, that is, it will continue to kill roaches for at least 2 months following application.

FUY American roaches are the easiest ones to kill. The germans are tough!

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It wont make a difference really. I lived in one of those kind of homes when my husband was in the army. The extiminator had a weekly appiontment going with us. They finally got rid of them. We also put Boric acid on the counters in the kitchen at night. Mix with water and wipe things down. They track through it and take it home with them so when they group clean they all eat. It causes gas and bugs cant pass gas so they blow up. Wont get rid of all of them but it will help calm things down so the extiminator can get rid of them faster. Seriously Ive been through this infestation it helps tremendously. Also get rid of any left over card board boxes from the move they thrive and breed in those. Hope this helps.

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Also get rid of any left over card board boxes from the move they thrive and breed in those. Hope this helps.

Thank you I just called him told him no soy candles for now and I told him what you said about the boxes . he said holy crap and yelled to the others . Thanks .

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One thing they need to do is find out if the exterminator is changing up his pesticide. Roaches have a great way of existing....when they smell something that will kill them they instantly give birth and those babies are immune to whatever killed the parent. So if you aren't changing up the poison it's futile to pay an exterminator. Also the sticky pads are great and no pesticide involved.

They can make great boric acid balls. You roll a little ball of peanut butter with boric acid. They can then put them in the cupboards under the sink in the outta the way places. If they have mice you could also add some mice pellets to the mix. But they have to either wear gloves or wash their hands really really well after fooling with boric acid.

Someone told me roaches don't like mediciny smells like original Listerine...don't know for sure never tried it but I know it works for mosquitos & no seeums.

Have them make sure there are no water leaks under the sink. That will attract them.

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I guess this should now be in the off topic area. So sorry for that. But thank you all for your advice. He only had the apt sprayed for the 1st time Friday ( they moved in on the 1st)and he said they sprayed and put down a gel. Said he would be back next week for what you said the babies.( I shiver at the thought) But I am glad I posted the question about the soy . They have not unpacked or opened any food. because of this and I wouldn't want the yummy soy scents attracking them. NO CANDLES YET BOYS

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:laugh2:No, I'm not. When we lived up north I never saw an american roach until we moved to Texas. Many people here mistaken them for waterbugs, but waterbugs are quite different, really. The american roaches we have in this part of the country can be up to 2.5 inches long and about 1 inch wide. They run extremely fast (they can sprint at approx. 200 miles/hr!, no joke), and when they "fly" they're absolutely gross, truly something straight from Satan's kingdom!:laugh2: If you can find Demon wettable powder, grab it! It replaced Ficam and works just as well. Make sure the exterminator is quite reputable. Many will dilute the insecticide, and others will spray water!:angry2: (one very well known company was found guilty of such practice).

In Louisiana the american roaches are larger still... yuk! And let's not forget the Madagascar roach that can be as long as a man's palm and when it feels threatedned it will start hissing from its vent holes!

Now.... did I make your day or what??:grin2:

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Had a problem once when we moved into a house that already had the roaches. Exterminator could not get rid of them and then someone told us to try Combat Roach Killing Gel. It is brown and ugly and you need to make a line of it wherever you see them (kitchen, bathrooms, etc). Do it where you won't walk over it, the roaches will be gone fast! Keep it down for a few weeks though so all the babies are gone as well. They never came back to my house. :yay:

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Demon is available at Tractor Supply. Not cheap, but it works great. Also, if you care to stay up late at night to discover where they're coming from, equip yourself with a red light. Roaches cannot see the red light and will think "all is clear". It's difficult to swat them because they have such a typical way of running away from you, in head spinning quick zig zag motion. Plus the little pointy thing they have at the end of their filthy little bodies (near their butt) are specialized cells that detect the slightest movement of air. Just do the motion of raising your arm to swat them and they'll feel the air movement and...... scram!

Don't bother with most of the stuff you get at places like Walmart, Safeway, etc. the roaches have developed an immunity to most of those chemicals. However, one very good product is Bengal which has some residual effect. Every Summer we do 3 rounds of Bengal foggers in the crawl space (beginning of summer - around May in this part of the world, mid-July and then again in late September).

If you choose to fog the place, Bengal is the best one. Raid, & Co. just don't do a proper job, especially for a serious infestation. Good luck!:)

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